January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.​

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That's nice. But he was talking about people taking the 5th.

Cohen was both arrested and convicted and implicated Trump before the congress.

Because he knew he wasn't getting a pardon. I see you left that out.
You guys are all over the map.

Cohen. Lol.
These partisan assholes are determined to make that insurrection label stick. Good luck with that. You'll have to destroy the video of him urging his supporters to march on the Capitol Building in a PEACEFUL manor.
Yeah, that word peacefully is not mentioned by the anti-Trump posters who hope some ignorant reader comes along who didn’t listen to the speech might believe them. That word alone makes the case that you’d have to be a liar to make the claim that Trump told his audience to do anything beyond peaceful protesting. Even liberal lawyers who despise Trump would be hard-pressed in a court of law to try to get that one over the jury, “Now, everybody see that word, peacefully? Well, we’ve determined that’s not relative to our argument so everyone take out your black markers lol
Afraid so. Not that you would know either way, as you skipped the hearings.

Republican testimony
Recorded audio

Your rhetoric about the mean old liberals doesn't have any bearing on any of it.
No “Republican testimony”. Texts and emails altered by Schittferbrains. Making that multiple offenses of putting outright lies into evidence. Thousands of hours of unreleased video, hmmm. No audio or memos doing anything you ot the “committee” claim they do. It must stink being a total liar and loser like you.
The testimony was worthless....most of it hearsay....and the Trump team unable to cross-examine.
The video they did present was edited and only shows part of the picture....some of it would never be allowed in any court of law in the country simply because it was inflammatory and based on speculation.
The recorded audio was edited as well.
If any lawyer ever tried to enter any of that edited crap as evidence, they’d get sanctioned and possibly disbarred. Meaning there will be no arrest or trial for Trump. Then ALL the videos would have to be shown. No hiding thousands of hours of footage.
Yeah, that word peacefully is not mentioned by the anti-Trump posters who hope some ignorant reader comes along who didn’t listen to the speech might believe them. That word alone makes the case that you’d have to be a liar to make the claim that Trump told his audience to do anything beyond peaceful protesting. Even liberal lawyers who despise Trump would be hard-pressed in a court of law to try to get that one over the jury, “Now, everybody see that word, peacefully? Well, we’ve determined that’s not relative to our argument so everyone take out your black markers lol
What bothers me more than these Democrat opportunists are the squishy "conservatives" who are so easily manipulated by the left to now hat the most Persecuted president in history.

The behavior of the communist Democrats in all this should make their blood boil. Instead they are easily swayed to lap up any shit the Democrats are willing to serve them. Too many who post on this board have become traitors
Which was a stupid question. None.

And here is a big reason its a stupid question:

Now you tell me which witness he should have called.

The committee subpoenaed all of his closest staff. Even his family.

So, you tell me what witnesses you think he should have called. Give us some names.

It's not up to me to tell Trump what witnesses he should present. He can call whoever the fuck he wants to. Oh WAIT NO HE CAN'T, HE WASN'T ALLOWED TO.


That was not done.

Don't try to move the goalposts. You claim this bullshit commission was bipartisan. When asked what witnesses Trump was allowed to call you admit NONE. That means its not bipartisan.

Thank you for playing.

God you liberals are easy to embarrass.
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Trump won’t be charged. Even the current corrupt DOJ understands the danger that precedent would set.
What bothers me more than these Democrat opportunists are the squishy "conservatives" who are so easily manipulated by the left to now hat the most Persecuted president in history.

The behavior of the communist Democrats in all this should make their blood boil. Instead they are easily swayed to lap up any shit the Democrats are willing to serve them. Too many who post on this board have become traitors

The average leftist kind of unconsciously prides themselves on being the sophisticated ones, the tolerant ones, non bigoted, pro-science people. At the same time, when they look at the rest of us on the right, in their mind we are all backwards, we are intolerant, religious freaks, bigoted, and anti-science roobs.

I know it's got to be such a bitter pill to swallow, but when it came down to the one of the biggest scientific crisis in our lifetimes, you on the left got everything wrong, and we, who you think so little of, we got it right. You lefties can deny it all you want, but that is the pill you just have to swallow, because there is no argument for you left at this point.

Lockdown were wrong, mask mandates were wrong, closing schools were wrong, banning church services were wrong, closing playground and parks were wrong, running people of the beaches, and arresting those who refused was all wrong. You lefties closed down universities, and sent college kids who were living amongst themselves, free of risks, back to their parents and grandparents, closing businesses were wrong, refusing services were wrong, firing nurses and soldiers, wishing death to unvaccinated, were wrong. The "vaccines" were not what pharma, media and government told you are, they told you you couldn't get it, and you couldn't spread it, and they were wrong. Even now, you still can't accept you were wrong, and still doubling down, tripling, quadrupling, on masking people up again, and pushing vaccines for kids. You were wrong on Russian collusion, on Hillary's emails, or Steele dossier, on spying, on government censoring, on weaponizing IRS, DOJ, FBI against own people, on election fraud, border crisis... you were wrong on all of it. You lefties are simply insane...
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What bothers me more than these Democrat opportunists are the squishy "conservatives" who are so easily manipulated by the left to now hat the most Persecuted president in history.

The behavior of the communist Democrats in all this should make their blood boil. Instead they are easily swayed to lap up any shit the Democrats are willing to serve them. Too many who post on this board have become traitors
I don’t get into the traitor discussion because people are known to change their minds, even in politics. I am not anyone’s overlord to tell them what to do like some authoritarian.

What I do agree with you about is being influenced by the biased left media sources. It takes effort to learn things outside of what MSM want us to be talking about and how they want us to think. As an average voter who makes the effort to read beyond US political article writers, it’s still difficult to not talk daily about things written and shared by these outlets or on social media. The media trend (since 24 hour cable news started but a lot worse now) is to emotionally rile up the readers and viewers. Get them worked up enough to tell everyone what they heard or read!

Why aren’t good journalists using a national platform to call out these article writers for their poor standards?

Human nature has a flaw in that we often make generalizations about groups of people. Generalizations are really bad if the goal is a safe and peaceful society. That said, all leftists who are currently regulars and actively posting use deceitful discussion tactics lol I’m fine with it until that view is challenged.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.
What the Fricktoid Hell is a member named { 0311 }.
I mean, I get HAL 9000 from - 2001: A Space Odyssey -.
Why not some name more down to Earth. Like Buford Pusser
from - Walking Tall -.
Trump isn’t going to be indicted over the Jan 6 riot because he commuted no criminal acts He wasn’t an organizer, participant nor was he a co-conspirator.

No one arrested and convicted of any associated crime has named Donald Trump as a co-conspirator or in any way involved. Not one person.

They may as well accuse him of thought crimes.
In other words you know he is guilty but you don't feel he should be held accountable.
You feel that all the people who marched in his name (or so they thought) should just be thrown under the bus.....but teflon Donnie should remain untouchable?
In other words you know he is guilty but you don't feel he should be held accountable.
You feel that all the people who marched in his name (or so they thought) should just be thrown under the bus.....but teflon Donnie should remain untouchable?
What laws were violated or are you a partisan screw who swallows it all, unchecked, from lefty media?
In other words you know he is guilty but you don't feel he should be held accountable.
You feel that all the people who marched in his name (or so they thought) should just be thrown under the bus.....but teflon Donnie should remain untouchable?
No. Like most people with common sense, I know that Trump is guilty of nothing more than being a person outside of the political establishment who ran for POTUS and won. From the minute he won, that establishment made it their mission to destroy him. It hasn’t worked yet and it’s not going to.
House Ways and Means Committee Votes To Make the Traitor's Tax Returns Public.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to publicly release a report on Donald Trump’s tax returns, which the former president has long tried to shield.

Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., said supporting materials will be released along with the report. Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, the committee’s top Republican, raised concerns about privacy as the documents could contain information such as Social Security numbers.

The report could provide a fuller look into Trump’s personal and business finances, possibly revealing how much money he paid in taxes, what income he derived from foreign operations and whether his income was as large as the reputed multibillionaire has suggested.
"What laws were violated?"
well let's see Delldude....
Maybe you can answer your own question with a simple Google search.

Type in something like "what charges against Trump did Jan. 6th Committee refer to DOJ?

DD is more prone to goggle breitfart and gate way numb nuts.
Trump Tax Audits Required By IRS Were Delayed, According To House Ways and Means.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A report issued Tuesday by the Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee found that required IRS audits of Donald Trump were delayed, and committee members voted along party lines to also release tax filings of the former president who broke political norms by refusing to release the information on his own.

The full level of detail that will be revealed is uncertain, but lawmakers said they expect to release six years of tax returns for Trump and eight affiliated companies. Some sensitive personal information would be redacted. While the 29-page report summarizing the committee’s work was issued later Tuesday night, the tax returns themselves may not be released for several more days.

The report indicates that the Trump administration may have disregarded an IRS requirement dating back to 1977 that mandates audits of a president’s tax filings. The IRS only began to audit his 2015 tax filings on April 3, 2019, a date more than two years into Trump’s presidency. That date also coincides with committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., making an “initial request to the IRS for the former President’s return information and related tax returns.”
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