Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

The Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Nancy Pelosi. March 6 & 7 on Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

Come on my Liberal friends. What will you whine about if you don't watch?

Now being promoted on Fox News.
I encourage the media to keep January 6 at the top of the consciousness of the voters going into 2024.

It’s been the same since day one
People are gathered and for two hours they mill around . Then the doors open and they move inside. Then after inside the Pelosi plants arrive and start the disruptions which produce a fearful response from the packed inside and curiosity from the very many still outside about what all the ruckus was about from the people inside
From this, emotionally diseased liberals decided to declare an insurrection and decided to pretend this bunch was trying to take over the government and install their own.
You left out the assault on 140 cops and the millions of dollars in damage.
Stop the lies I posted full quotes from the Mueller report where he stated 3 separate DECLINATIONS on the Russian collusion stuff and ZERO Prosecution charges in total of the report.
You expected something different from the lying leftards?

I keep telling y'all, every single word out of a leftard mouth is a lie.

They lie, it's what they do. Never trust a leftard.
Should illegals be jailed,? You started this.... I'll end it you fcking fat ass

I think you're getting your threads mixed up during your fits of unhinged rage. Perhaps take a midol or something and try to calm down a little bit.


If they have an assylum claim that is a bit different as it speaks to the motivation to cross into our nation vs the guy who assaults a cop because he's upset about an election he didn't even vote in.

But I have no problem with illegal aliens being jailed.
I think you're getting your threads mixed up during your fits of unhinged rage. Perhaps take a midol or something and try to calm down a little bit.

Give it a rest ya dumbed down dumbass.

Now AGAIN, using your logic should illegals be jailed? Yes or no you blabbering shitstain
Give it a rest ya dumbed down dumbass.
Reminding the voting public about the failed insurrection is a plus for the Democrats. Your unhinged anger is rather delicious though. You should partake in the classic right wing pass time of shooting up a shopping center or something to calm your nerves.
Now AGAIN, using your logic should illegals be jailed? Yes or no you blabbering shitstain
Man...your unhinged rage prevents you from reading the message you're responding to..
Reminding the voting public about the failed insurrection is a plus for the Democrats. Your unhinged anger is rather delicious though. You should partake in the classic right wing pass time of shooting up a shopping center or something to calm your nerves.

Man...your unhinged rage prevents you from reading the message you're responding to..

Yes or no. Should illegals be jailed.... it's simple and your childish deflecting won't save you

You're caught up in your own web
Don't forget the 5 police officers that were killed, yet none of them actually died as a result of the 1/6 events.
I heard it was five people who died--all protesters--and Officer Sicnic who passed away the next day.

It requires a special type of dumbass to think that an officer just happened to drop dead and had nothing to do with the trauma the day before. But luckily for us...whenever we require a special type of dumbass...you show up.
I heard it was five people who died--all protesters--and Officer Sicnic who passed away the next day.

It requires a special type of dumbass to think that an officer just happened to drop dead and had nothing to do with the trauma the day before. But luckily for us...whenever we require a special type of dumbass...you show up.
How do you explain the FACT that Officer Sicnic was plainly visible, in perfectly good health, helping people, after he was supposedly murdered with a fire extinguisher? Oh, by the way, he was wearing a helmet. You believe he was murdered by being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.
How do you explain the FACT that Officer Sicnic was plainly visible, in perfectly good health, helping people, after he was supposedly murdered with a fire extinguisher? Oh, by the way, he was wearing a helmet. You believe he was murdered by being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.
So you think that he just happened to drop dead the next day and the violent assault didn't have anything to do with it?

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