Jan 6th and this is chilling

There's that comical spin I said was coming.

You quoted my post, so show where I made such a statement.

Failure to quote a post by me is an admission by you that you are a lying sack of shit.

You really struggle with the English language and grammar.
You're a mindless lemming that deserves to have your sludge spoon fed to you.
And you would be the sludge.

Were I to indulge my inner closet fascist,
Glad to see you have both an inner closet and are an admitted fascist.

I'd remove your right to vote in a national election for the remainder of your existence.
I'm sure that's high on your commie agenda Jack to simply oppress those whom you cannot otherwise control, nor beat in an open, honest and fair election.
And you would be the sludge.

Glad to see you have both an inner closet and are an admitted fascist.

I'm sure that's high on your commie agenda Jack to simply oppress those whom you cannot otherwise control, nor beat in an open, honest and fair election.
Sit down and shut up. You have zero credibility.
STFU and watch the video.

Lying sack of shit. We have the video of Ray Epps inciting the J6 riot.
You telling me that ONE man can incite a crowd of proud boys, oath keepers, common rednecks, etc...... into doing SOMETHING DIFFERENT than they already had planned.

That's some bigly dreams pal.
Inciting to riot
That's what trump did. "Stop the Steal"

The word salad by trump alone is worth 5 years.

BIG difference between finding votes and CREATING votes!
The spinmaster^^^^^^^

Who created votes, it's a LIE.
Who wants to find votes that don't exist. One way. Create Fake Ballots.

Another example of team abnormal trying to defraud the Nation.

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