Jan 6th and this is chilling

Not gay, assface. The questions put to that woman by Lyin Ted shows that he's an idiot looking for a scapegoat to protect Trump who wouldn't piss on Cruz if he was on fire.

You Trump asslickers would be better served if you took your head out of your ass & paid attention to what Trump is. A strongman wannabe who did & will again do anything, anything to stay in power.

Wise up.
You seem upset? Need a safe space?

Let’s see

Inflation - check

Dramatic rise in food and fuel prices - check

Disaster at the border - check

Stock Market Crash - check

Let’s go Brandon
He wasn’t a Fascist pig. You Jew hating fruit cake.
Hey look:


Trump was & is a Fascist strongman wannabe who wasen't man enough to admit he had his ass beat in the election. And you're not man enough either.

Now if you can prove that the election was stolen, I'll change my mind.

I'm waiting. Spare me the conspiracy bullshit about lasers, bamboo, voting machines, middle of the night drop offs etc etc.
Hey look:


Trump was & is a Fascist strongman wannabe who wasen't man enough to admit he had his ass beat in the election. And you're not man enough either.

Now if you can prove that the election was stolen, I'll change my mind.

I'm waiting. Spare me the conspiracy bullshit about lasers, bamboo, voting machines, middle of the night drop offs etc etc.
What policy was Fascist? Moving our embassy to Jerusalem? Name one.
There’s a video. Posted multiple times. That you refuse to watch. Of your boy Epps inciting violence and telling people to storm the Capitol.
There is no evidence that Epps whispered to Trump goons to savage the police, break windows and doors, invade the Capitol, and try to prevent Congress from fulfilling its duty to the People as weird worshipers falsely allege.

No Trump goon has claimed he committed his criminal acts because a 60-year old owner of a wedding venue from Arizona whispered to him.

That is a contrivance of hyper-partisan propaganda outlets that control weak, vulnerable minds.
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

J. Michael Luttig, a retired federal judge, said Pence heeding Trump’s directive would have “plunged America into what I believe would have been tantamount to a revolution within a constitutional crisis.”

The Post reports, "John Eastman, a conservative lawyer advising President Donald Trump, sought a presidential pardon after pushing a plan to overturn the 2020 election that he knew to be illegal, evidence and testimony showed during a hearing Thursday by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Eastman had aggressively pushed a plan for Vice President Mike Pence to use his authority to help overturn the results, but acknowledged to Pence attorney Greg Jacob that the plot violated the law and would lose at the Supreme Court “nine to nothing,” Jacob testified.

"Giuliani and Eastman, two of Trump’s top advisers, knew their plot was probably illegal, witnesses said. And here’s the key thing: Knowledge of the plot being illegal is significant when it comes to proving whether the Jan. 6 plotters committed a crime. [If Trump's two key advisors knew it was a crime, then Trump knew it was a crime and White House lawyers were saying so.]

"Eastman emailed Giuliani and asked to be put on Trump’s pardon list."

"The House's ongoing Jan. 6 committee hearings are illegitimate and their presentation one-sided. They failed to include "all exculpatory witnesses, and anyone who so easily points out the flaws in their story," Donald Trump.

The committee has been literally begging for Trump's associates to come forward.

The Post continued, "Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) specifically named House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.); Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), and Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who corresponded with Trump lawyer John Eastman about his attempts to overturn the election results."

Earlier, the committee had urged Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, and others to come forward.

“We’re not going to close the door on hearing from anyone,” Aguilar said.

So far, none have come forward to defend Trump. Congressional Republicans are so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

The forum's Republicans remain silent on the issues as well.

With Trump as their leader, Republicans expect to win control of Congress in November.
She could not say No because she knows that’s a lie and when the lie is proven later then she would be liable
Bingo and the tard I am asking knows that and so did Ted Cruz. Her saying she can't answer was confirming the conspiracy we all know happened.
I don't know that it's nonsense. The pathetic lack of evidence that you guys have presented suggests that it's nonsense.

Look at you abandoning your stupid word games. I'm proud of you.
You don't know it's nonsense? Your story changes by the minute.

Like Ray Epps working for the FBI. Do you believe that nonsense?

Now cry some more about me using your words against you being "word games" Fuckwit.:dance::dance::dance:
You don't know it's nonsense? Your story changes by the minute.

Now cry some more about me using your words against you being "word games" Fuckwit.:dance::dance::dance:
Look at you still going on with your stupid word games. Pathetic.

You can go ahead and address the topic now you little bitch.
I had the desired result.

You are on TILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::thewave::thewave:
I’m the one on tilt when you’re spamming funny ratings? Whatever you need to tell yourself. Maybe throw in a few more emojis if it helps you feel better about being a pathetic little bitch.
Didn't want to get into any specifics regarding undercover agents or undercover informants. Neither confirming nor denying anything.

You guys reading anything more into in than that is because of your wild imaginations.
If Epps was neither and undercover agent or undercover informant she could have easily said so without getting into any specifics regarding undercover agents or informants then, right Dumbass?

Can't wait to see you try to spin your way out of this.
The reason being that the FBI didn’t want to say anything regarding undercover agents. Very simple.

Doesn’t require a stupid conspiracy theory.
The reason being that the FBI didn’t want to say anything regarding undercover agents.

So you are saying Epps was an undercover FBI agent.

Got it.
The reason being that the FBI didn’t want to say anything regarding undercover agents.

So you are saying Epps was an undercover FBI agent.

Got it.
No, I’m not saying no that you stupid retard.

All you do is okay word games and you’re not even good at that.

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