Jan 6th and this is chilling

Because they don’t want to state anything, whether confirming or denying, anything related to undercover agents.

Not complicated.
If he isn't an undercover agent she is free to say anything she wants about him and it wouldn't be confirming or denying anything related to undercover agents, right Dumbass?

You have painted yourself into a corner. :thewave: :thewave: :thewave:
The reason being that the FBI didn’t want to say anything regarding undercover agents.

So you are saying Epps was an undercover FBI agent.

Got it.
Could be that the FBI doesn't trust Trump's asseaters like Lyin Ted, who still defend him despite his coup attempt.

Think Pence does?
Look at you still going on with your stupid word games. Pathetic.

You can go ahead and address the topic now you little bitch.
Wow! I nailed it with the last sentence of that post, huh?

Now cry some more about me using your words against you being "word games" Fuckwit
If he isn't an undercover agent she is free to say anything she wants about him and it wouldn't be confirming or denying anything related to undercover agents, right Dumbass?

You have painted yourself into a corner. :thewave: :thewave: :thewave:
Now I see why you play word games. When you actually present a claim, I can see that you’re just not very smart.

No, you dumbass. Listen carefully. I think it’s perfectly reasonable that she wouldn’t say anything about undercover agents. That includes confirming or denying anything about them.

It’s very simple. Even you could understand it. But you’re probably just going to look for some stupid word game gotcha instead of addressing what I said.
Could be that the FBI doesn't trust Trump's asseaters like Lyin Ted, who still defend him despite his coup attempt.

Think Pence does?
She was under oath, so you are saying she committed perjury because of politics.

Got it.
Now I see why you play word games. When you actually present a claim, I can see that you’re just not very smart.

No, you dumbass. Listen carefully. I think it’s perfectly reasonable that she wouldn’t say anything about undercover agents. That includes confirming or denying anything about them.

It’s very simple. Even you could understand it. But you’re probably just going to look for some stupid word game gotcha instead of addressing what I said.
Once again for the super slow............if Epps wasn't an FBI agent anything she said about him wouldn't be confirming or denying ANYTHING about an FBI agent.

Get it now, Simpleton? I'm guessing your single digit IQ brain won't be able to comprehend that simple thought.
Wow! I nailed it with the last sentence of that post, huh?

Now cry some more about me using your words against you being "word games" Fuckwit.:dance::dance::dance:
You think your pathetic word games mean anything? It’s fucking pathetic.

Remember that time you said he incited a riot and then ran away like a little bitch when I showed you that he specifically said that they should be peaceful? I do. Why did you run away from that you little bitch?

You’re so bad at discussing the topic. That’s why you‘re the sidekick word game bitch.
Of the over eight hundred Trump goons who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted, how many blamed a 60-year-old wedding venue owner from Arizona for whispering in their ears?

Such testimony would be what is called "evidence." It is required in reality-based adjudications.
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Impoverished? They are paying millions to watch people play golf.

That is not Islam, but just the OPEC countries, who are actually not very Islamic at all.
The way Islam was really established was that Mohammad was selected by a wealthy widow, and out of eternal gratitude, increased the rights of women.
Under the previous Judaism, women were considered to not have souls, so were not allowed to vote, testify, own property, inherit, divorce, etc.
Mohammad changed all that with Islam, out of gratitude to his wealthy wife.

I say "impoverished" because western colonial powers invaded, controlled, and drained most Islamic countries.
If not for Aramco, then Saudi Arabia would be impoverished as well.
Once again for the super slow............if Epps wasn't an FBI agent anything she said about him wouldn't be confirming or denying ANYTHING about an FBI agent.

Get it now, Simpleton? I'm guessing your single digit IQ brain won't be able to comprehend that simple thought.
Holy shit. I explained it and you STILL don’t understand.

I’ll try again since I know you usually just play word games.

She wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything about who is or isn’t an undercover FBI agent. She’s not going to tell us who is an undercover agent. She’s not going to tell us who isn’t an undercover agent.

It’s really not that complicated.
You think your pathetic word games mean anything? It’s fucking pathetic.

Remember that time you said he incited a riot and then ran away like a little bitch when I showed you that he specifically said that they should be peaceful? I do. Why did you run away from that you little bitch?

You’re so bad at discussing the topic. That’s why you‘re the sidekick word game bitch.
You seem confused, Simpleton. I never ran away from any of your bullshit lies. I have stuffed every one of them right up your stretched out ass. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Holy shit. I explained it and you STILL don’t understand.

I’ll try again since I know you usually just play word games.

She wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything about who is or isn’t an undercover FBI agent. She’s not going to tell us who is an undercover agent. She’s not going to tell us who isn’t an undercover agent.

It’s really not that complicated.
Once again you have to change your story.....

This is what you claimed you said:

She wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything about who is or isn’t an undercover FBI agent.

This is what you actually said:

No, you dumbass. Listen carefully. I think it’s perfectly reasonable that she wouldn’t say anything about undercover agents. That includes confirming or denying anything about them.

Let's see if you can identify where you did a 180. I'm sure this is where your pussy gets all butthurt about me playing "word games" when I point out how your words change from post to post when you are called out on your bullshit.
You seem confused, Simpleton. I never ran away from any of your bullshit lies. I have stuffed every one of them right up your stretched out ass. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Oh yea? Then explain how he incited a riot when he called for them to be peaceful.

Go ahead and answer this time you little bitch.
Oh yea? Then explain how he incited a riot when he called for them to be peaceful.

Go ahead and answer this time you little bitch.
The videos of him doing so have been posted. Your continued denial of reality isn't my problem, Simpleton.
If he isn't an undercover agent she is free to say anything she wants about him and it wouldn't be confirming or denying anything related to undercover agents, right Dumbass?

You have painted yourself into a corner. :thewave: :thewave: :thewave:
I wonder why she did not say that she had never had anything to do with him?
Easy enough and identifies nothing top secret.
Once again you have to change your story.....

This is what you claimed you said:

She wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything about who is or isn’t an undercover FBI agent.

This is what you actually said:

No, you dumbass. Listen carefully. I think it’s perfectly reasonable that she wouldn’t say anything about undercover agents. That includes confirming or denying anything about them.

Let's see if you can identify where you did a 180. I'm sure this is where your pussy gets all butthurt about me playing "word games" when I point out how your words change from post to post when you are called out on your bullshit.
More word games.

I’ve clarified this statement just for you. You don’t want to address that. You just want to try to play word game gotcha because that’s all you’re capable of.

The FBI is never going to say who is or who is NOT an asset. To do so would compromise the next asset.

If the FBI was known to say this guy or that guy is not an agent...what do they do when asked about someone who IS an asset? At that point "no comment" actually IS a confirmation.

Epps is a nobody and trying to claim that thousands of Trumpers and Oathkeepers and Proudboys (who PLANNED to do exactly what they did) were influenced by ONE guy?

That's desperation
The videos of him doing so have been posted. Your continued denial of reality isn't my problem, Simpleton.
The video you’re referring to shows him saying that they need to be peaceful. So how is he inciting a riot when he specifies that they need to be peaceful?

Here, I’ll even post the video.

You can answer the question this time you little bitch. Don’t run away from it. Answer it.

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