January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiners don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Bush was President. Obama didn't get inaugurated until Jan. 20, 2009.
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiner don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Who else would be to blame for losing 700,000 jobs a month?
Obviously from the standard you set, Obama. Sure, blame Bush for the Jan 08 jobs report and praise Obama for the Jan 16.

I understand your squirming, but there you go.

You struggle understanding a calendar don't you?
Unemployment rate is based on a jobs survey that takes place around the 15 th of the month. After analysis, results are given after the month has completed

On Jan 15 2008, Bush was still President and is credited with January
On Jan 15 2016, Obama was still President and gets credit or January

Easy isn't it?
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

Today’s Department of Labor (DOL) January report card came in with strong numbers. There was a net gain of 227,000 jobs in January, quite an improvement over December’s 157,000 number and the largest gain since September 2016.

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiners don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Bush was President. Obama didn't get inaugurated until Jan. 20, 2009.
The Donald was active in producing jobs far before he was inaugurated. There is absolutely no doubt Trump was a major factor in the marked improvement. Business does not wait for inaugurations. They understood that Trump was going to be president and acted accordingly.
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiners don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Bush was President. Obama didn't get inaugurated until Jan. 20, 2009.
The Donald was active in producing jobs far before he was inaugurated. There is absolutely no doubt Trump was a major factor in the marked improvement. Business does not wait for inaugurations. They understood that Trump was going to be president and acted accordingly.
Just because you say there was no doubt that Trump had a hand in creating jobs doesn't make it so. In any case, the incoming President inherits the last job numbers and economy of the previous President. The only accurate test will be the following numbers and analysis of the economy.
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiners don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Bush was President. Obama didn't get inaugurated until Jan. 20, 2009.
The Donald was active in producing jobs far before he was inaugurated. There is absolutely no doubt Trump was a major factor in the marked improvement. Business does not wait for inaugurations. They understood that Trump was going to be president and acted accordingly.
Just because you say there was no doubt that Trump had a hand in creating jobs doesn't make it so. In any case, the incoming President inherits the last job numbers and economy of the previous President. The only accurate test will be the following numbers and analysis of the economy.
Sorry Campy. You've lost this one too. It's a slam dunk.
It's like arguing with a child.

"Trump is the best. He saved America after two weeks in office"

"Uhh the numbers you're looking at are from the previous admin. Trumps policies are nonexistent; therefore he has had no influence on the latest numbers"

"Nope. Trump is the greatest. He said so"
Ten days, kiddo. How many days did Obama have to create jobs without expending financial resources for the effort?
BHO has verbally acknowledged that his failure to spur any infrastructure improvement projects is what left his own recovery programs weak.

He explains that at the time they (himself and Congress) were looking for fast fixes, and infrastructure takes 3 to 5 years.

Of course in hindsight he HAD 8 years. But he still blew it.

This is probably why Hillary lost in the swing states, and therefore the People voted to change regimes.
It was Obama who recommended an infrastructure program long ago, and as was typical with a republican congress, thy ignored it. But, now its such a great idea
Your stupid that was Obama's shovel ready jobs, remember? That he said wasn't shovel ready.
Will anyone top the number of jobs created during the Obama years?
Probably not, part time jobs were abundant. That's why there were record numbers on welfare under Obama.
The record numbers of welfare were the direct result of Bush's economy disaster
January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos

And he’s been in office for 10 days!

January jobs report a boon amid all the chaos
Bravo Trump!
Those were all jobs measured while Obama was President
I suppose you blamed the bleedingg of jobs in Jan 08 on Bush. Even whiners don't get it both ways, except of course...never mind..
Bush was President. Obama didn't get inaugurated until Jan. 20, 2009.
The Donald was active in producing jobs far before he was inaugurated. There is absolutely no doubt Trump was a major factor in the marked improvement. Business does not wait for inaugurations. They understood that Trump was going to be president and acted accordingly.
Job numbers are consistent with what we have seen for the last six months

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