January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Ah yes, the backup quarterback plays the last 30 seconds, and tries to take credit for the whole game. LOL The orange clown remains just that, a clown.
Progressives like yourself like to piss in each other's mouths and call it Kool-Aid
Government can't create jobs. Only private people and companies can do that.

All govt can do is restrict and destroy them.

Looks like starting Nov. 9, 2016, people who create jobs knew their long 8-year nightmare was over, and the govt would be restricting and holding them up a lot less from now on, so they started hiring, selling more, etc. Finally they are starting to be more confident they can project their company operations more confidently, without govt dumping more regulations, health care burdens, etc. on them.
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Ah yes, the backup quarterback plays the last 30 seconds, and tries to take credit for the whole game. LOL The orange clown remains just that, a clown.
Progressives like yourself like to piss in each other's mouths and call it Kool-Aid
And of course all you can do is post nonsense, since your IQ level is capable of nothing else.
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Looks like Obama has turned over a strong economy to Trump

Much, much better than he got from Bush
How much did it cost Obama to secure 384,000? It cost President Trump the cost of a phone call!
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Ah yes, the backup quarterback plays the last 30 seconds, and tries to take credit for the whole game. LOL The orange clown remains just that, a clown.
Progressives like yourself like to piss in each other's mouths and call it Kool-Aid
And of course all you can do is post nonsense, since your IQ level is capable of nothing else.
Government can't create jobs. Only private people and companies can do that.

All govt can do is restrict and destroy them.

Looks like starting Nov. 9, 2016, people who create jobs knew their long 8-year nightmare was over, and the govt would be restricting and holding them up a lot less from now on, so they started hiring, selling more, etc. Finally they are starting to be more confident they can project their company operations more confidently, without govt dumping more regulations, health care burdens, etc. on them.
LOL We shall see. Wait and see what our economy is like by the end of 2019. Provided, of course, that the GOP House and Senate have not impeached the clown's ass by that time.
and what was the jobs report for January 2009? did it start with a negative?
LOL Certainly did. You think that the economic debacle the GOP created was going to stop just because a new President took office? Just as the present steady increase in economic activity will continue for a while in spite of the clown's best efforts.
I am keeping track! So Far Trump Has One Month Of Job Growth !!! whereas,,,,President Zero had 8 straight years of 0.0% Job Growth !!! {McDonalds Jobs dont count}
Trump 2017 Jobs Report,,,,about 250,000........Obama 2009.......about 1 Million lost.

Wow. What else is there to say to something so ignorant and ridiculous?

in 2009 Obama inherited GREAT FUCKING RECESSION you dolt and handed off a stable, growing economy in 2017 to Trump, who has little-to-zero relevance to January jobs.
I can still remember the misery of early 2009 when Obama just sat there as we lost about 800,000 jobs a month, and did nothing to stop the bleeding,,,well,,,he sort of tried by taking a few vacations.
I can still remember the misery of early 2009 when Obama just sat there as we lost about 800,000 jobs a month, and did nothing to stop the bleeding,,,well,,,he sort of tried by taking a few vacations.

Brain dead spambot alert!
No doubt very upsetting news for Trump-Hater nutters. Democrats don't want America winning. It's only about sabotaging Trump for them. 'Party before Country.'
Now look, little lying cocksuck, when the GOP walked away from the power on 20Jan2009, the economy was going straight down. The Dow went down to 6500, and the unemployment to over 10%. Now the orange clown is handed an economy with the Dow at 20,000 and unemployment at 4.7%.

That will be the measure of the clown's Presidency. What will the economy be at the end of 2019. Considering that the clown is alienating our allies, and enabling our enemies, and trying to start a trade war. And all of you think this is a good thing? LOL

America winning under Trump, scares the shite out of you hater nutters. You're truly hoping for the worst. You can lie about that if you want, but we know y'all are only about sabotaging Trump. You don't care about Americans and whether or not they have jobs. You're just petty haters. Nothing more, nothing less.
He has been president for 14 days.

And it is impressive job growth put of the gate.

Isn't it amusing that the media and a number of the critics here have finally discovered the real unemployment numbers?

44,000 have lost their jobs since Trump took office

95 million without jobs under Trump......the most in history
He has been president for 14 days.

And it is impressive job growth put of the gate.

Isn't it amusing that the media and a number of the critics here have finally discovered the real unemployment numbers?

44,000 have lost their jobs since Trump took office

95 million without jobs under Trump......the most in history
Ten days???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a long record of defeat! Wrong!

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