Jan. 6 Protestors Allegedly Met With White House Staff and Members of Congress in Advance, Were Promised Pardons

Congrats on beating me to this one Dana - Just came across it and then it popped up on the "already being discussed" radar.

Yeah, the more we find out about this, the more we know for DAMN sure that this was being strategized by Donald and his minions since right after the election culminating with the "War Room" at the Willard Hotel, the 55k bill for which was reimbursed to Bernie Kerik by the Trump Campaign itself.

Pretty much no surprise why Republicans wanted no part of this investigation.

Gosar, Meadows, Boebert, Brooks, Cawthorn, Biggs and Gohmert?

When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
The Trumpsters will dismiss this out of hand, of course, but we'll see what facts turn up and who spills the beans, if anyone.

And, if true, no one will be surprised. This could turn out to be pretty interesting.

If it's true it answers the question as to why those politicians have been so against the investigations.

Here is the report on Variety. It's a shortened version:

Jan. 6 Protestors Allegedly Met With White House Staff and Members of Congress in Advance, Were Promised Pardons

Here is the whole report from Rolling Stone Magazine.

A bombshell report from Variety’s sister publication Rolling Stone alleges that organizers of the Jan. 6 protests, which escalated to violence when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, met numerous times with White House staff and members of Congress to strategize in the days prior.

At least three organizers of the Stop the Steal rally are speaking with the House panel investigating the riot, with one saying that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) even promised them a “blanket pardon” in advance.

“Our impression was that it was a done deal,” the organizer said. “That he’d spoken to the president about it in the Oval … in a meeting about pardons and that our names came up. They were working on submitting the paperwork and getting members of the House Freedom Caucus to sign on as a show of support.”

According to the organizers, the representatives that spoke with the organizers or sent high-level staffers to join also included Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Two of the three organizers also said they interacted with members of Trump’s team, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

As for why these organizers are speaking to the House panel? “It’s so important is that — despite Republicans refusing to participate … this commission’s all we got as far as being able to uncover the truth about what happened at the Capitol that day. It’s clear that a lot of bad actors set out to cause chaos…They made us all look like shit.”
The only organizers speaking to the House panel were the folks that Pelosi used to cause the false-flag operation in the first place. So that part is true. The claims that the White House was involved is an outright fabrication.
LOL still waiting on the piss tape too

you people are so easy

Rolling Stone?

The only journalist they ever had, taibbi, is gone
When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
Ha Ha Ha. Remember your a Republican... no good liar.

Here is the report on Variety. It's a shortened version:

Jan. 6 Protestors Allegedly Met With White House Staff and Members of Congress in Advance, Were Promised Pardons

Here is the whole report from Rolling Stone Magazine.

A bombshell report from Variety’s sister publication Rolling Stone alleges that organizers of the Jan. 6 protests, which escalated to violence when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, met numerous times with White House staff and members of Congress to strategize in the days prior.

At least three organizers of the Stop the Steal rally are speaking with the House panel investigating the riot, with one saying that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) even promised them a “blanket pardon” in advance.

“Our impression was that it was a done deal,” the organizer said. “That he’d spoken to the president about it in the Oval … in a meeting about pardons and that our names came up. They were working on submitting the paperwork and getting members of the House Freedom Caucus to sign on as a show of support.”

According to the organizers, the representatives that spoke with the organizers or sent high-level staffers to join also included Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Two of the three organizers also said they interacted with members of Trump’s team, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

As for why these organizers are speaking to the House panel? “It’s so important is that — despite Republicans refusing to participate … this commission’s all we got as far as being able to uncover the truth about what happened at the Capitol that day. It’s clear that a lot of bad actors set out to cause chaos…They made us all look like shit.”
They list most of the crazy gop reps there. A few weeks ago MTG was threatening telecom companies if they complied with the committees request. Even for her it was a bit deranged but if this is accurate she has good reason to want to hide evidence.

It would be amazing if they could net all of these crazies in one swoop but given the widespread nature of the conspiracy I would be amazed if someone did not strike a deal.
When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
You have no case.
Your statement was nothing but a bunch of rubbish, bigotry, and false stereotypes.
The primary indicator that this is a load of crap is the fact that Democrats claimed that ANTIFA never existed and was just an idea.
We all know this is a lie....thus everything they say from hereon in is highly suspect.
They list most of the crazy gop reps there. A few weeks ago MTG was threatening telecom companies if they complied with the committees request. Even for her it was a bit deranged but if this is accurate she has good reason to want to hide evidence.

It would be amazing if they could net all of these crazies in one swoop but given the widespread nature of the conspiracy I would be amazed if someone did not strike a deal.
Look Limey...you have enough of your own problems.
Stay out of ours.

Here is the report on Variety. It's a shortened version:

Jan. 6 Protestors Allegedly Met With White House Staff and Members of Congress in Advance, Were Promised Pardons

Here is the whole report from Rolling Stone Magazine.

A bombshell report from Variety’s sister publication Rolling Stone alleges that organizers of the Jan. 6 protests, which escalated to violence when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, met numerous times with White House staff and members of Congress to strategize in the days prior.

At least three organizers of the Stop the Steal rally are speaking with the House panel investigating the riot, with one saying that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) even promised them a “blanket pardon” in advance.

“Our impression was that it was a done deal,” the organizer said. “That he’d spoken to the president about it in the Oval … in a meeting about pardons and that our names came up. They were working on submitting the paperwork and getting members of the House Freedom Caucus to sign on as a show of support.”

According to the organizers, the representatives that spoke with the organizers or sent high-level staffers to join also included Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Two of the three organizers also said they interacted with members of Trump’s team, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

As for why these organizers are speaking to the House panel? “It’s so important is that — despite Republicans refusing to participate … this commission’s all we got as far as being able to uncover the truth about what happened at the Capitol that day. It’s clear that a lot of bad actors set out to cause chaos…They made us all look like shit.”
From the shit rag that gave us fake rape fairy tales?!?

When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
You couldn't be more full of shit if you were connected directly to a sewer line.

They list most of the crazy gop reps there. A few weeks ago MTG was threatening telecom companies if they complied with the committees request. Even for her it was a bit deranged but if this is accurate she has good reason to want to hide evidence.

It would be amazing if they could net all of these crazies in one swoop but given the widespread nature of the conspiracy I would be amazed if someone did not strike a deal.

Yes she threatened that company because they have evidence she didn't want the committee to know.
Yes she threatened that company because they have evidence she didn't want the committee to know.
I would think that her interference will not help her if they get around to charging her.Its obstruction and blatantly so.

Here is the report on Variety. It's a shortened version:

Jan. 6 Protestors Allegedly Met With White House Staff and Members of Congress in Advance, Were Promised Pardons

Here is the whole report from Rolling Stone Magazine.

A bombshell report from Variety’s sister publication Rolling Stone alleges that organizers of the Jan. 6 protests, which escalated to violence when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, met numerous times with White House staff and members of Congress to strategize in the days prior.

At least three organizers of the Stop the Steal rally are speaking with the House panel investigating the riot, with one saying that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) even promised them a “blanket pardon” in advance.

“Our impression was that it was a done deal,” the organizer said. “That he’d spoken to the president about it in the Oval … in a meeting about pardons and that our names came up. They were working on submitting the paperwork and getting members of the House Freedom Caucus to sign on as a show of support.”

According to the organizers, the representatives that spoke with the organizers or sent high-level staffers to join also included Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Two of the three organizers also said they interacted with members of Trump’s team, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

As for why these organizers are speaking to the House panel? “It’s so important is that — despite Republicans refusing to participate … this commission’s all we got as far as being able to uncover the truth about what happened at the Capitol that day. It’s clear that a lot of bad actors set out to cause chaos…They made us all look like shit.”
Hysterical garbage; the table scraps from today's fascist Democrat Nothing Burger.

Democrats: Deranged & gullible terrorists.
My God Dana. Rolling Stone stories are always wrong.LOLOLOLOL

A Pardon...............You already hit 2 joints today?

Got anything better as a source? Looking in your delusional mind is edumacating
why can't u just believe what you are told ?

you are so worrisome to the liars in charge..


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