Jay Sekulow: “Three” FISA Applications Were Denied In 2016 And What This Means


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Amazing! The article is an excellent piece of investigative journalism. Absolutely 1st rate!
From Day one the Obama Clinton Axis was illegally trawling the NSA databases for politiical dirt on anyone and everyone. At some point, as Trump started to look viable as a candidate, some resistance was encountered within the IC about all the friends of Hillary rummaging in the intelligence files. A need was felt to legitimize the trawling. A quick lash-up of a FISA application was produced to gain a warrant. It was rejected. And dressed up and rejected twice more. Obama’s tool, John Roberts, solves the problem by putting Strzok’s buddy Judge Contreras on the FISA court. Presto! The much needed FISA warrant is issued.

Jay Sekulow: “Three” FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means…
Amazing! The article is an excellent piece of investigative journalism. Absolutely 1st rate!
From Day one the Obama Clinton Axis was illegally trawling the NSA databases for politiical dirt on anyone and everyone. At some point, as Trump started to look viable as a candidate, some resistance was encountered within the IC about all the friends of Hillary rummaging in the intelligence files. A need was felt to legitimize the trawling. A quick lash-up of a FISA application was produced to gain a warrant. It was rejected. And dressed up and rejected twice more. Obama’s tool, John Roberts, solves the problem by putting Strzok’s buddy Judge Contreras on the FISA court. Presto! The much needed FISA warrant is issued.

Jay Sekulow: “Three” FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means…

Wouldn’t it be nice if they impeached Robert’s? Just another trump shit on a bushes legacy. It would be awesome.

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