Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

The sad reality is pretty much everyone has already made up their mind about January 6th and nothing will change that opinion.
Democrat supporters don't care what the truth is anymore.
The truth is painful to them.

So are the insurrectionists no longer ANTIFA, FBI plants and Democrats and are back to being good Republican patriots OP?
So are the insurrectionists no longer ANTIFA, FBI plants and Democrats and are back to being good Republican patriots OP?
See above, this is the fatal problem, they do not care, actually its an order of magnitude worse than even that, they don't care how the fascists got it done, only that the fascists get it done! Just today, an antifa fascist democrat was arrested on domestic terror charges, that fascist democrat antifa terrorist also happens to be an attorney for the SPLC, which is of course largely an arm of the DOJ/FBI!

Above, and all fascist democrats like him, do not fucking care that totally innocent Americans still rot in fascist democrat dungeons, they literally could care less, all that matters is that political objectives are achieved, and that mentality as you can easily ascertain, applies to the entire fascist democrat base of support, and that is one serious fucking problem, one that is all but certain to require waging war via force of arms and focused violence, in order to defeat! ;)
See above, this is the fatal problem, they do not care, actually its an order of magnitude worse than even that, they don't care how the fascists got it done, only that the fascists get it done! Just today, an antifa fascist democrat was arrested on domestic terror charges, that fascist democrat antifa terrorist also happens to be an attorney for the SPLC, which is of course largely an arm of the DOJ/FBI!

Above, and all fascist democrats like him, do not fucking care that totally innocent Americans still rot in fascist democrat dungeons, they literally could care less, all that matters is that political objectives are achieved, and that mentality as you can easily ascertain, applies to the entire fascist democrat base of support, and that is one serious fucking problem, one that is all but certain to require waging war via force of arms and focused violence, in order to defeat! ;)
They're just daring someone to start acting like the rightwing terrorists they've been claiming are all over the country.
Their speeches are designed to prevent action by the right.
Biden is in on it along with all of the communists in congress.
The neocons and the communists label the Tea Party or MAGA as the extremists when they're the actual extremists.
So are the insurrectionists no longer ANTIFA, FBI plants and Democrats and are back to being good Republican patriots OP?

1. There were NEVER any 'Insurrectioinsts'.

2. The FBI testified it had aporox 30 undercover FBI & ATF agents in the crowd the night before and day of J6, to include several FBI Agents dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol before anyone entered the Capitol (obviously to lure people into the Capitol).

No one ever suggested they were 'Insurrectionists' ... except you just now.

The J6 protestors were no more 'Insurrectionists' as the FBI & DOJ claim that parents were 'domestic terrorists' as the same DOJ & FBI falsely labeled them.

The real story is not about faux 'Insurrectionists' but rather how the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, Capitol and local Police, and Democrats responsible for the protection of the Capitol FAILED TO PREVENT J6 / THE CAPITOL DESPITE HAVING MONTHS ADVANCED WARNING WITH THEM PROVEN TO HAVE ALL THE INTEL THEY NEEDED.

How did a reported Democrat Judge's son who had a history of mental issues, dressed in fur and cow horns, 'force' Capitol Police to open the Capitol doors for him and get them to escort him through the Capitol and onto the Senate floor?

All that security - over 30 FBI/ATF undercover agents, Capitol Police inside and out, and they let THIS GUY get past them all, be escorted through the Capitol, and walk onto the Senate floor with a Capitol Police escort....


That's the best security Democrats, the DC Mayor, DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol, local, and District police could come up with in several months of planning and preparation?

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