Japanese Prime Minister insulted by biden white house


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I noticed the prime ministered wasn't a snowflake about it like some posters.
Let's be kind & generous.

As anyone knows who has a loved one or good friend suffering from brain health issues, such a person may have a sudden episode in which s/he needs to rest for a while.

Maybe Mr. Biden was not feeling well enough to welcome the prime minister at the front door.

He did recover in time, however, to congratulate the prime minister on his "Japanese boy."

Man, oh man, if President Trump had indulged in such behavior, the media (and Nancy & Chuck) would have been screaming for impeachment.

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I noticed the prime ministered wasn't a snowflake about it like some posters.
Do you think it hasnt crossed his mind that the White House is being run by incompetent fools?
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The Jap is the insulting one. In Japanese culture they demand you to take off your shoes inside of their home. Typical hypocritical “rules for you but not for me”.
Did the prime minister take off his shoes? Nope
Respecting the culture of the country you are visiting is very respectful. It's not the cultural norm to do that in United States culture.

It's a shame that the Dems have once again, insulted and alienated one of our dearest and closes allies. The Communist Party of China is pleased with Xiden's behavior, once again

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I noticed the prime ministered wasn't a snowflake about it like some posters.
Do you think it hasnt crossed his mind that the White House scbeing run by incompetent fools?
Is that why he never showed up when Trump was president?

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I noticed the prime ministered wasn't a snowflake about it like some posters.
Do you think it hasnt crossed his mind that the White House scbeing run by incompetent fools?
You act as if this wasn't done on purpose....it was.
The Jap is the insulting one. In Japanese culture they demand you to take off your shoes inside of their home. Typical hypocritical “rules for you but not for me”.
Did the prime minister take off his shoes? Nope
Respecting the culture of the country you are visiting is very respectful. It's not the cultural norm to do that in United States culture.

It's a shame that the Dems have once again, insulted and alienated one of our dearest and closes allies. The Communist Party of China is pleased with Xiden's behavior, once again
Yeah, you know what the party is always doing , yeah, you must be a member also, you are on their mailing list..

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I noticed the prime ministered wasn't a snowflake about it like some posters.
Do you think it hasnt crossed his mind that the White House scbeing run by incompetent fools?
Is that why he never showed up when Trump was president?
Trump meet with the PM of Japan a number of times in the United States. Try again
The Jap is the insulting one. In Japanese culture they demand you to take off your shoes inside of their home. Typical hypocritical “rules for you but not for me”.
Did the prime minister take off his shoes? Nope
Respecting the culture of the country you are visiting is very respectful. It's not the cultural norm to do that in United States culture.

It's a shame that the Dems have once again, insulted and alienated one of our dearest and closes allies. The Communist Party of China is pleased with Xiden's behavior, once again
Yeah, you know what the party is always doing , yeah, you must be a member also, you are on their mailing list..
They make it no secret. Maybe, you should just open your eyes....

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
I don't know how many times I have to tell you people:

Gateway pundit is not news. It is for entertainment purposes only.

Whatever idiocy you've whipped yourself into a froth over either never happened at all or is so misrepresented that it might as well be fantasy.

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