January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

House Ways and Means Votes To Make Trump's Tax Returns Public.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to publicly release a report on Donald Trump’s tax returns, which the former president has long tried to shield.

Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., said supporting materials will be released along with the report. Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, the committee’s top Republican, raised concerns about privacy as the documents could contain information such as Social Security numbers.

The report could provide a fuller look into Trump’s personal and business finances, possibly revealing how much money he paid in taxes, what income he derived from foreign operations and whether his income was as large as the reputed multibillionaire has suggested.
Yeah, that word peacefully is not mentioned by the anti-Trump posters who hope some ignorant reader comes along who didn’t listen to the speech might believe them. That word alone makes the case that you’d have to be a liar to make the claim that Trump told his audience to do anything beyond peaceful protesting. Even liberal lawyers who despise Trump would be hard-pressed in a court of law to try to get that one over the jury, “Now, everybody see that word, peacefully? Well, we’ve determined that’s not relative to our argument so everyone take out your black markers lol
“We are going to March down to the capital”
”You will never take our country back by weakness”
The average leftist kind of unconsciously prides themselves on being the sophisticated ones, the tolerant ones, non bigoted, pro-science people. At the same time, when they look at the rest of us on the right, in their mind we are all backwards, we are intolerant, religious freaks, bigoted, and anti-science roobs.

I know it's got to be such a bitter pill to swallow, but when it came down to the one of the biggest scientific crisis in our lifetimes, you on the left got everything wrong, and we, who you think so little of, we got it right. You lefties can deny it all you want, but that is the pill you just have to swallow, because there is no argument for you left at this point.

Lockdown were wrong, mask mandates were wrong, closing schools were wrong, banning church services were wrong, closing playground and parks were wrong, running people of the beaches, and arresting those who refused was all wrong. You lefties closed down universities, and sent college kids who were living amongst themselves, free of risks, back to their parents and grandparents, closing businesses were wrong, refusing services were wrong, firing nurses and soldiers, wishing death to unvaccinated, were wrong. The "vaccines" were not what pharma, media and government told you are, they told you you couldn't get it, and you couldn't spread it, and they were wrong. Even now, you still can't accept you were wrong, and still doubling down, tripling, quadrupling, on masking people up again, and pushing vaccines for kids. You were wrong on Russian collusion, on Hillary's emails, or Steele dossier, on spying, on government censoring, on weaponizing IRS, DOJ, FBI against own people, on election fraud, border crisis... you were wrong on all of it. You lefties are simply insane...
Easy to have hind site about Covid, lockdowns were by-partisan. Masks and social distancing worked, look at flu and RSV numbers right now. Dozens of examples of Russian collusion in mueller report. Trump campaign was not spied on. Over 60 times, judges said no voter fraud. Border law is established in congress. Just because Hillary is was stupid to use private server. Doesn’t prove any crimes. She was just sec of state, last time I looked. Weaponizing IRS? Like Trumps, Mnuchin not requiring the IRS to have Trumps taxes audited required by law after Nixons tax crimes. And Trump having Andrew McCabe, John Kelly and James Comey audited? Republicans refuse to fund border security as of a week ago. 94 percent of all Americans over 65 have had at least 2 vaccines. Mutating Covid 19 didn’t exist in nature 2 years ago, but you had all the answers about the ,Covid message from the start. evidentially. Are you insane?
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The hatred for Donald Trump from Leftists is visceral, give us a break Clayton. You are all hyper-emotional nutbags who are mesmerized by any of the Trump bait the media dangles in front of you. We are losing our country day by day, that is what should concern you. Assuming you are an American I can't tell who's what on this board.
There’s ample objective documented and compelling evidence of Trump crimes and treason, hence the referral to DOJ.
“We are going to March down to the capital”
”You will never take our country back by weakness”

Easy to have hind site about Covid, lockdowns were by-partisan. Masks and social distancing worked, look at flu and RSV numbers right now. Dozens of examples of Russian collusion in mueller report. Trump campaign was not spied on. Over 60 times, judges said no voter fraud. Border law is established in congress. Just because Hillary is was stupid to use private server. Doesn’t prove any crimes. She was just sec of state, last time I looked. Weaponizing IRS? Like Trumps, Mnuchin not requiring the IRS to have Trumps taxes audited required by law after Nixons tax crimes. Republicans refuse to fund border security as of a week ago. 94 percent of all Americans over 65 have had at least 2 vaccines. Mutating Covid 19 didn’t exist in nature 2 years ago, but you had all the answers, evidentially. Are you insane?

No need, if convicted. He will be ineligible for office.
The proceedings will probably drag out forever. But there is no doubt the Democrats do not want to see Trump run so they may speed things up.

If Trump is convicted and Joe and Hunter Biden are not charged, I suspect there may be hell to pay.

"What laws were violated?"
well let's see Delldude....
Maybe you can answer your own question with a simple Google search.

Type in something like "what charges against Trump did Jan. 6th Committee refer to DOJ?
No laws were violated, that is what a jury decides.
The proceedings will probably drag out forever. But there is no doubt the Democrats do not want to see Trump run so they may speed things up.

If Trump is convicted and Joe and Hunter Biden are not charged, I suspect there may be hell to pay.

Using obscure/unknown Reich Wing website's are hardly if not nonexitent means credibility. You people continue to the most Conservative/Obscure/Unknown websites to prove a point that you know you cannot prove. Find better and far more reliable sources to support what at best claims based on conjecture/contention/innuendo/supposition. You ain't got shit and you continue to prove you ain't got shit.

What is the Chain of Custody of the laptop? Without a Chain of Custody, there is no means to verify the proof which you people claim. Any lawyer knows that without such a Chain of Custody, no case can be made.

The heretofore claim by the owner of the "Computer Repair" shop that his proof of H.B. being owner of the laptop is a photocopy of a receipt he claims has H.B. signature falls apart on it's face. A Photo/Facsimile presupposes the exstence of the original document. Without the original document for verification (type of paper used, type of ink used and signature on the receipt) all you have is a photocopy/fascimile a receipt which means nothing.

Last but never least.

The Traitor's Daughter Invanka made millions of dollars on Chinese Patents AFTER the tariffs her Daddy imposed. Jared made over One Billion Dollars from the Saudi's. None of which Cons seem eager to investigate.

H.B. has become the Great White Whale for ReNaziKlans.

Ahab failed and so will you.
Using obscure/unknown Reich Wing website's are hardly if not nonexitent means credibility. You people continue to the most Conservative/Obscure/Unknown websites to prove a point that you know you cannot prove. Find better and far more reliable sources to support what at best claims based on conjecture/contention/innuendo/supposition. You ain't got shit and you continue to prove you ain't got shit.

What is the Chain of Custody of the laptop? Without a Chain of Custody, there is no means to verify the proof which you people claim. Any lawyer knows that without such a Chain of Custody, no case can be made.

The heretofore claim by the owner of the "Computer Repair" shop that his proof of H.B. being owner of the laptop is a photocopy of a receipt he claims has H.B. signature falls apart on it's face. A Photo/Facsimile presupposes the exstence of the original document. Without the original document for verification (type of paper used, type of ink used and signature on the receipt) all you have is a photocopy/fascimile a receipt which means nothing.

Last but never least.

The Traitor's Daughter Invanka made millions of dollars on Chinese Patents AFTER the tariffs her Daddy imposed. Jared made over One Billion Dollars from the Saudi's. None of which Cons seem eager to investigate.

H.B. has become the Great White Whale for ReNaziKlans.

Ahab failed and so will you.
Well when you have a useless, corrupted liberal mainstream media, you have the right to look elsewhere for news. It is a shame that we have few if any reliable news sources today. Basically everything you read is propaganda of one form or another.

Now you may believe that your liberal new media was always telling you the truth but if you do you are fooling yourself.


In Durham’s filings, he refers to the Clinton opposition research alternately as a “red herring,” “unverified,” “too obvious” to be true, or containing a “very weak link.” In some cases, these same adjectives were used by the very researchers helping assemble the materials.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Friday that Durham is showing just how closely the media, the Democratic establishment, and some rogue elements in U.S. intelligence worked in conjunction to perpetuate the false Russiagate story in 2016 — a pattern he says the media repeated when the same forces falsely portrayed the Hunter Biden laptop as disinformation in 2020.

“What we all suspected all along is that the Clinton campaign was really pushing this,” Jordan said. “And we didn’t know that they just made it up out of whole cloth. But that looks like exactly what they did.”

The recent Durham filing lays out several contacts between Fusion GPS, the Clinton team, and the news media, including The New York Times, ABC News, and Slate magazine. [/i]

As far as the chain of custody on Hunter’s laptop, I have been saying for months that is how the FBI will get out of investigating the Biden crime family.

At least the Trump family was actually involved in making stuff and they knew quite a bit about the businesses they were involved in. Hunter Biden made nothing, didn’t know a damn thing about the jobs he was paid to do and made a fortune selling our nation out so foreign nations, many unfriendly to us, could gain access to Joe Biden’s influence.

Now of course Hunter Biden is actually making something. His amateur paintings are selling for a fortune and once again he is selling his fathers influence.

The Trump kids are not selling their amateur paintings.
Yes, Cohen. You said nobody, and you were wrong. Oh, and I notice the investigation into Trump’s campaign finance felonies-- committed with Cohen -- is back in gear. Or did they not tell you that in the bubble?
Cohen had nothing to do with the Jan 6 riot you idiot.

Even Obama was found guilty of breaking campaign finance laws, but that’s ok with you. Freaking hacks.
“We are going to March down to the capital”
”You will never take our country back by weakness”

Easy to have hind site about Covid, lockdowns were by-partisan. Masks and social distancing worked, look at flu and RSV numbers right now. Dozens of examples of Russian collusion in mueller report. Trump campaign was not spied on. Over 60 times, judges said no voter fraud. Border law is established in congress. Just because Hillary is was stupid to use private server. Doesn’t prove any crimes. She was just sec of state, last time I looked. Weaponizing IRS? Like Trumps, Mnuchin not requiring the IRS to have Trumps taxes audited required by law after Nixons tax crimes. And Trump having Andrew McCabe, John Kelly and James Comey audited? Republicans refuse to fund border security as of a week ago. 94 percent of all Americans over 65 have had at least 2 vaccines. Mutating Covid 19 didn’t exist in nature 2 years ago, but you had all the answers about the ,Covid message from the start. evidentially. Are you insane?
Masks did not work. Numerous studies support this, and even Fishy Fauci wrote about this, but not during his public press conferences 2 years ago, yet he knew on paper. Quite the quandary. A real piece of work as a US national health advisory spokesperson. The worst the US could have tapped, make that that NIH tapped. The former head of National Institutes of Health resigned around the same time in disgrace, attempting to salvage his reputation.

Using a hindsight analogy, that indicates Fauci did his best with the knowledge he had at the time is false. He knew yet stated known falsehoods. A crime against humanity when you look closely at his emails and compare his daily press statements, how ever you look at it in “hindsite”. His motives have been stained in mud for at least 4 decades. Many books will be written to support these remarks btw.

Regarding Trump’s speech: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," Trump said in his speech.

Why did he choose to include the words “peacefully and patriotically” if he wanted the crowd to riot? There were people there to instigate aggression who were already at the US Capitol, both anti-Trumpers and pro-Trumpers. A large majority of listeners didn’t walk to the US Capitol. The aggressive factions were about a 1 mile walk away.

Had Trump not deliberately stated “peacefully and patriotically” your assessment would hold more weight, but he did say those words. Trump might not have much of a filter about what he thinks and what comes out of his mouth (which is a good thing yet very unique for a politician) but he doesn’t calculate in advance. He meant what he said, the entire speech his unfiltered thoughts.
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Cohen had nothing to do with the Jan 6 riot you idiot.
Then you should have made a comment about only the Jan 6 riots, idiot. But you didn't. So here we are... me, correcting you, again.

Even Obama was found guilty of breaking campaign finance laws
Wat a bizarre lie. Obama was never charged or convicted of campaign finance felonies. Are you maybe having a stroke?
Then you should have made a comment about only the Jan 6 riots, idiot. But you didn't. So here we are... me, correcting you, again.

Wat a bizarre lie. Obama was never charged or convicted of campaign finance felonies. Are you maybe having a stroke?
Then you should have made a comment about only the Jan 6 riots, idiot. But you didn't. So here we are... me, correcting you, again.

Wat a bizarre lie. Obama was never charged or convicted of campaign finance felonies. Are you maybe having a stroke?

This thread is about the Jan 6 committee you idiot.

Obama was charged and fined for violating campaign finance laws. That is a fact.

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