CDZ Japan has a better national health care than us: why?

----------------------------------- i don't know , i knew a skinny little old lady , she was 102 . She lived in a retirement / old folks home with a live in caretaker . I met her once or twice . Every once in awhile she'd be rolled out on a gurney to enjoy the sun on the sundeck . She was 102 and could do nothing so whats the sense eh Sobieski ??

Yeah, but at the same age, they will tend to be healthier.
-------------------------------------- as a general observation you MAY be correct . Plus as MY general observation , everyone is going to die so might as well eat another couple 3 - 4 bratwursts Sobieski.

Well, I think it's about moderation, you don't eat Bratwurst every day, but maybe 1 or 2 times a week.
---------------------------------- and thats cool , personal choice and all that . Lefties in the USA though would make expert and doctors opinion the law of the land just to save healthcare costs and thats what i object too Sobeiski .

The U.S.A pays by far the most on healthcare in the World, but don't live longer.

So, what's our healthcare plan? To pay more for worse care?

I don't really get it, it's really a no brainer.
-------------------------------------------- take care of yourself and i'll take care of myself . Plus reeducate yourself to American ways and leave your foreign thinking in your foreign lands . ------------------ like i said previously , its foreign thinking like Sobieskys thats just one reason i have no use for imported foreigners in the USA .
Yeah, but at the same age, they will tend to be healthier.
-------------------------------------- as a general observation you MAY be correct . Plus as MY general observation , everyone is going to die so might as well eat another couple 3 - 4 bratwursts Sobieski.

Well, I think it's about moderation, you don't eat Bratwurst every day, but maybe 1 or 2 times a week.
---------------------------------- and thats cool , personal choice and all that . Lefties in the USA though would make expert and doctors opinion the law of the land just to save healthcare costs and thats what i object too Sobeiski .

The U.S.A pays by far the most on healthcare in the World, but don't live longer.

So, what's our healthcare plan? To pay more for worse care?

I don't really get it, it's really a no brainer.
-------------------------------------------- take care of yourself and i'll take care of myself . Plus reeducate yourself to American ways and leave your foreign thinking in your foreign lands . ------------------ like i said previously , its foreign thinking like Sobieskys thats just one reason i have no use for imported foreigners in the USA .

I think it's appalling that many Americans will rather pay for war funding, rather than healthcare funding.

I'm glad I'm mentally more Polish, than American.

The American mentality isn't something to be proud of.
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


First off, I'm going to need more than an Internet meme to validate your claims. That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
-------------------------------------- as a general observation you MAY be correct . Plus as MY general observation , everyone is going to die so might as well eat another couple 3 - 4 bratwursts Sobieski.

Well, I think it's about moderation, you don't eat Bratwurst every day, but maybe 1 or 2 times a week.
---------------------------------- and thats cool , personal choice and all that . Lefties in the USA though would make expert and doctors opinion the law of the land just to save healthcare costs and thats what i object too Sobeiski .

The U.S.A pays by far the most on healthcare in the World, but don't live longer.

So, what's our healthcare plan? To pay more for worse care?

I don't really get it, it's really a no brainer.
-------------------------------------------- take care of yourself and i'll take care of myself . Plus reeducate yourself to American ways and leave your foreign thinking in your foreign lands . ------------------ like i said previously , its foreign thinking like Sobieskys thats just one reason i have no use for imported foreigners in the USA .

I think it's appalling that many Americans will rather pay for war funding, rather than healthcare funding.

I'm glad I'm mentally more Polish, than American.

The American mentality isn't something to be proud of.
------------------------------------------ well , ok with me , interesting though if you are in the USA . Anyway , think what you like but always remember that there is only one USA and there are lots of 'widdle' euro countries like 'poland' Sobiesky !! [you'd all be speaking 'german' if it wasn't for the USA Sobiesky]
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I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


First off, I'm going to need more than an Internet meme to validate your claims. That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
am comparing mortality, level of health care, and cost. You can look up the comparisons online. They are there in oodles and boodles.
That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
When a partisan advocate is pushing for something (such as single payer), the only information that matters is that which supports their case. Any contrary information is ignored, belittled or brushed aside.
That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
When a partisan advocate is pushing for something (such as single payer), the only information that matters is that which supports their case. Any contrary information is ignored, belittled or brushed aside.
Yup, which is exactly what the far right and the far left do.

The answer is somewhere in the middle.

If all of the other industrialized Western nations can do this, then we should certainly be able to do this.
That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
When a partisan advocate is pushing for something (such as single payer), the only information that matters is that which supports their case. Any contrary information is ignored, belittled or brushed aside.
Yup, which is exactly what the far right and the far left do.

The answer is somewhere in the middle.

If all of the other industrialized Western nations can do this, then we should certainly be able to do this.

I like Singapore's system, but this will never be acceptable to the left because it still requires personal responsibility.

Is Singapore’s "miracle" health care system the answer for America?
That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
When a partisan advocate is pushing for something (such as single payer), the only information that matters is that which supports their case. Any contrary information is ignored, belittled or brushed aside.
Yup, which is exactly what the far right and the far left do.

The answer is somewhere in the middle.

If all of the other industrialized Western nations can do this, then we should certainly be able to do this.

I like Singapore's system, but this will never be acceptable to the left because it still requires personal responsibility.

Is Singapore’s "miracle" health care system the answer for America?
If it works, then sell it.
That aside, how on Earth can you compare Japan to a nation like the United States?
When a partisan advocate is pushing for something (such as single payer), the only information that matters is that which supports their case. Any contrary information is ignored, belittled or brushed aside.
Yup, which is exactly what the far right and the far left do.

The answer is somewhere in the middle.

If all of the other industrialized Western nations can do this, then we should certainly be able to do this.
------------------------------------- don't want to be like other nations , buy your OWN insurance Sur !!
Libertarianism of any of the 27 types is unworkable, Sur 'ismo.

Not a single one of us has the slightest obligation to make medical, insurance, and pharma companies rich at the expense of the national health.
Libertarianism of any of the 27 types is unworkable, Sur 'ismo.

Not a single one of us has the slightest obligation to make medical, insurance, and pharma companies rich at the expense of the national health.

But that's exactly what ObamaCare has done. One of the biggest reasons medical costs are so high in this country is because most people don't have actual insurance, they have health care plans that cover every little sniffle and sneeze. If my auto insurance paid for every oil change, tire change, and parts replacement it would be hella expensive too.
Libertarianism of any of the 27 types is unworkable, Sur 'ismo.

Not a single one of us has the slightest obligation to make medical, insurance, and pharma companies rich at the expense of the national health.

But that's exactly what ObamaCare has done. One of the biggest reasons medical costs are so high in this country is because most people don't have actual insurance, they have health care plans that cover every little sniffle and sneeze. If my auto insurance paid for every oil change, tire change, and parts replacement it would be hella expensive too.
Because the GOP would not work to put everybody in it, period. So quit the nonsense. If both parties worked together on this for the benefit of the citizen, the industries would make a decent profit and provide good affordable care at a decent cost.
Libertarianism of any of the 27 types is unworkable, Sur 'ismo.

Not a single one of us has the slightest obligation to make medical, insurance, and pharma companies rich at the expense of the national health.
---------------------------- don't want your unamerican style healthcare Sur !!
OK. The two biggest issues I am hearing are the size of our military and the permissiveness of our society with criminal and non-productive elements.

I will add a third: the health care and health care insurance industries lobbying Congress and the state leges for protecting their interests.

Although the Japanese do not have the obesity factor that we do, the smoke and drink in much higher percentiles that we do.

First off Japan spends 10.6% of GDP on HC and US spends 17.6% on HC(Public and Private spending).. So money is not the reason... US spends far more...

As for permissiveness, Japan has a pretty healthy porn industry, I have been told...

As for the Obesity, yes this is true... But compare budgets spent on public health initiatives.. Also look at the constraints on advertising to children in Japan...

Japan like the Rest of the world does not allow prescription drug advertising... 'Just ask your doctor...' pretty sums up the rest of the worlds view of US help... the patient is telling the qualified person what drug they need, this borders on insanity...

US also has doctors prescribing opiate pain relief as standard... This is a huge no no out side the US... Opiates are highly addictive, unnecessary as alternate no addictive usually work almost as good. Opiates are a gateway drug, that is as plain as day, it led to the black tar heroin epidemic in mid America...

There is many other cost savings around the world which countries are continually robbing ideas of each other. They rob good ones from the US too, 'Care Pathways' comes to mind quickly.... But US seems caught in a mental warp about looking at the best systems and adapting for themselves...
Libertarianism of any of the 27 types is unworkable, Sur 'ismo.

Not a single one of us has the slightest obligation to make medical, insurance, and pharma companies rich at the expense of the national health.
---------------------------- don't want your unamerican style healthcare Sur !!
Does not matter what you want, Sur! What matters is what the whole of America wants. And whatever that is, you will abide.
Well, I think it's about moderation, you don't eat Bratwurst every day, but maybe 1 or 2 times a week.
---------------------------------- and thats cool , personal choice and all that . Lefties in the USA though would make expert and doctors opinion the law of the land just to save healthcare costs and thats what i object too Sobeiski .

The U.S.A pays by far the most on healthcare in the World, but don't live longer.

So, what's our healthcare plan? To pay more for worse care?

I don't really get it, it's really a no brainer.
-------------------------------------------- take care of yourself and i'll take care of myself . Plus reeducate yourself to American ways and leave your foreign thinking in your foreign lands . ------------------ like i said previously , its foreign thinking like Sobieskys thats just one reason i have no use for imported foreigners in the USA .

I think it's appalling that many Americans will rather pay for war funding, rather than healthcare funding.

I'm glad I'm mentally more Polish, than American.

The American mentality isn't something to be proud of.
------------------------------------------ well , ok with me , interesting though if you are in the USA . Anyway , think what you like but always remember that there is only one USA and there are lots of 'widdle' euro countries like 'poland' Sobiesky !! [you'd all be speaking 'german' if it wasn't for the USA Sobiesky]

I was born in the U.S.A, but I identify more closely with Poland.

The Soviets rescued Poland from the Nazis, and when the Soviets took over Poland, the U.S.A appeased Stalin.
give credit where you like , i won't argue the point of WHO saved you but i note that YOU Poles didn't save yourselves Sobeiski .
point is that you' Poles would be speaking German except that you were saved by those that saved you Sobiesky .

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