Jane Fonda

I have more respect for Fonda than any military personnel.

A post from the bottom of the barrel.
If he really meant that, then he belongs in a cell...right next to Hanoi Jane.

Wanna bet he's a government school grad?
From West Point or where?
Just a hunch, but I'm thinking he's a Veteran who received a dishonorable discharge. Might explain his hostility to people in uniform.
I have more respect for Fonda than any military personnel.

A post from the bottom of the barrel.
If he really meant that, then he belongs in a cell...right next to Hanoi Jane.

Wanna bet he's a government school grad?
From West Point or where?
Just a hunch, but I'm thinking he's a Veteran who received a dishonorable discharge. Might explain his hostility to people in uniform.

Could be Chelsea Manning's boyfriend.
Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay

jane fonda urinal cake - Google Search

That traitor can just keep on a-cryin'.

I guarantee those urinal cakes are in more than 2 V.F.Ws :badgrin:
A post from the bottom of the barrel.
If he really meant that, then he belongs in a cell...right next to Hanoi Jane.

Wanna bet he's a government school grad?
From West Point or where?
Just a hunch, but I'm thinking he's a Veteran who received a dishonorable discharge. Might explain his hostility to people in uniform.

Could be Chelsea Manning's boyfriend.
YIKES! Wish you hadn't said that. Bad images.
It was so simple at one time: it's the communists. But now the Russians are our best friends so that explanation may not work? Maybe the soldier with the dishonorable discharge is better? Wonder how many there are? More importantly we can't blame the 4-F's.
Nobody died as a result of that picture

Tens of thousands of Americans died because the Vietnam war was misrepresented and claimed to be patriotic


We have no idea how many Americans died as a result of the treason by Fonda, and it WAS treason. She gave aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war.

What it boils down to is neither you, nor any member of your filthy Maoist party cares about American deaths. You fully support treason.

Treason is the reason for the democrat party.

Not a single American died or was injured because of Jane Fonda

60,000 were killed by the war mongers who sold the American public on an unnecessary war. But because they wrapped themselves in the flag, they were called patriots
Uncensored is what’s wrong with this world.

Of course.

I mean, you are perfect being a fucking traitor - nothing wrong with that....
To bush you Nixon Johnson and hitler maybe

Jane Fonda protested an unjust war

The actions of Fonda and other activists saved lives by turning the public against the war

Jane Fonda committed treason. She engaged in war efforts against the United States of America.

She didn't hold up signs in Hollywood, she flew to Vietnam and made propaganda films to aid the war efforts of Ho Chi Mihn.

She is a traitor, there is no way around it.
She fought against an unnecessary war that was needlessly killing Americans

History proved her right

That's great, she committed treason on behalf of the other side and helped those who were actually killing Americans.,

She should be shot.
She saved more lives bringing the war to an end.

She save Vietcong lives, the only ones you and your fellow democrats care about.
[That is not treason

You lying does not change reality.

Treason would be lying to continue a war that killed 60,000

No, stupid fuck.

{Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.}

You and your fellow Maoists are waging civil war against this nation.

It's getting to the time for literal bullets to start flying, you need to be put down like the last time you scum rose up in civil war.

Fucking democrats should have been outlawed then.

My, my.....the ignorance that we on the Right have to contend with.

Obviously that dunce doesn't know that treason is the only crime described in the Constitution.

Probably doesn't know what the Constitution is.
Civil disobedience isn’t treason. You’re brainwashed

You are insane.

Stupid as a brick, but insane as well.
[That is not treason

You lying does not change reality.

Treason would be lying to continue a war that killed 60,000

No, stupid fuck.

{Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.}

You and your fellow Maoists are waging civil war against this nation.

It's getting to the time for literal bullets to start flying, you need to be put down like the last time you scum rose up in civil war.

Fucking democrats should have been outlawed then.
Not even close you fucking moron

If it was treason, it would have been prosecuted 45 years ago

That is the Constitution, shit fer brains.

She wasn't prosecuted because the squishy fish Nixon administration lacked the balls to take on Hollywood. While the excuse was that no formal declaration of war existed, the fact that the NVA held American prisoners of war (and tortured them on the urging of Fonda) belies that notion. There is no statute of limitations for treason, Fonda should still be prosecuted and shot.

Frankly, so should you.
Jane Fonda protested an unjust war

The actions of Fonda and other activists saved lives by turning the public against the war

Jane Fonda committed treason. She engaged in war efforts against the United States of America.

She didn't hold up signs in Hollywood, she flew to Vietnam and made propaganda films to aid the war efforts of Ho Chi Mihn.

She is a traitor, there is no way around it.
She fought against an unnecessary war that was needlessly killing Americans

History proved her right

That's great, she committed treason on behalf of the other side and helped those who were actually killing Americans.,

She should be shot.
She saved more lives bringing the war to an end.
Without our heroic Vietnam protestors who fought and died for the cause, tens of thousands more would have been killed in that senseless war

So, those who fought against America are "heroes," Comrade?

Time for you traitorous fucks to pick up rifles and engage in your Communist revolution straight on.
Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay

jane fonda urinal cake - Google Search
She's crying because, deep down...someplace she's afraid to look... she knows she's going to Hell when she dies.
So if one is against a war they go to hell? Until now I have been against wars but now with Heaven involved, I think wars are great.
I wonder if my getting a couple of bone spurs attached to my feet will help me like wars even more? War is the certain path to Heaven.
BTW, Hanoi Jane actually gave aid and comfort to the enemy during the Vietnam war. An act of treason, BTW. She was never prosecuted, but she should have been. She should have been executed as a war criminal.
Because she was right. You guys talk a lot about not trusting government until it’s your government

She was right that the Communists are wonderful and America should be destroyed?

There is no reconciliation with you traitors, you must be defeated as the enemies of this nation you are. You democrat scum have done this before.
Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay

jane fonda urinal cake - Google Search
She's crying because, deep down...someplace she's afraid to look... she knows she's going to Hell when she dies.
If there is a hell, it is mean, hateful people who are going there. Hint, hint. Look in the mirror.

Like those use anti-aircraft against their own soldiers? Like those who act to have American soldiers tortured and murdered.

You are total scum.

You democrats are enemies of the United States and should be treated as the enemy combatants that you are.
It’s telling that there are a lot of lefties here sticking up for this piece of human garbage. Telling but not surprising they all hate the US military deeply and unwaveringly.

Another reason to hate the left.

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