Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

Jeb Bush admits....I'm just as dumb as my brother

Of course Obama is even a bigger failure as President than Jimmy Carter and The Hildabeast will be just as much a failure as Obama, if she makes it.

Didn't see Obama or Carter ordering invasions that cost 5000 American lives on a snipe hunt

No they do not care how many people get killed unless it can be used political cannon fodder.

The far left is just responsible for these deaths as well, they cheered for each one of them..
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it

Yet this is the one the far left wants to run against Hilary who vote for this..
I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it

Yet this is the one the far left wants to run against Hilary who vote for this..
Yes, this time she's going to have to clearly set out WHEN and WHY she voted to authorize force. And at the time, a year before the invasion, it was the right vote.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

But I am guessing you will be voting for Mrs. Clinton. Of course you give good reasons why such as this one for Jeb. But seriously, when are you giving up on the facade of being anything near a Republican?
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it

Yet this is the one the far left wants to run against Hilary who vote for this..
Yes, this time she's going to have to clearly set out WHEN and WHY she voted to authorize force. And at the time, a year before the invasion, it was the right vote.

Not according to the OP, but they will still vote for Hilary..
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it

Yet this is the one the far left wants to run against Hilary who vote for this..
Yes, this time she's going to have to clearly set out WHEN and WHY she voted to authorize force. And at the time, a year before the invasion, it was the right vote.

Not according to the OP, but they will still vote for Hilary..
Well, Obama is potus because she failed to adequately answer the question. and, it's not my OP.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it

Yet this is the one the far left wants to run against Hilary who vote for this..
Yes, this time she's going to have to clearly set out WHEN and WHY she voted to authorize force. And at the time, a year before the invasion, it was the right vote.

Not according to the OP, but they will still vote for Hilary..
Well, Obama is potus because she failed to adequately answer the question. and, it's not my OP.

Obama is POTUS because the rich white corporate far left masters wanted him president. No other reason, those that believe they had a choice in 2008 have to be programmed far left drones..

Did not say it was your OP, I pointed the OP of this thread would still vote for Hilary..
Jeb Bush admits....I'm just as dumb as my brother

Of course Obama is even a bigger failure as President than Jimmy Carter and The Hildabeast will be just as much a failure as Obama, if she makes it.

Didn't see Obama or Carter ordering invasions that cost 5000 American lives on a snipe hunt

What we did see was Obama continuing the war, fighting it for three years, calling it a success and now reintroducing troops.

We also saw Obama escalate the war in Afghanistan getting a couple of thousand Americans killed and now claiming we must keep 10K troops in the country indefinitely.

We saw Obama bomb a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the security of the US.

We also saw that The Bitch of Benghazi (who you Moon Bats will vote for in 2016 by the millions) support the invasion of Iraq. We saw John Kerry (who you Moon Bats love) vote to fund the invasion (you know "I was for it before I was against it" fame).

You Moon Bat fail to hold Obama responsibility fore his seven years of wars and the American and civilian deaths.

You resort to the despicable act of denying responsibility and blaming it all on Bush.

You really have no convictions on things like this. You are just partisan pricks with no moral or intellectual foundation.

If you are really against interventionism then you will be condemning Obama's foreign policy. Seven years of it. However, you want do it because you don't have the intellectual or moral courage.
You really have no convictions on things like this. You are just partisan pricks with no moral or intellectual foundation.

If you are really against interventionism then you will be condemning Obama's foreign policy. Seven years of it. However, you want do it because you don't have the intellectual or moral courage.

Ingraham On Jeb’s Iraq Answer: There’s ‘Something Wrong With You’
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham dropped the hammer on former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Monday after the likely presidential candidate said he would invade Iraq again, knowing what we know now
You really have no convictions on things like this. You are just partisan pricks with no moral or intellectual foundation.

If you are really against interventionism then you will be condemning Obama's foreign policy. Seven years of it. However, you want do it because you don't have the intellectual or moral courage.

Ingraham On Jeb’s Iraq Answer: There’s ‘Something Wrong With You’
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham dropped the hammer on former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Monday after the likely presidential candidate said he would invade Iraq again, knowing what we know now

Proof that that those that are not far left drones can think independently..
Jeb Bush admits....I'm just as dumb as my brother

Of course Obama is even a bigger failure as President than Jimmy Carter and The Hildabeast will be just as much a failure as Obama, if she makes it.

Didn't see Obama or Carter ordering invasions that cost 5000 American lives on a snipe hunt

What we did see was Obama continuing the war, fighting it for three years, calling it a success and now reintroducing troops.

We also saw Obama escalate the war in Afghanistan getting a couple of thousand Americans killed and now claiming we must keep 10K troops in the country indefinitely.

We saw Obama bomb a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the security of the US.

We also saw that The Bitch of Benghazi (who you Moon Bats will vote for in 2016 by the millions) support the invasion of Iraq. We saw John Kerry (who you Moon Bats love) vote to fund the invasion (you know "I was for it before I was against it" fame).

You Moon Bat fail to hold Obama responsibility fore his seven years of wars and the American and civilian deaths.

You resort to the despicable act of denying responsibility and blaming it all on Bush.

You really have no convictions on things like this. You are just partisan pricks with no moral or intellectual foundation.

If you are really against interventionism then you will be condemning Obama's foreign policy. Seven years of it. However, you want do it because you don't have the intellectual or moral courage.

Unfortunately, once you put troops in harms way you can't just walk away
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Jeb Bush admits....I'm just as dumb as my brother

Of course Obama is even a bigger failure as President than Jimmy Carter and The Hildabeast will be just as much a failure as Obama, if she makes it.

Didn't see Obama or Carter ordering invasions that cost 5000 American lives on a snipe hunt

What we did see was Obama continuing the war, fighting it for three years, calling it a success and now reintroducing troops.

We also saw Obama escalate the war in Afghanistan getting a couple of thousand Americans killed and now claiming we must keep 10K troops in the country indefinitely.

We saw Obama bomb a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the security of the US.

We also saw that The Bitch of Benghazi (who you Moon Bats will vote for in 2016 by the millions) support the invasion of Iraq. We saw John Kerry (who you Moon Bats love) vote to fund the invasion (you know "I was for it before I was against it" fame).

You Moon Bat fail to hold Obama responsibility fore his seven years of wars and the American and civilian deaths.

You resort to the despicable act of denying responsibility and blaming it all on Bush.

You really have no convictions on things like this. You are just partisan pricks with no moral or intellectual foundation.

If you are really against interventionism then you will be condemning Obama's foreign policy. Seven years of it. However, you want do it because you don't have the intellectual or moral courage.

Unfortunately, once you put trops in harms way you can't just walk away

Says the far left drone.

cut and run in Iraq!!

Then again what do you expect from these drones as they support Obama's illegal wars..

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