Jan 6th and this is chilling

I don’t know. He met with a bipartisan panel. Kinzinger, a Republican, was on that panel and says you guys are all crazy for believing in this stupid conspiracy theory.
Kinzinger is as much a Republican as you. You’re such a phony. We ll see what happens in November
You mean the videos that don’t show Ray Epps inciting violence? The videos that you refuse to post or identify? Those videos?

Yea, I didn’t think so. Run away, coward.
I will no longer participate in your attempt to derail this thread.

The videos are in this thread.

You honestly cannot make this stuff up. What is the FBI hiding?

BAck on topic.

No reason she couldn't give an answer to each and every one of those questions without giving away any FBI secrets. If Epps isn't an FBI agent she is free to say so.
Can someone explain to me why the head of the FBI can't say "Nope, that guy isn't and FBI agent" without exposing FBI agents?
It's been explained to you about TWELVE fucking times...ON THIS FUCING THREAD

Nope. It hasn't. If Epps isn't connected to the FBI saying so has zero impact on the FBI.

Please try again.
The FBI is never going to say who is or who is NOT an asset. To do so would compromise the next asset.

If the FBI was known to say this guy or that guy is not an agent...what do they do when asked about someone who IS an asset? At that point "no comment" actually IS a confirmation.

Epps is a nobody and trying to claim that thousands of Trumpers and Oathkeepers and Proudboys (who PLANNED to do exactly what they did) were influenced by ONE guy?

That's desperation
Just to remind you
I wonder what her answer would be if she was asked if these guys were FBI agents.

There is zero evidence of Ray Epps inciting violence.
There is zero evidence that border horsemen whipped migrants yet the President called them out, never apologized and the men are being reprimanded. You don’t know that about Epps as we don’t have all the footage or testimony. But we will. Why was an FBI informant wearing MAGA gear and stirring the pot?
We should ask the woman heading the FBI if Hershel Walker is an FBI agent.
There is zero evidence that border horsemen whipped migrants yet the President called them out, never apologized and the men are being reprimanded. You don’t know that about Epps as we don’t have all the footage or testimony. But we will. Why was an FBI informant wearing MAGA gear and stirring the pot?
You guys have been posting footage of Ray Epps and none of it shows Ray Epps inciting violence.

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