Jan. 6 participant Ashli Babbitt's husband, conservative group file a wrongful death suit against U.S. government

Influence peddling is not illegal.

This didn't happen but is instead your thots and feelings based on hearsay.

The billions Biden is sending to Ukraine is not illegal.

If you define crooked as lying, then yes.
Influence peddling is not illegal.
Actually it is. It is a form of bribery. Sounds like you need to go back before the court of public opinion with your wild claims. LOL
I did answer your question.

Now you know what criminal activities hunter is charged with.

If you want to rephrase your question feel free..or dodge, it's up to you.
What he is being charged with at this time only represents a tip of the iceberg of his criminality. Why wouldn't he testify before Congress, did he commit a crime by doing that? Sounds like Joe knew and encouraged him not to show which is a crime also.
If you don't like presidents who lie and all presidents lie then you don't like any presidents.

Is this summary incorrect?
Not all president's lie so you are incorrect. Joe Biden's bald-faced Brazen gas lighting about knowledge of his son's business during a presidential debate certainly should be against the law. I've never witnessed a president lie so willfully and brazenly lie as during that debate. You're welcome to expose another lie with the gravity of that one and get back to me. Oh there was Obama's if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor lie. But that had nothing to do with criminal Behavior like Joe the criminal.
SCOTUS said it isn’t a form of bribery in McDonnell v US.
Depends on how it's done and what goods and cash are exchanged for favorable policies that may be put in place by a cull like Biden. I would put the transaction with Ukraine and the bidens in the category of influence peddling bribery, which is Criminal.
What he is being charged with at this time only represents a tip of the iceberg of his criminality. Why wouldn't he testify before Congress, did he commit a crime by doing that? Sounds like Joe knew and encouraged him not to show which is a crime also.

Thanks for your thots and feels.

Not all president's lie so you are incorrect.

Which modern presidents has not lied?

Joe Biden's bald-faced Brazen gas lighting about knowledge of his son's business during a presidential debate certainly should be against the law.

You think lying should be against the law?

Are you not familiar with the first amendment?

I've never witnessed a president lie so willfully and brazenly lie as during that debate.

Thanks for you thots and feels.

You're welcome to expose another lie with the gravity of that one and get back to me.

Trump told America that COVID was no big deal and would disappear in a few days while simultaneously telling Woodward how dangerous the virus was.

Oh there was Obama's if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor lie. But that had nothing to do with criminal Behavior like Joe the criminal.
You actually thought that you would be able to keep your doctor in perpetuity if you liked them?

That is funny stuff. Thanks for the chuckle.
Depends on how it's done and what goods and cash are exchanged for favorable policies that may be put in place by a cull like Biden.

Speculation. Their was no exchange.

I would put the transaction with Ukraine and the bidens in the category of influence peddling bribery, which is Criminal.
Well I guess since some random guy in a political forums believes it, it must be true.

You are unable to prove Joe received 5 million dollars so you are speculating again.
Receiving money from foreign entities is not illegal.

You aren't very good at this.
That's about three in a row I've proved you wrong with. Who's not very good at this? Withholding Aid money so you can personally profit is certainly against the law.
Depends on how it's done and what goods and cash are exchanged for favorable policies that may be put in place by a cull like Biden. I would put the transaction with Ukraine and the bidens in the category of influence peddling bribery, which is Criminal.
What was influenced?
Thanks for your thots and feels.

Which modern presidents has not lied?

You think lying should be against the law?

Are you not familiar with the first amendment?

Thanks for you thots and feels.

Trump told America that COVID was no big deal and would disappear in a few days while simultaneously telling Woodward how dangerous the virus was.
Now you know what criminal activities hunter is charged with.

you don't like presidents who lie and all presidents lie then you don't like any presidents.

Thanks for your thots and feels.

You actually thought that you would be able to keep your doctor in perpetuity if you liked them?

That is funny stuff. Thanks for the chuckle.
Again you ignore the question, must be because you have nothing. How embarrassing
You haven't proven me wrong. Your opinions are not proof.

Is it your contention that the president of the United States directing his VP to withhold aid is against law? Really?
You are wrong about the whole basis of the court of public opinion. You were wrong about peddling influence. It most certainly is bribery and a crime.
You haven't proven me wrong. Your opinions are not proof.

Is it your contention that the president of the United States directing his VP to withhold aid is against law? Really?

Speculation. Their was no exchange.

Well I guess since some random guy in a political forums believes it, it must be true.

You are unable to prove Joe received 5 million dollars so you are speculating again.
This is all I need in the court of public opinion. Get used to it, more on the way LOL

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