January Jobs Numbers

Got to love it, Wuhan forces companies to lay-off and shut down, when the government allows companies to reopen everyone gives thanks to the very people that shut down the companies in the first place and calls it the Biden miracle. What a pile of shit. No new jobs were created worker participation in the work place is still the test. The return to normal, what ever that means, is nothing unexpected. Oh how blessed we are to have Charlie McCarthy and his handlers in control. So what will the narrative be when proposed corporate and personal income taxes are raised, Trumps fault?
Xiden IS fostering job creation!

Jobs in government.
High paying union jobs.

Notably the growing need for staffing of unemployment offices.

With benefits you ordinary people can only dream of.

The Biden recovery continues, and his meeting his ambitious vaccination goals is a significant contributor to the improving economy

Jobless claims fell to 547,000, lowest level since the pandemic began in a sign layoffs are easing
April 22, 2021
WASHINGTON -- The number of Americans applying for unemployment aid fell last week to 547,000, the lowest point since the pandemic struck and an encouraging sign that layoffs are slowing on the strength of an improving job market.
The Labor Department said Thursday that applications declined 39,000 from a revised 586,000 a week earlier. Weekly jobless claims are down sharply from a peak of 900,000 in early January. At the same time, they’re still far above the roughly 230,000 level that prevailed before the viral outbreak ripped through the economy in March of last year.
“With 135 million Americans having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and the economy opening up more each day, the number of job opportunities will continue to rise,” said James Knightley, chief international economist at ING, a European bank...
Thank God Competent Trump provided this buffoon the covid vaccine and a prime economy. This should give Biden 1 good year he can PRETEND he's responsible for

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