Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

They showed only one pickup. What they didn't show from that drop box is when the ballots were last picked up. It could have been a week's worth of ballots for all anyone knows; meanwhile, 2000 Mules claims it was one day's worth of ballots.
Oh yes they did. Watch it again. The states own records still show it. Go ahead and find something different. I'll wait.
There is plenty of evidence. You denying it does not change it.

Had it actually happened, there'd be video evidence of it happening. But all we got from Dinesh D'Souza were lame excuses for why he doesn't have any such video evidence.
Oh yes they did. Watch it again. The states own records still show it. Go ahead and find something different. I'll wait.

You're a lying piece of shit, FruitLoops. I just took a screenshot. There's nothing on that slip indicating the last pickup. They claim it's one day's worth of drop offs but like everything else they claim, they fail to prove it...

Screenshot_20220622-155321_Samsung Internet.jpg

Then immediately after pointing out that slip shows 1962 ballots were picked up, they claim geodata showed 271 people were at that drop box in Atlanta that day. But this is the image the show with hundreds of dots represent hose people...

Screenshot_20220622-155351_Samsung Internet.jpg

That's not Atlanta, you fucking dolt. It's Moscow :eusa_doh:

And because you're such a fucking dolt, you were easily duped by those liars.
As you watch today's hearing detailing Trump's corrupt pressure on state legislators, don't lose sight of this: Trump has told us clearly he'll do it all again once more pliable actors are in place. That's in the works right now. This about our future.

“Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of political Thugs, who have criminalized Justice to a level never seen before in our Country, going after the people who illegally SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN?” Trump ranted Tuesday morning. “Why aren’t they calling Nancy Pelosi, or the D.C. Mayor, who are IN CHARGE OF SECURITY, to ask why they turned down 10,000-20,000 National Guard Troops, or Soldiers, prior to January 6? Why won’t they discuss the massive voter fraud and irregularities that took place in the Election, the reason Jan 6 happened?”
How long is this dog and pony show going to run? Are they trying to stretch it out into the elections?
"Whether his actions were criminal will ultimately be for others to decide. But what he did was without a doubt unconstitutional. It was unpatriotic, and it was fundamentally un-American," Schiff said.

"The committee has appeared to make the case that Trump directly engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the government," ABC.
The report above did not do justice to the Jan. 6 hearing today. One had to watch it to get the full impact. Suffice to say that it was extremely damaging to Trump and the Republican Party, and it is being played out to a national television audience. It is as if Trump wanted to destroy his own party.

One can only surmise that Trump was deranged. He was warned countless times by his own advisors, his own family, for crying out loud. To attempt a coup of this size with little or no support was just plain nuts, doomed to fail from the very start. Only someone with a mental problem would try it.

CNN reports, "Donald Trump is growing increasingly irritated with the House panel investigating the January 6, 2021, riot as it lifts the curtain on some of its findings with public hearings that have garnered gavel-to-gavel cable coverage – much to the annoyance of the TV-obsessed former President.

"He has taken his complaints about the committee on the road, lashing out at the congressional panel during a speech to conservatives in Nashville last Friday."

“I don’t understand why Kevin didn’t put anyone on the committee,” a reference to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s decision to boycott the select committee after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two Republican members he originally chose to sit on the panel.

"Trump’s growing frustration with the absence of any hard core supporters on the select committee – which has given the panel uninterrupted air time and deprived Republicans of the ability to cross-examine witnesses in real time."

Trump is clueless and completely unaware of his own vulnerability. He really thinks some should come forward and defend him.

There is no defense, and Republicans are proving it with their silence.

McCarthy didn't assign anyone to the committee because he couldn't find any Republicans willing to make fools of themselves trying to defend Trump's actions. McCarthy promised a Republican investigation. There was none for the same reason.

Those testifying against Trump are members of his party.

I told you Trump was nuts.

The problem facing the Republican Party: They are culpable. On Jan. 7, 2021, 147 Republicans voted to accept Trump's Big Lie, to wit, the election was stolen from Trump. In this year's primaries, many Republicans who are winning have Trump's endorsement, meaning those Republicans also believe in Trump's lie, thus earning Trump's endorsement.

In view of the extremely damaging testimony in the past week, one would call that culpable.

How do the forum's Republicans feel about all this? We don't know. Their silence continues.
He ruined the lives of two good people who were devoted to free and fair elections. trump is s Serial Liar who knew his words could cause someone to be hurt....but did not care.

These ladies...and anyone bullied by trump should sue his fat ars.
He ruined the live's of two ?????? Really now ROTFLMBO.... What about Trump and his family, and how they were relentlessly attacked by the leftist for 4+ year's ?? What about the money they lost, the brand that was attempted to be ruined, the lie's that were told etc ????

Trump ought to be the richest man in the world if he sued the Democrat's for attacking him and his family like they did.

I hope he runs and wins in 2024, because he's definitely got unfinished business awaiting his return.

Just like McArthur in the Philippines campaign, where he made them the promise that he would return, and he made good on his promise just like Trump made good on his to America, and will return to finish the job.

No weak ace leftist is going to stop what's coming no matter how evil all the leftist try to be.
He ruined the live's of two ?????? Really now ROTFLMBO.... What about Trump and his family, and how they were relentlessly attacked by the leftist for 4+ year's ??
This is really a perfect illustration of what being in the Trump cult does to one's morality and ethics.
What do you care? You haven't watched a second of it. You're mind was made up before any of it even happened.

What are you worried about, hmm?
Our government leaders should be focused on REAL PROBLEMS instead of these non-stop melodramas the Democrats keep cooking up. I know you just eat it up, but those of us who analyze what's going on get frustrated.
They aren't doing shit.
Or maybe you aren't paying attention and don't know what you are talking about.

Just like the Jan 6 hearings.

You spend years applauding the baby obstruction of the Republicans.

Then claim the government isn't doing shit.

Pick a lane.

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