Jay walking to be legal?

Only Lib loons expect to walk out in front of cars and come out on top. If not, somebody else’s fault.
Only Lib loons expect to walk out in front of cars and come out on top. If not, somebody else’s fault.

Only Conservatives get hysterical over non enforcement of Jaywalking laws
Pedestrians have first right of way. But do it at legal crosswalks. Give them 2 minutes per stoplight to cross
Yeah I agree. A few more people will die from being hit by cars, but who the hell cares? its their own fault.
I believe this new law will actually save lives. People will want to take advantage of jaywalking legally. The law says it's legal if it's done safely, so a lot of people who would have otherwise done it carelessly will now do it safely in order to be legit.

'A new California law allowing pedestrians to legally jaywalk “as long as it is safe to do so,” goes into effect Jan. 1."

and why is it becoming legal?

"Instead of enhancing pedestrian safety, jaywalking laws often ended up allowing cops to racially profile people and mired low-income residents in fines, backers of the new measure say."

when are they going to put the adults back in charge?
Jaywalking is based on the presumption that cars own & belong in the streets rather than The People.
This might not be a problem in a well-behaved society like Switzerland or Singapore, but it will be a problem here. It's not like anyone is super worried about getting a jaywalking ticket (I have never seen one issued in my life), but people generally try to cross at the crosswalks. I think that goes away if it's made legal, and I have no faith in people's opinion of what is and isn't safe.
Well if blacks don't get want the cops to approach them they shouldn't do it. It's that easy.

Their answer to "we have a law and a lot of blacks get punished for breaking that law" is to say "ok let's get rid of the law".

Jay walking isn't ok because it puts the walkers and drivers in danger. That's why there are crosswalks and lights and such.

Fuck blacks. They can not break the law if they don't want to get in trouble.

'A new California law allowing pedestrians to legally jaywalk “as long as it is safe to do so,” goes into effect Jan. 1."

and why is it becoming legal?

"Instead of enhancing pedestrian safety, jaywalking laws often ended up allowing cops to racially profile people and mired low-income residents in fines, backers of the new measure say."

when are they going to put the adults back in charge?
Well, I have to admit, when you let all the hard core criminals go, even with no bail, it does seem kind of stupid to have jaywalking be illegal.
Only Conservatives get hysterical over non enforcement of Jaywalking laws
Have you ever drove down a street in somewhat compromised mixed neighborhoods or African American ones and if you could not pass see someone talking to a driver in a stopped car while the traffic builds up behind them? And the patience starts to wear thin. And the other drivers start beeping horns to no avail as the one talking to the driver and when the driver shows a face and keeps talking. A thousand cuts of experiencing these things gives attitude of beliefs that you just deny and call hate and have won the day with. To experience this with the vehicle driven by the real hate be much more than the one driven by those simmering waiting in line makes it even more infuriating. The other choice is fights. Or worse.
'A new California law allowing pedestrians to legally jaywalk “as long as it is safe to do so,” goes into effect Jan. 1."
They do that here in MA and I’ll run the mofos down. I stop at street signals and crosswalks. I don’t stop for assholes who can’t use the proper crossing points.

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