Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

Anything that reminds the public of Trump's attempted overthrow of the government is a net positive for the Democrats. I think Tucker is doing the blob a dis-service.

Wrong. When people who actually CARE see that J6th was a sham and a lie, it will be a huge positive. The "attempted overthrow" was led by cap police themselves.

You libtards are just getting all pissy that the truth is finally coming out. Your sham committee is history and your faux outrage is being exposed. Its really quite hilarious that you're worried about Tucker editing video to "present a narrative" when that's all J6th did for 2 years and you didn't give 2 shits about that.

Wanna tissue?
Yes, the democrat Party lies
All the time.

About everything.

The party of LIES and deceit.

The party of the elitist lying deep state.

The party of the corrupt lying Covid grifters.

The party of lying MORONS like that fool Hank Johnson who thinks Guam is going to tip over, Sheila Lee who sits on the foreign relations committee but doesn't know Vietnam is a single country, Mad Maxine Waters who doesn't need an introduction, and Ilhan Omar who committed immigration fraud by marrying her own brother.
Tuckems Swanson NcNear....... yup
He's your guy.

What a shit show.
I had you on ignore for over 2 years, and just recently i gave all the Marxists of the board a chance to be polite and respectful as we try to come together against the enemy of the people, the Marxists/Democrats who are destroying this country. I was wrong to take you off the ignore. Back you go.
Yet if i am such a boring pussy, why do you continue to answer my responses, which are not only FACTUAL, but totally destroy your argument. That is why you resort to name calling, the typical playbook of a Marxists.
The only thing your destroy is you repetition and English.
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