Jason Riley at Fox News, skews truth about Fast Track Trade Authority’s opposition

That means competition is not dependent on it. [ it=free trade]

dear, if we have no trade outside our USA borders there is still competition within our borders. But, if we have free trade within our borders and also with the entire world then there is much much more competition and so the quality of goods and services ( and our standard of living) rises much faster.

Do you understand now or does your liberal IQ prevent it??
dear, if we have no trade outside our USA borders there is still competition within our borders. But, if we have free trade within our borders and also with the entire world then there is much much more competition and so the quality of goods and services ( and our standard of living) rises much faster.

Do you understand now or does your liberal IQ prevent it??
Why do you insist with this false premise. We have always had trade with the world and therefore competition. Competition is not dependent on free trade. Did you not prove that with your auto industry example? Can you summon the courage to admit it and move this discussion along?

Free trade isn't about competition. It is about undermining the sovereignty of nations. Congress was given the authority to regulate commerce. Free trade agreements wrest that authority from the people's representatives and gives it to the corporations.
[. Competition is not dependent on free trade.

dear, you lack the IQ to follow along. Most economists support free trade because the more of it we have the more competition there is to produce the best goods and services in the world and thus the faster our standard of living rises.

I'll bet your Mom can explain it to you? Let us know.
dear, if we have no trade outside our USA borders there is still competition within our borders. But, if we have free trade within our borders and also with the entire world then there is much much more competition and so the quality of goods and services ( and our standard of living) rises much faster.

Do you understand now or does your liberal IQ prevent it??
Why do you insist with this false premise. We have always had trade with the world and therefore competition. Competition is not dependent on free trade. Did you not prove that with your auto industry example? Can you summon the courage to admit it and move this discussion along?

Free trade isn't about competition. It is about undermining the sovereignty of nations. Congress was given the authority to regulate commerce. Free trade agreements wrest that authority from the people's representatives and gives it to the corporations.

The truth of the matter is, our founders were advocates of free trade, but they also took into consideration an America First trade policy to encourage a strong and vibrant domestic manufacturing base. For example, let review part of our founder's first revenue raising act.

In addition to imposing a specific amount of tax on specifically chosen articles imported, our founding fathers imposed an across-the-board tax on imports which was higher for imports arriving in foreign owned foreign built vessels, and discounted the tax for imports arriving in American owned American built ships:

"...a discount of ten percent on all duties imposed by this Act shall be allowed on such goods, wares, and merchandise as shall be imported in vessels built in the United States, and wholly the property of a citizen or citizens thereof." SEE: An Act imposing duties on Tonnage July 20, 1789

This patriotic use of taxing at our water’s edge not only filled our national treasury, but gave American ship builders a hometown advantage and predictably resulted in America's ship building industry to flourish and America’s merchant marine to become the most powerful on the face of the planet. Unfortunately, last time I visited the docks in New York's Hell's Kitchen area, I was very saddened that I could no longer read the names on the docked ships as they all seemed to be foreign owned foreign built vessels...an irrefutable sign of America's decline traceable to the ravages of our international “free trade crowd” and a traitorous sellout of America’s sovereignty to the highest international bidders by members of Congress and our presidents, past and present!

The bottom line is, taxing at our water’s edge as our Founding Fathers did helped to pave the way for America to become the economic marvel of the world. And the proof is, by the year1835 America was manufacturing everything from steam powered ships, to clothing spun and woven by powered machinery and the national debt [which included part of the revolutionary war debt] was completely extinguished and Congress enjoyed a surplus in the federal treasury from tariffs, duties, and customs. And so, by an Act of Congress in June of 1836 all surplus revenue in excess of $ 5,000,000 was decided to be distributed among the states, and eventually a total of $28,000,000 was distributed among the states by the rule of apportionment in the nature of interest free loans to the states to be recalled if and when Congress decided to make such a recall.


“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence

GOP leaders want to fuck people over for money more desperately than they want to screw the President. Simple math.

Of course you meant, the GOP leaders and Obama, especially Obama, wants to screw over people? No? You're too partisan?
This POS legislation should be fast tracked to the SCOTUS. Then 5 old men and women can tell us that we are forced to comply that is now the American way.
The truth of the matter is, our founders were advocates of free trade, but they also took into consideration an America First trade policy to encourage a strong and vibrant domestic manufacturing base. For example, let review part of our founder's first revenue raising act.


“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence
Well to be fair, a trade policy which contains tariffs is not consistent with free trade principles. Our founding fathers were absolutely correct in using protectionist measures though and in doing so they had this country's best interests at heart as you have rightly pointed out.
The truth of the matter is, our founders were advocates of free trade,

Why always be stupid and liberal?? the more companies competing to make cars, for example, the better the cars will be and the faster our standard of living will rise.

Notice I have a way of explaining things so even a liberal can understand them??

The more countries competing to cure cancer the sooner we will have a cure, and the sooner we won't have to die slow and very painful deaths from it.

See why we have to be 100% positive that the liberal is stupid?
The truth of the matter is, our founders were advocates of free trade,

Why always be stupid and liberal?? the more companies competing to make cars, for example, the better the cars will be and the faster our standard of living will rise.

Notice I have a way of explaining things so even a liberal can understand them??

The more countries competing to cure cancer the sooner we will have a cure, and the sooner we won't have to die slow and very painful deaths from it.

See why we have to be 100% positive that the liberal is stupid?

I suppose having our enemies producing our weapons of defense will insure our national security. Do you even know what an America First Policy means?

[. Competition is not dependent on free trade.

dear, you lack the IQ to follow along. Most economists support free trade because the more of it we have the more competition there is to produce the best goods and services in the world and thus the faster our standard of living rises.

I'll bet your Mom can explain it to you? Let us know.

Since Clinton and his free trade sell out has the standard of living increased or decreased for those who worked in manufacturing?
[. Competition is not dependent on free trade.

dear, you lack the IQ to follow along. Most economists support free trade because the more of it we have the more competition there is to produce the best goods and services in the world and thus the faster our standard of living rises.

I'll bet your Mom can explain it to you? Let us know.

Since Clinton and his free trade sell out has the standard of living increased or decreased for those who worked in manufacturing?

dear, free trade is for all the people in America, not just for those who work in manufacturing. Do you have a better question?
[. Competition is not dependent on free trade.

dear, you lack the IQ to follow along. Most economists support free trade because the more of it we have the more competition there is to produce the best goods and services in the world and thus the faster our standard of living rises.

I'll bet your Mom can explain it to you? Let us know.

Since Clinton and his free trade sell out has the standard of living increased or decreased for those who worked in manufacturing?

dear, free trade is for all the people in America, not just for those who work in manufacturing. Do you have a better question?

I think that was a good question, it made you dodge.

OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?
OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?

dear, correlation is not causality?? Do you understand? Without trade you starve to death making everything yourself. Middle class suffers today not because of trade but because of other liberal liberal policies that drove 40 million jobs to China.

Do you understand?
OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?

dear, correlation is not causality?? Do you understand? Without trade you starve to death making everything yourself. Middle class suffers today not because of trade but because of other liberal liberal policies that drove 40 million jobs to China.

Do you understand?

You do understand that people need to make X amount of money to live a decent life. Which is more expensive in the US then most third world countries. So yeah people want paid what they need to live and everyone wants to live a good life.

But, when Clinton was selling out the Unions with his free trade agreements exactly what was predicted has come to be fact.



I am all for FAIR trade verse the BS of FREE trade.
OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?

dear, correlation is not causality?? Do you understand? Without trade you starve to death making everything yourself. Middle class suffers today not because of trade but because of other liberal liberal policies that drove 40 million jobs to China.

Do you understand?

You do understand that people need to make X amount of money to live a decent life. Which is more expensive in the US then most third world countries. So yeah people want paid what they need to live and everyone wants to live a good life.

But, when Clinton was selling out the Unions with his free trade agreements exactly what was predicted has come to be fact.



I am all for FAIR trade verse the BS of FREE trade.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand free trade. Do you want fair trade between all the states cities and counties of the USA??
OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?

dear, correlation is not causality?? Do you understand? Without trade you starve to death making everything yourself. Middle class suffers today not because of trade but because of other liberal liberal policies that drove 40 million jobs to China.

Do you understand?

You do understand that people need to make X amount of money to live a decent life. Which is more expensive in the US then most third world countries. So yeah people want paid what they need to live and everyone wants to live a good life.

But, when Clinton was selling out the Unions with his free trade agreements exactly what was predicted has come to be fact.



I am all for FAIR trade verse the BS of FREE trade.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand free trade. Do you want fair trade between all the states cities and counties of the USA??

You can't even tell a liberal when you see them, why would I take anything you have to say seriously.

Send all our jobs overseas is that what you really want? Your really want free over fair? Carnegie and Frick would be proud of you.
Send all our jobs overseas is that what you really want? Your really want free over fair? Carnegie and Frick would be proud of you.

Of course I'm for ending the liberal policies that shipped 40 million jobs off shore.

All we have to do is eliminate the liberal corporate taxes, liberal unions, liberal deficits, ship 20 million liberal illegals home, and end the liberal war on the family and schools and we'll have 40 million new jobs tomorrow with huge upward pressure on wages

Do you have the IQ to understand?.
OK, since Clinton's "free" trade agreement is the middle class better off or not. We know the rich are, but how about the rest of us?

dear, correlation is not causality?? Do you understand? Without trade you starve to death making everything yourself. Middle class suffers today not because of trade but because of other liberal liberal policies that drove 40 million jobs to China.

Do you understand?

Of course we understand what the NAFTA has done. It benefits international corporations who have no allegiance to America or any nation.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

Of course we understand what the NAFTA has done. It benefits international corporations who have no allegiance to America or any nation.


ok so we'll make free trade illegal, make everything ourselves, and slowly starve to death.

Do you have the IQ to understand that?

To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.


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