Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

Most wrong headed post of the day, "Hillary's not a neocon, nor is Obama, and Slick wasn't one either."

Deflection does not help. HRC would have invaded Iraq.
Lets be clear that is your opinion ....everyone has one...its not clear to me that the war would have happened without Bush...
Let's be clear that the evidence weights against you concerning HRC.

Having said that, America is in a bad place if it is HRC vs Cruz or Perry or Santorum.
put the whole quote in please.

Look wing nut edit your post and I edit mine...I do not respect you or your point of view...I have contempt for Right wingers ...and you are one...

then you have contempt for 40% of americans who identify themselves as conservatives and only 20% as left wing idiots like you.

but for the record, I don't have contempt for you, I feel sorry for you, mental illness is a serious disease and liberalism is a mental disease. Google DRD4, you might learn something.
Most wrong headed post of the day, "Hillary's not a neocon, nor is Obama, and Slick wasn't one either."

Deflection does not help. HRC would have invaded Iraq.
Lets be clear that is your opinion ....everyone has one...its not clear to me that the war would have happened without Bush...
Let's be clear that the evidence weights against you concerning HRC.

Having said that, America is in a bad place if it is HRC vs Cruz or Perry or Santorum.

very scary, I find myself agreeing with you. WTF
You won't for long, you absurd freak of politics. You do not speak but for maybe 5% of Americans, Redfish. You are a far right wing reactionary, not an American GOP conservative. Your comments are moronic. You freaks are finding out that "life pays itself out", and you are bankrupt going into next year and thereafter.

I looked Putin in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul.
You won't for long, you absurd freak of politics. You do not speak but for maybe 5% of Americans, Redfish. You are a far right wing reactionary, not an American GOP conservative. Your comments are moronic. You freaks are finding out that "life pays itself out", and you are bankrupt going into next year and thereafter.

we will see, asshole. you far left wing jerks represent less than 5% but you have the media up your ass so it seems like more.

the 2014 elections should have sent you a message that the country is fed up with your failed socialist, marxist, collectivist bullshit, but you fools are too stupid to get it.

in january 2017 the GOP will have the WH and both houses of congress. The country will be back on track and the USA will be respected in the world once again

you had your chance with obozo, pelosi, and reid,------------and you FAILED. you blew it, its over.

I looked Putin in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul.

that quote was W, not jeb. but we understand that the truth matters not to you and your left wing buddies.
If we don't reach to women and minorities the WH and the Senate will be Democratic.

The demographics are against you, Redfish, and, son, you don't speak for the GOP. Watch what the mainstream pulls during the next year.

Your eyes are agonna be poppin' outta your head.
If we don't reach to women and minorities the WH and the Senate will be Democratic.

The demographics are against you, Redfish, and, son, you don't speak for the GOP. Watch what the mainstream pulls during the next year.

Your eyes are agonna be poppin' outta your head.

The conservative/GOP message is reaching women, blacks, and hispanics. Those people are not as stupid and you and obama think they are. They understand that obama and clinton have failed. They are ready for change from the failed liberalism of the last 60 years.

BTW, have you noticed that the GOP candidates include a woman, a black, two hispanics, and people under 60? and what have you got? an old, tired, falied, lying, corrupt, ugly bitch.

Its not even going to be close.
put the whole quote in please.

Look wing nut edit your post and I edit mine...I do not respect you or your point of view...I have contempt for Right wingers ...and you are one...

then you have contempt for 40% of americans who identify themselves as conservatives and only 20% as left wing idiots like you.

but for the record, I don't have contempt for you, I feel sorry for you, mental illness is a serious disease and liberalism is a mental disease. Google DRD4, you might learn something.
Here's a funny thing.

While more people self-identify as conservatives than liberals, the number of people who self-identify as liberals has actually gone UP in the last three years.

Conservative and moderate have gone down slightly.

U.S. Liberals at Record 24 but Still Trail Conservatives

FACT: George Bush and George Bush alone had the authority to order the invasion of Iraq. It was his decision and history has condemned him for it

without congressional authorization and funding it never could have happened. Bush was carrying out the direction he received from congress. Remember presidents only implement what congress authorizes.

FACT: Without Bush saying...Invade NOW
It never would have happened

Yes the CIC has to give the order. But that order cannot be given without authorization and funding from congress----------------unless the CIC is obama of course.

Congress never ordered him to invade

Bush was given authority "If he deemed it necessary"

It was Bush who decided he needed to invade immediately before it could be proven that Saddam had no WMDs

yes, thats correct, and Obozo, Bubba Clinton, or the hildebeast would have made the same call based on the same intel. The intel was faulty. They all bought it.

To blame only bush is just partisan bullshit. other President in history would have abandoned the war on terror for an idiotic invasion of Iraq
Which is why neither he nor Hillary should even be in the running to be President.
I would vote for Hillary in spite of her being corporate over any of the wing nuts running for President....
Hello the alternatives are way too horrid to consider....
I repeat: Why?
because the Republican party is full of fundamentalists and off austerity for the poor fanatics...they are in favor of permanent war...they want to destroy the New Deal programs ...they hate the poor the disabled the elderly...they worship the wealthy and are willing to destroy the middle class on behalf of the wealthy...they are slimmy lying shit heads to boot...I would rather die than vote for any republican
Which is why neither he nor Hillary should even be in the running to be President.
I would vote for Hillary in spite of her being corporate over any of the wing nuts running for President....
Hello the alternatives are way too horrid to consider....
I repeat: Why?
because the Republican party is full of fundamentalists and off austerity for the poor fanatics...they are in favor of permanent war...they want to destroy the New Deal programs ...they hate the poor the disabled the elderly...they worship the wealthy and are willing to destroy the middle class on behalf of the wealthy...they are slimmy lying shit heads to boot...I would rather die than vote for any republican
So you're just following partisan talking points rather than looking at any of the candidates' views on the actual issues. I'm not sure what you mean by "fundamentalists," and as for "austerity" there is no Republican running that will actually cut government spending. On the actual issues Hillary and the Republicans are nearly impossible to distinguish.
I would vote for Hillary in spite of her being corporate over any of the wing nuts running for President....
Hello the alternatives are way too horrid to consider....
I repeat: Why?
because the Republican party is full of fundamentalists and off austerity for the poor fanatics...they are in favor of permanent war...they want to destroy the New Deal programs ...they hate the poor the disabled the elderly...they worship the wealthy and are willing to destroy the middle class on behalf of the wealthy...they are slimmy lying shit heads to boot...I would rather die than vote for any republican
So you're just following partisan talking points rather than looking at any of the candidates' views on the actual issues. I'm not sure what you mean by "fundamentalists," and as for "austerity" there is no Republican running that will actually cut government spending. On the actual issues Hillary and the Republicans are nearly impossible to distinguish.

I reject the Republican party totally absolutely categorically...GOP sucks to the high heavens..
totally unacceptable
If we don't reach to women and minorities the WH and the Senate will be Democratic.

The demographics are against you, Redfish, and, son, you don't speak for the GOP. Watch what the mainstream pulls during the next year.

Your eyes are agonna be poppin' outta your head.

The conservative/GOP message is reaching women, blacks, and hispanics. Those people are not as stupid and you and obama think they are. They understand that obama and clinton have failed. They are ready for change from the failed liberalism of the last 60 years.

BTW, have you noticed that the GOP candidates include a woman, a black, two hispanics, and people under 60? and what have you got? an old, tired, falied, lying, corrupt, ugly bitch.

Its not even going to be close.

Have you noticed the candidates are starting to moderate on immigration reform, health care reform, marriage equality, and so forth?

You can still join the mainstream GOP if you want.

I looked Putin in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul.

that quote was W, not jeb. but we understand that the truth matters not to you and your left wing buddies.
That whooshing sound you heard was the joke sailing a few hundred feet over your head.

"I would have invaded Iraq."

"I would have told Brownie he was doing a heck of a job."

"I looked Putin in the eye..."

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