Je Suis Charlie - hostage in the town of Dammartin-en-Goele


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Charlie Hebdo suspects take hostage at premises near Paris

A French Interior Ministry spokesman has said it is "almost certain" that the two Charlie Hebdo suspects have taken at least one hostage in the town of Dammartin-en-Goele.

The Paris prosecutor denied a radio report that at least one person had been killed in a shootout preceding the hostage-taking in an industrial zone of the town.

Police have cordoned off the northern town where brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi were identified following a massive manhunt in the woodland area nearby.
The people of the town asked to turn the houses' light down, close windows and stay in doors. Special forces on roof. It's a matter of minutes before the fiasco ends, whatever the results become.
The end result is going to be obvious. They are go kill themselves or go out in a blaze of glory. I'm watching CNN now, and apparently the shooters said they want to go out as martyrs. When they do, Penelope will claim they were Mossad agents.
The end result is going to be obvious. They are go kill themselves or go out in a blaze of glory. I'm watching CNN now, and apparently the shooters said they want to go out as martyrs. When they do, Penelope will claim they were Mossad agents.

Let them die as martyrs. Better that than releasing prisoners for them, eh. I feel sad for the hostage, though.

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