Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Of course, you mean elect Trump or a Trump clone again, which is hilariously stupid in this context.
Seems to me when Trump was president we didn't have 70% of Americans saying we were on the wrong track. What would be hilariously stupid is keeping on in the same direction when 70% of Americans are saying we are going in the wrong direction. But, that's par for the course when it comes to the left. Do something and when it doesn't work, just do more of what isn't working.
/------/ Pull your head out of the sand and pay attention for once:

Republicans pile on criticism of 'woke' Disney's ...

https://www.foxbusiness.com › politics › republicans-criticize-woke-disney-indoctrination-children
"The radical left will stop at nothing to indoctrinate America's children with their woke ideology. Corporations like Disney should listen to parents and reject the left's disturbing obsession ...

Dems Priority List Includes Attacks On Free Speech And Gun ...

https://www.investors.com › politics › editorials › democrats-house-first-amendment-second-amendment
Dems Priority List Includes Attacks On Free Speech And Gun Rights ... The issue "evaporated during the final weeks of the election in all but very safe liberal districts ... Ownership data ...
You Trump Cultists should know all about Indoctrination. LOL
Every federal institution tasked with checking executive corruption and power or enforcing law has deemed Trump to be an ethical dumpster fire at best, and at worst a criminal.

Our intelligence agencies suspected him of possibly being a foreign asset. Our congress impeached him for high crimes. The special prosecutor demonstrated repeated obstruction of Justice. The Jan 6 committee finds he may have committed crimes. The GAO says he almost certainly DID break the law. The ethics office has a book of violations by him. The FEC suspects hom of mishandling inauguration and campaign funds. His personal lawyer went to prison for breaking campaign finance law at his direction. Federal prosecutors are resigning because he is not being prosecuted for tax and loan fraud.

This is it. This is the limit of the power of our institutions. Either they will hold against the cult, or they will not.
I firmly believe that their day of reckoning is coming within 3-4 months.
I’m not actually. But even if I were, I’d still be smarter than a complete moron such as you who supports an old racist senile untreated Alzheimer’s victim like Brandon. Over Shrillary of course I voted for Trump. Instead of that asshole, Brandon, of course I voted for Trump. And if he is the GOP nominee OF COURSE I would happily vote again for Trump.

The balance of your post is just your tragically pathetic effort to engage in ad hominem.

You’re unarmed, son. Go play with your diaper. Or Brandon’s.
What's it like to be deaf, dumb and blind? Must be peaceful at least. LOL
Seems to me when Trump was president we didn't have 70% of Americans saying we were on the wrong track. What would be hilariously stupid is keeping on in the same direction when 70% of Americans are saying we are going in the wrong direction. But, that's par for the course when it comes to the left. Do something and when it doesn't work, just do more of what isn't working.
Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity – Trump in particular.

More incompetence, more corruption, more contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Your own polls you found showed that around 70% of Americans think the country is headed int the wrong direction. Do you think it is heading in the wrong direction, or are you one of the 30%? If you think it is headed in the wrong direction do you think the best course of action is to keep doing what we're doing? I'm betting that those 70% are thinking we should do something different.

I look at the reasons it's heading in the wrong direction. I don't just blindly replace the political party in charge with the minority party. That never works as the wrong direction poll is almost always north of 50%. In fact, looking back at the last time Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress, Congress' approval/disapproval rating averaged 16%/70%. The Democrats have controlled both chambers since January, 2021 and their average, though it too sucks, is still better than Republicans at 23%/61%

And looking at the biggest problems we find the economy and inflation (economic) and government/poor leadership and covid (non-economic). The worst aspect of the economy is inflation while you had no valid ideas on how to tackle it, it is being addressed by the Federal Reserve who recently bumped up the Federal Fund rate and will likely continue to do so until it breaks inflation. As far as covid, there's not a whole lot we can do there which might explain why you had no solutions to offer. As far as government, seems most are dissatisfied with it no matter who's in charge. So yeah, we change it out every few sessions but that doesn't ever seem to change much. And again, another place to look is at which party is in America's graces at the moment and that would seem to be Democrats given current polling show they lead in the House race and are about tied with Republicans in the Senate where neither party has 50 seats yet in the upcoming election.
LOL. Yes, we have been, we are now, and we always will be. People are different, that's why we have had two different parties for decades, if not centuries. Are you willing to lay down your arms and become Republican so that the country can be united? Do you like high inflation? Are you foolish enough to think there is nothing we can do about it?

It's certainly worse now than at any other time in my lifetime.
Seems to me when Trump was president we didn't have 70% of Americans saying we were on the wrong track. What would be hilariously stupid is keeping on in the same direction when 70% of Americans are saying we are going in the wrong direction. But, that's par for the course when it comes to the left. Do something and when it doesn't work, just do more of what isn't working.

Yes, we did hit 70% saying we were on the wrong track. In 2020 and in 2021.
You Trump Cultists should know all about Indoctrination. LOL
/-----/ You asked me a question: "
Wickerthing said:
How are liberals doing that? A whole lotta projecting goin' on..."
I responded with two examples, so you naturally change the subject because you can't refute what I showed you. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I assume EVERY, fucking politician in DC AND every, major bureaucrat in DC has engaged in criminal conspiracy.

Trump is a manchild.
And I DESPISE both parties.

But I truly believe he is no more corrupt than anyone else in DC.
Possibly even less.

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