Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

Then again what do you expect from these drones as they support Obama's illegal wars..

Like Jeb Bush ? woooo whoooo

As you support Obama's illegal wars..
I denounce all of America's political class and I demand trials at the Hague for the Bush administration and for Obama's administration

So far you have not shown any posts denouncing all the illegal wars of Obama.
Sure show all the posts where you have spoken out against all of Obama's illegal wars..

Like I said you are a nobody to me...I do not respect you...the war in Iraq belongs to the white dummy 43

And proof why you are a far left drone, believing that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.
you , being a wing nut, believe the Iraq war started on January 20,2009..
FACT: both parties authorized and funded it
FACT: both parties bought into the bad intel
FACT: it was a stupid waste of lives and money

FACT: George Bush and George Bush alone had the authority to order the invasion of Iraq. It was his decision and history has condemned him for it

without congressional authorization and funding it never could have happened. Bush was carrying out the direction he received from congress. Remember presidents only implement what congress authorizes.

FACT: Without Bush saying...Invade NOW
It never would have happened

Yes the CIC has to give the order. But that order cannot be given without authorization and funding from congress----------------unless the CIC is obama of course.

Congress never ordered him to invade

Bush was given authority "If he deemed it necessary"

It was Bush who decided he needed to invade immediately before it could be proven that Saddam had no WMDs

yes, thats correct, and Obozo, Bubba Clinton, or the hildebeast would have made the same call based on the same intel. The intel was faulty. They all bought it.

To blame only bush is just partisan bullshit.
Jeb is running on.....I'm not George

First thing he does is double down on W's biggest foreign policy blunder

who here do you think is supporting jeb bush? Conservatives don't want him, moderates don't want him. the only people who want him are you far left lunatics because you think HRC can beat him-----------but the truth is that she will lose to whoever the GOP runs, but she probably has the best chance against jeb.

We understand what you are trying to do with bullshit threads like this one. You are fooling no one.
I wanna see all the post from Flash and Kosh denouncing Bush's war of profit for Halliburton ...that is the war that started in 2003

you dumb fuckhead, do you really think the Iraq war was started just to make money for Halliburton? Are you that fucking stupid?

Halliburton stood to make much more by servicing the Iraq oil industry than by its destruction.

you libs and your rewriting of history to cover your sorry failed ideology make me vomit.
Sure show all the posts where you have spoken out against all of Obama's illegal wars..

Like I said you are a nobody to me...I do not respect you...the war in Iraq belongs to the white dummy 43

And proof why you are a far left drone, believing that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.
you , being a wing nut, believe the Iraq war started on January 20,2009..

Another far left drone that proves why the far left religion is so dangerous..

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