JD Vance said Trump will use Elon Musk to target Social Security

J.D. Vance’s recent comments regarding Elon Musk’s potential role in a second Trump administration are ringing alarm bells for some.

In the past few weeks, Trump has confirmed that he plans to create a government efficiency task force headed by Musk to reform government spending. Musk has expressed enthusiasm about the role, tweeting, “I can’t wait. There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go.”

The purpose of the proposed task force has been an object of skepticism from budget experts. And some critics have cited Musk’s stewardship of X/Twitter—namely his decision to gut the social media company’s staff after purchasing it—as a cause for concern if the billionaire were to wield influence over vital government programs.

Last week, Vance appeared on a podcast where the host asked whether he had spoken to Musk about his “plan” regarding the task force. Vance’s answer about his talks with Musk was vague, but he specifically mentioned the Department of Defense and Social Security.

More at the link below...

J.D. Vance Reveals How Trump Will Use Musk to Target Social Security

I wonder what exactly is meant by that? What do you think?

Almost certainly it means nothing other than what people want it to mean.

What did "lock her up" mean? Nothing, except in the heads of the MAGA who thought it meant Trump would lock up Hillary, and then the rest of the left wing of the US.
J.D. Vance’s recent comments regarding Elon Musk’s potential role in a second Trump administration are ringing alarm bells for some.

In the past few weeks, Trump has confirmed that he plans to create a government efficiency task force headed by Musk to reform government spending. Musk has expressed enthusiasm about the role, tweeting, “I can’t wait. There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go.”

The purpose of the proposed task force has been an object of skepticism from budget experts. And some critics have cited Musk’s stewardship of X/Twitter—namely his decision to gut the social media company’s staff after purchasing it—as a cause for concern if the billionaire were to wield influence over vital government programs.

Last week, Vance appeared on a podcast where the host asked whether he had spoken to Musk about his “plan” regarding the task force. Vance’s answer about his talks with Musk was vague, but he specifically mentioned the Department of Defense and Social Security.

More at the link below...

J.D. Vance Reveals How Trump Will Use Musk to Target Social Security
Since you're a greater prophet than Daniel, why don't you give us next weeks lotterys number

Your thread title...

JD Vance said Trump will use Elon Musk to target Social Security​

I didn't see that at all, click bait mofo.

I wonder what exactly is meant by that?

You didn't wonder nuttin. Where, in any of all that was Social Security mentioned?

What do you think?

I think you had the usual, knee jerk, liberal spaz reaction and trampled your own Dear Mother to get to the PC with that swill. I know you, you know me. Your the guy that posts other people's memes like that gets the job done. Unless I shut them down. I'm the guy that posts my own memes. I have a thread for that. I mostly ignore that thread unless I have a case of the azz. I'm still only halfway through my memes. Fu(k it, I posted a new meme today...

pagers 1.2.png

pagers 1.1.png

I crafted that a while ago, today. I don't exactly, officially frown upon you posting other people's jokes. I just enjoy pointing out that I have my own jokes and you do not.

But then where the fu(k was Social Security mentioned? There ya go, I, Marchimedes got busy on the OP. I haven't read any more of this thread but I can guess. If I were to do my usual I would take the next post, or the one after that and rip it apart. Then have my way with the entire thread. Coyote tells me that is "thread derailing" so watch me not do that.

This is me behaving.
It's Lakhota, the Trump hating Indian. So no surprise here.

Sure. But then one of my beefs is that my side side comes back with weak azz troll crap like you just did right there. Mr. Mike, are you here to debate or troll? I don't need no mutha fu(kin help but it wouldn't hurt if you had a take with some dot.gov sites to bolster your take instead of just calling names and making my side a $h!t ton of name callers.

Fu(k Kunt, every time one of my side posts crap like that I can't run away fast enough.

Get your House in Order!
Sure. But then one of my beefs is that my side side comes back with weak azz troll crap like you just did right there. Mr. Mike, are you here to debate or troll? I don't need no mutha fu(kin help but it wouldn't hurt if you had a take with some dot.gov sites to bolster your take instead of just calling names and making my side a $h!t ton of name callers.

Fu(k Kunt, every time one of my side posts crap like that I can't run away fast enough.

Get your House in Order!
Who are you? You've been here 2 years and I've never seen you post anything. That aside, I'm always up for a debate/discussion if the topic isn't a he/said she/said load of crap. No credibility to the thread.
We can start by pulling all the subsidies given to Musk's company. We give him billions a year on top of his profits.

Why fo we subsidize his company? Because of the lies he and other electric car companies tell. Electric cars are not green. They are powered by electricity from coal burning power plants which cause far more pollution than gasoline. The electricity needed to drive 1000 miles in an electric car causes just as much pollution from those power plants as the gasoline needed to drive a gas powered car the same distance.
Who are you?

I'm Marchimedes.

You've been here 2 years and I've never seen you post anything.

That's cause I've been careful, but lately I've a couple of threads. I've many threads with many views. That you haven't done your homework on me says a lot. Do you want me to do my homework on you? I have a plan. My deal is to post stuff that no one can refute. You go ahead and try. Search me!

I will fu(k you up.

My thread, that is all about me and what I think is right fu(kin here...

teacher 3.5.png

I ain't hiding. Your turn.

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