January 6 probe fizzing out?

OMG you are a retard....so you do approve of breaking windows and killing people....and if trump supporters and the Proud Boys attack cops, it's ok........

Now we know where you stand......Violence forever!!!!!!!!!!!
Violence forever troll..you're comparing burning city blocks and killing people with a few broken windows........don't you have another black business to burn down..Klinger a few people....Kenosha is getting back to normal.....they must be getting uppity......gotta burn it baby.....

yes this is today's democrat
The increase in murders is thousands of actual dead people. Glad to see you folks have your priorities straight. Bravo!
The murder rate began skyrocketing last year. On Trump's watch.
Violence forever troll..you're comparing burning city blocks and killing people with a few broken windows........
Violence forever troll..you're comparing burning city blocks with trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in a republic.
don't you have another black business to burn down..
don't you have another black man to beat to death or lynch outright?

The murder rate began skyrocketing last year. On Trump's watch.
What's your point? It's happening in liberal controlled hellholes, on the heels of BLM, antifa, and defund the police. When Trump offered federal assistance it was rejected by Democrat mayors. The crime rates aren't going down, and Biden is supposedly president now.

This liberal witchhunt began only after the election, so TDS doesn't cut it here.
Violence forever troll..you're comparing burning city blocks with trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in a republic.

don't you have another black man to beat to death or lynch outright?
Violence forever!!!!!!! Keep burning cities and killing people......I mean you must get off when yiu see a person who burns down a city block gets out on bail from democrats.......it must be exciting........

Funny how you pussies didn't try that in a red state......
What's your point? It's happening in liberal controlled hellholes, on the heels of BLM, antifa, and defund the police. When Trump offered federal assistance it was rejected by Democrat mayors. The crime rates aren't going down, and Biden is supposedly president now.

This liberal witchhunt began only after the election, so TDS doesn't cut it here.
So the president only gets blamed when it's a democrat. Got it.
who was charged with insurrection? i missed that

the national socialist made up a lot of wild claims about people they hunted down like dogs too

They were hunted down and charged and you know it. They should be treated like wild dogs now.
Nope, Democrat mayors refused Trump because they didn't want him to get credit for reducing crime. That's not an issue now. Of course probably can't expect much from a racist like Biden, it's mostly blacks and browns dying.
Again, local crime only becomes a national issue if a Democrat is president... you've made your position clear. Thanks.
Yeah, that is pretty much Trump's campaign slogan.

Keep killing cops and trying to overthrow the government. Plenty of room in jails for trump supporters.

Funny how you guys scream that you're "patriots" then try to overthrow the government.
If the govt becomes evil and immoral patriots should.......
You really don't know shit do you......too busy burning businesses and killing people
Nope, Democrat mayors refused Trump because they didn't want him to get credit for reducing crime. That's not an issue now. Of course probably can't expect much from a racist like Biden, it's mostly blacks and browns dying.
Bingo...its amazing the riots went away after Biden got elected.......I guess police brutality was solved.........
Yeah, that is pretty much Trump's campaign slogan.

Keep killing cops and trying to overthrow the government. Plenty of room in jails for trump supporters.

Funny how you guys scream that you're "patriots" then try to overthrow the government.
Hey asshole, no cop got killed by a Trump supporter. As stated in the medical examiner’s report citing natural causes. Looks like you still can’t produce that guy named Natural Causes. Funny how you think the government was going to be overthrown by people with no weapons. Footage being released now is burying your narrative too.
Again, local crime only becomes a national issue if a Democrat is president... you've made your position clear. Thanks.
Attempting to burn down a federal building with people inside is more than a state issue. Especially when that state encourages said behavior.
If the govt becomes evil and immoral patriots should.......
Except there is no proof of "evil" or "immorality"...... Do "Patriots" like yourself often get so lazy as to their only discernible action is to post on a message board?
You really don't know shit do you......too busy burning businesses and killing people
You really don't know shit do you......too busy assaulting and killing cops and trying to overthrow the government.

only a handful of low level offenses. The great left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory may wind up being not much.
If you ever want to get to the bottom of it all trump and Stone have to be given truth serum and questioned. That and a lie detector test, should provide all the proof needed. Maybe they don't want to make a martyr out of trump, the lies and deceit were bad enough.
Except there is no proof of "evil" or "immorality"...... Do "Patriots" like yourself often get so lazy as to their only discernible action is to post on a message board?

You really don't know shit do you......too busy assaulting and killing cops and trying to overthrow the government.
Really...no proof? So NAZI Germany was not evil?

What fucking planet donyou live on?
Again, local crime only becomes a national issue if a Democrat is president... you've made your position clear. Thanks.
A majority of this crime is drug related. Remind me, which US cities grow poppy and coca? Plenty of room for the feds, but I guess racist Biden doesn't care.
Hey asshole, no cop got killed by a Trump supporter. As stated in the medical examiner’s report citing natural causes. Looks like you still can’t produce that guy named Natural Causes. Funny how you think the government was going to be overthrown by people with no weapons. Footage being released now is burying your narrative too.
That guy named Natural Causes has been in hiding since that asshole Covid showed up.

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