Japan declares state of emergency as Fukushima reactor falls into ocean

From the "Anti News Network".

I'll just leave that there.

View attachment 129649
Why do you suppose that no one else is reporting that a damaged Japanese nuclear reactor has fallen into the ocean?

Gosh, you'd think such a massive story would have cracked the news lineup SOMEWHERE. At LEAST after the sports report, maybe.

Maybe everybody is keeping it a "secret", huh?

If you knew that answer you wouldn't be one of the ones who had to ask. Those of us who aren't part of the dumbed down idiot club already know why it's you loons who can't figure it out.
Hmm. Are there any photos or video of the reactor falling into the ocean?
The nukulur steam covered it all up.

5 Things You’re Not Being Told About Fukushima - Waking Times

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

  1. The Japan Times. Two trillion becquerels of radioactive material may have escaped No. 1. The Japan Times.
  2. Smith, J. et al. Arrival of the Fukushima radioactivity plume in North American continental waters.Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science.
  3. Davies, L. Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the United States, 1973-2002. The Journal of the American Medical Association. 295 (18).
  4. Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Proceedings of the 17th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting for Fukushima Health Management Survey. Fukushima Radiation and Health.
  5. Fackler, M. Three Years After Fukushima, Japan Approves a Nuclear Plant. The New York Times.
  6. Boyd, J. Experts clash on Fukushima radiation effects. Aljazeera.
  7. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. UNSCEAR 2013 Report.United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
  8. Imanaka, Tetsuji. Current Topics about the Radiological Consequences by the Chernobyl Accident.Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University .
  9. Balfour, B. The woes of Fukushima’s sake brewers. BBC News.

High Radiation Levels Confirmed At Half Moon Bay, California


Panic as Fukushima radiation 'found' on Californian beach!
From the "Anti News Network".

I'll just leave that there.

View attachment 129649
Why do you suppose that no one else is reporting that a damaged Japanese nuclear reactor has fallen into the ocean?

Gosh, you'd think such a massive story would have cracked the news lineup SOMEWHERE. At LEAST after the sports report, maybe.

Maybe everybody is keeping it a "secret", huh?

If you knew that answer you wouldn't be one of the ones who had to ask. Those of us who aren't part of the dumbed down idiot club already know why it's you loons who can't figure it out.
Hmm. Are there any photos or video of the reactor falling into the ocean?

Authorities continue to downplay threat

Paul Joseph Watson
January 7, 2014

A Berkeley nuclear engineering professor has dismissed a viral video which appears to show unusually high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, asserting it has no link to the ongoing Fukushima crisis in Japan.

As we reported yesterday, a YouTube clip shows an individual taking radiation readings with a Geiger counter on a beach south of Pillar Point Harbor in San Mateo County. The readings show at least five times the normal background radiation level.

Health officials investigated and confirmed the spike but said they were “befuddled” as to its cause, suggesting that “red-painted disposable eating utensils” may have been responsible.

During an interview with news station KPIX, Berkeley Professor Edward Morse claimed that the video proved nothing.

“Someone going around with a Geiger counter is likely to discover these great variations in levels from time to time,” said Morse, adding, “That’s absolutely no correlation with anything that happened in Fukushima.”

The clip then shows Morse measuring “rocks” for radiation with a Geiger counter and receiving abnormally high readings.

Despite Morse’s dismissal, experts at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems in Spain have concluded that the plume of radioactive cesium-137 released by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 will begin reaching U.S. coastal waters in early 2014.

KPIX also spoke to Gene Herman of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, who said people should remain wary of the potential threat posed by radioactive Fukushima debris and toxic sea water.

Whether the ongoing Fukushima crisis poses a genuine threat to Americans on the west coast or not, official denials that there is any problem count for very little since authorities habitually lie about public health crises in the name of preventing panic, an infamous example being the EPA’s post 9/11 assurance that the air at ground zero was safe to breathe, which led to at least 20,000 people suffering debilitating illnesses as well as many deaths.

The continued duplicity of the Japanese government and TEPCO officials in lying about the true scale of the radiation release from Fukushima has also increased suspicions. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO.

Professor Denies West Coast Radiation Link to Fukushima
From the "Anti News Network".

I'll just leave that there.

View attachment 129649
Why do you suppose that no one else is reporting that a damaged Japanese nuclear reactor has fallen into the ocean?

Gosh, you'd think such a massive story would have cracked the news lineup SOMEWHERE. At LEAST after the sports report, maybe.

Maybe everybody is keeping it a "secret", huh?

If you knew that answer you wouldn't be one of the ones who had to ask. Those of us who aren't part of the dumbed down idiot club already know why it's you loons who can't figure it out.
Hmm. Are there any photos or video of the reactor falling into the ocean?

Authorities continue to downplay threat

Paul Joseph Watson
January 7, 2014

A Berkeley nuclear engineering professor has dismissed a viral video which appears to show unusually high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, asserting it has no link to the ongoing Fukushima crisis in Japan.

As we reported yesterday, a YouTube clip shows an individual taking radiation readings with a Geiger counter on a beach south of Pillar Point Harbor in San Mateo County. The readings show at least five times the normal background radiation level.

Health officials investigated and confirmed the spike but said they were “befuddled” as to its cause, suggesting that “red-painted disposable eating utensils” may have been responsible.

During an interview with news station KPIX, Berkeley Professor Edward Morse claimed that the video proved nothing.

“Someone going around with a Geiger counter is likely to discover these great variations in levels from time to time,” said Morse, adding, “That’s absolutely no correlation with anything that happened in Fukushima.”

The clip then shows Morse measuring “rocks” for radiation with a Geiger counter and receiving abnormally high readings.

Despite Morse’s dismissal, experts at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems in Spain have concluded that the plume of radioactive cesium-137 released by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 will begin reaching U.S. coastal waters in early 2014.

KPIX also spoke to Gene Herman of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, who said people should remain wary of the potential threat posed by radioactive Fukushima debris and toxic sea water.

Whether the ongoing Fukushima crisis poses a genuine threat to Americans on the west coast or not, official denials that there is any problem count for very little since authorities habitually lie about public health crises in the name of preventing panic, an infamous example being the EPA’s post 9/11 assurance that the air at ground zero was safe to breathe, which led to at least 20,000 people suffering debilitating illnesses as well as many deaths.

The continued duplicity of the Japanese government and TEPCO officials in lying about the true scale of the radiation release from Fukushima has also increased suspicions. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO.

Professor Denies West Coast Radiation Link to Fukushima
Is this an admission then, that the reactor in fact did not fall into the ocean?

As both your thread title and linked "news article" claimed?
From the "Anti News Network".

I'll just leave that there.

View attachment 129649
Why do you suppose that no one else is reporting that a damaged Japanese nuclear reactor has fallen into the ocean?

Gosh, you'd think such a massive story would have cracked the news lineup SOMEWHERE. At LEAST after the sports report, maybe.

Maybe everybody is keeping it a "secret", huh?

If you knew that answer you wouldn't be one of the ones who had to ask. Those of us who aren't part of the dumbed down idiot club already know why it's you loons who can't figure it out.

We know the answer. You are mentally ill
Here are the four reactors, note the "article" mentions reactor #2:


It takes a special kind of retard to believe it can fall into the ocean, especially since the link they source from when translated says there is a one meter hole that is leaking.

Then again said retard thinks that posting links about thyroid cancer backs up an claim that a structure 500 meters way from the ocean fell into the ocean.
Well, I guess the aliens have built a 500 meter tunnel from the ocean to the reactor so they can use the excess radiation as a gas station.

Makes as much sense as what the OP posted.
Japan Declares State Of Emergency as Fukushima Reactor Falls Into Ocean

Japan Declares State Of Emergency as Fukushima Reactor Falls Into Ocean:

Scientists at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan have declared a state of emergency as one of the reactors is on the verge of falling into the ocean.

Lethal levels of radiation have been detected around the site which scientists say stems from a hole caused by melted nuclear fuel.

Rt.com reports:

Radiation levels of up to 530 Sieverts per hour were detected inside an inactive Reactor 2 at the Fukushima ....


Well reality is a scary thing for some so their best defense deny it. We'll see who those weak minded are lol.

But from what I gather this might have happened a few months ago sometimes news gets around a bit late so for information purposes this even took place either way.
What an absurd news story. Falling into the ocean. Ridiculous.
Like I said...............if it falls into the ocean, the aliens are going to use it for a gas station on a long lonely road.
On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Nuclear Power in Europe after Fukushima: A Special Report
Released on 2012-10-18 17:00 GMT

Email-ID 2368910
Date 2011-03-16 01:33:45
From [email protected]
To [email protected]
Nuclear Power in Europe after Fukushima: A Special Report

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Nuclear Power in Europe after Fukushima: A Special Report

March 16, 2011 | 0026 GMT
Nuclear Power in Europe after Fukushima: A Special Report
The Emsland nuclear power plant in Lingen, Germany, in 2010
Related Special Topic Page
* Japanese Earthquake: Full Coverage

The 27 countries in the European Union derived 31 percent of their
electricity needs and 14.6 of their primary energy consumption from
nuclear power in 2010. In roughly the last eight years, there has been a
considerable momentum on the Continent to boost that capacity. Countries
that had halted the construction of new reactors (Germany and Sweden) or
effectively abandoned nuclear power altogether (Italy and Poland) had
been considering reversing their moratoriums, phase-outs and outright ..............................

GI Files -

Fukushima Extinction Level Event ⌛ Spawning American Monster Mutations ⌛ Fukushima ELE E.L.E. ⌛

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