Jan 6 Panel Withdraws Subpoena Issued to Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
What do you make of this? My guess is that apparently the whole thing was just another nothing burger.

this time.jpg
Our country has record inflation, wide open southern border, out of control crime, urban areas of cities a war zone, hoards of homeless drug addicted people defecating on the streets, uncontrolled rioting and looting, etc.
While our lawmakers major focus is trying to find something, anything, on a former President that has been out of office for 2 years. .. :cuckoo:
Maybe they're starting to back away from this like the covid mask and vaxx demanders did. They gone be asking for J6 select committee amnesty to keep their butts out the tar and feathers.
Maybe they're starting to back away from this like the covid mask and vaxx demanders did. They gone be asking for J6 select committee amnesty to keep their butts out the tar and feathers.

They know they don't have anything that will stick to Trump. The who January 6 committee bullshit has been a Tijuana donkey show from the start.
What do you make of this? My guess is that apparently the whole thing was just another nothing burger.

View attachment 742869

Democrats finally thought this through and have decided the last thing they want / need is Trump being able to defend himself, being able to face his accusers, pointing out how THEY failed to do their jobs of protecting the Capitol...
They know that they would lose.
They could not take a chance on Trump beating them again.
This proves that the Jan 6 committee was just another one of Nancy Pelosi's politically motivated smear campaigns.
The really sad thing is that the Press played along with it.
History will not be kind to Pelosi and these Dirty Dems.
Hopefully there will be some books written about the vile and vicious behavior of the Corrupt Democratic Party during Pelosi's term as SOTH.
They could not take a chance on Trump beating them again.
Rump beating them? That's damned funny.

Rump is toast... after January 6, 2021, he's not going to be ":beating" anyone... ever again.

Sic semper tyrannis ...American-style... laughing-down your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God.


If you have an ounce of brains you'll Dump Rump while you still can... or lose not only the Presidency but the Senate and the House as well in November 2024.

America will not vote you back into power if that modern-day Benedict Arnold is still at the top of your ticket. Snap out of it. Wake up. While there's still time.

Or you can continue down your present path, with blinkers on, and your heads up your a$$e$, until you get clobbered in November 2024. Bigly.
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Jan 6 Panel Withdraws Subpoena Issued to Trump​

They had their little shot at grandstanding for the cameras and it didn’t pay off in any way with the general public. If the committee still exists after the next Congress is sworn in the last thing they want is Trump in front of the cameras in a committee with a less antagonistic make up.
They know they don't have anything that will stick to Trump. The who January 6 committee bullshit has been a Tijuana donkey show from the start.
The show was actually in Ensenada and as a young swab I took it in back about late ‘77 or early ‘78. Having observed both it is my observation that your point is spot on.
Join the Navy, see the world.
What do you make of this? My guess is that apparently the whole thing was just another nothing burger.

View attachment 742869

It was never anything more than Democrats abusing their power for political purposes. After all of this they really still have nothing but their biased partisan opinions and twisted logic as proof. Yes, Trump called the elections fraudulent many a time. So what? Democrats have done the same many times over.
Rump beating them? That's damned funny.

Rump is toast... after January 6, 2021, he's not going to be ":beating" anyone... ever again.

Sic semper tyrannis ...American-style... laughing-down your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God.


If you have an ounce of brains you'll Dump Rump while you still can... or lose not only the Presidency but the Senate and the House as well in November 2024.

America will not vote you back into power if that modern-day Benedict Arnold is still at the top of your ticket. Snap out of it. Wake up. While there's still time.

Or you can continue down your present path, with blinkers on, and your heads up your a$$e$, until you get clobbered in November 2024. Bigly.
I love how Trump enrages the crazy Left Wingers.
Trump made the Democrats expose themselves as being totally corrupt, completely dishonest and ethically bankrupt.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous political cult just like the Nazi party was.

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