Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

The point is...the media is playing a stupid gotcha game with Jeb, trying to get him to throw some mud on his brother. It's malicious in its intent and illuminates the character of the people asking the question more than it does the character of Jeb.

So I just took it to the next level. "Hey, Jeb, would you have told Brownie he was doing a good job? Hey, Jeb, what would you see if you looked in Putin's soul? Hey, Jeb, are OB-GYNs getting to practice their love with women?"
Hey, Jeb, please tell us you disavow Iraq and some of your brother's doings, please? g5000 is advising you badly if you listen to him.
Unfortunately, once you put troops in harms way you can't just walk away

Obama is responsible for continuing the war.

During the Moon Bat Primaries Obama ran on a platform to withdraw the troops within 60 days. After he secured the nomination he switched to 18 months as his platform for the General Election. He actually kept troops there for almost three years and now he has them back.

If you are intellectually and morally honest you will hold Obama accountable for his seven years of war. He called the Iraq war a success. If it was wrong to invade Iraq then how could the war be a success? A success of what?

You won't hold Obama responsible because you are simply a partisan prick, without any intellect or morals. That is why you have no credibility.
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Do not worry about a right wing supporter of the Iraq war ...he is just pretending he dislikes the war because he wants to blame the war on Obama...

Hey Flash There’s ‘Something Wrong With You’

Says a Moon Bat who claims to be against the Iraq War but voted for Obama who continued the war for three years, called it a success and then reintroduced troops.

You have no credibility.

you dumb fuckhead, do you really think the Iraq war was started just to make money for Halliburton? Are you that fucking stupid?

Halliburton stood to make much more by servicing the Iraq oil industry than by its destruction.

you libs and your rewriting of history to cover your sorry failed ideology make me vomit.

That is the kind of shit you get from Moon Bats.

They are the same ones that think Bush blew up the World Trade Center on 911 and that with Obamacare if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. They think Bill and Hillary Clinton are honest.

The Moon Bats bitch about the Iraq War but the Moon Bats voted for Obama that continued the war for three years, called it a success and then sent troops back in.

They are beaucoup dink dau.
Do not worry about a right wing supporter of the Iraq war ...he is just pretending he dislikes the war because he wants to blame the war on Obama...

Hey Flash There’s ‘Something Wrong With You’

Says a Moon Bat who claims to be against the Iraq War but voted for Obama who continued the war for three years, called it a success and then reintroduced troops.

You have no credibility.
Flash, you just described yourself: no cred, little buddy. You are a hard right neo-con who wants to deflect attention from JB to BHO. Fail.
The Hildabeast and John Kerry also supported the invasion of Iraq.
That's a lie.

Sorry to disappoint your Moon Bat fantasy

The Iraq War Who voted for it why you should still care hint Iran

Senate Democratic votes for the Iraq War
If you remember that day, it was a day of speeches. And at least out among the Littles, the final count wasn’t known until the roll was called. Here are your brave warrior Dems, those who voted Yes, covered in testosterone (or confusion) and glory. I’ve highlighted a few names to note:

YEAs — 77
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
Do not worry about a right wing supporter of the Iraq war ...he is just pretending he dislikes the war because he wants to blame the war on Obama...

Hey Flash There’s ‘Something Wrong With You’

Says a Moon Bat who claims to be against the Iraq War but voted for Obama who continued the war for three years, called it a success and then reintroduced troops.

You have no credibility.
Flash, you just described yourself: no cred, little buddy. You are a hard right neo-con who wants to deflect attention from JB to BHO. Fail.

I am not a Neo Con. I quit the Republican Party because they were fiscally irresponsible and were interventionists.

I don't even think you would know what a Neo Con was if one of them bit you in the ass.

I am very critical of Bush and the Iraq War and the fact that he also grew the size of government, increased debt, increased entitlements and refused to seal the border. You know, all the things that Democrats do.

The 20001-2006 Republican Congress and Bush showed me that the Republicans are not Conservatives. They talk a good game but they deliver the same big government that you get with the Democrats.

All I am doing is exposing the hypocrisy of you Moon Bats. You condemn Bush for the war but you say nothing about your Boy Obama fighting the war for three years. calling it a success and then sending troops back in. You say nothing of him escalating the war in Afghanistan and saying that there should be 10K troops stationed there forever. You are silent on his bombing of Libya, which had nothing to do with the security of the US.

I understand that you Moon Bats don't want to take responsibility for Obama and all you want to do is bash Bush but is not morally and intellectually honest to do that given Obama's record of interventionism.

I had the courage to quit the Republican Party because of interventionism and fiscal irresponsibility.

When are you going to have the courage to quit the Democrat Party because of interventionism and fiscal irresponsibility?

I suspect never.
Unfortunately, once you put troops in harms way you can't just walk away

Obama is responsible for continuing the war.

During the Moon Bat Primaries Obama ran on a platform to withdraw the troops within 60 days. After he secured the nomination he switched to 18 months as his platform for the General Election. He actually kept troops there for almost three years and now he has them back.

If you are intellectually and morally honest you will hold Obama accountable for his seven of war. He called the Iraq war a success. If it was wrong to invade Iraq then how could the war be a success? A success of what?

You won't hold Obama responsible because you are simply a partisan prick, without any intellect or morals. That is why you have no credibility.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault
Thank you for, finally, being honest Moonbat Flash: you are a hard core Conservative with some solid Libertarian economic beliefs. You supported the war in the beginning, did you not? I never did, and I wanted BHO to get out and stay out, and was unhappy when he sent troops back in.

I am no more Democratic than you are Republican. And you are no more real American than Redfish, which is NOT.

Iraq has been and always will be Bush's Baby.

Trot along.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault

Here you go Sport:

Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center
Speaker: Barack Obama
Published August 1, 2007

"I introduced a plan in January that would have already started bringing our troops out of Iraq, with a goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008. If the President continues to veto this plan, then ending this war will be my first priority when I take office".

By the way Moon Bat. The Hidabeast promised the same thing.

Clinton challenges McCain Obama on war -

Clinton's plan calls for withdrawing troops within 60 days of her becoming president, in consult with military advisers. In her speech Wednesday, she questioned Obama's commitment to achieving the same goal.

You can deny all you want to Moon Bat but Obama fought the war for three years and called it a success and reintroduced troops and that made him also responsible.

The fact that Bush initiated the war does not relieve Obama from his responsibility for fighting it.

Stop running way from Obama's record of interventionism. It makes you look like an idiot.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

"I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC." Sounds like you're a Democrat
Sounds as if you don't think well. "We" refers to supporting our GOP candidate against HRC. You would vote for Cruz and disaster.

Er, why do real Republicans care about Hillary's competitors, something that, you'll agree, is mostly a reactionary Progressive concern
Because Cruz is not mainstream GOP.

We need a mainstream GOP to HRC. I am not sure Walker could beat Warren, but I bet none of our far right candidates could come within five points of her.
Given the available evidence, George Bush is the only person who would have invaded Iraq
Incorrect, Obama took us back into Iraq after Bush ended the war, the same war Obama lied about saying he would end day one if elected President.

So we know for 100% fact that Obama lied about ending the Iraq war and that he re-booted that war.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault

Here you go Sport:

Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center
Speaker: Barack Obama
Published August 1, 2007

"I introduced a plan in January that would have already started bringing our troops out of Iraq, with a goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008. If the President continues to veto this plan, then ending this war will be my first priority when I take office".

By the way Moon Bat. The Hidabeast promised the same thing.

Clinton challenges McCain Obama on war -

Clinton's plan calls for withdrawing troops within 60 days of her becoming president, in consult with military advisers. In her speech Wednesday, she questioned Obama's commitment to achieving the same goal.

You can deny all you want to Moon Bat but Obama fought the war for three years and called it a success and reintroduced troops and that made him also responsible.

The fact that Bush initiated the war does not relieve Obama from his responsibility for fighting it.

Stop running way from Obama's record of interventionism. It makes you look like an idiot.

The withdrawal plan was in place before Obama took office.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

Jeb Bush was asked

if he knew what he knows now, would he invade. And STILL he said yes.

Hillary Clinton has since stated that she believes the war was a mistake.

There's a BIG difference between those two positions.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

Jeb Bush was asked

if he knew what he knows now, would he invade. And STILL he said yes.

Hillary Clinton has since stated that she believes the war was a mistake.

There's a BIG difference between those two positions.

And see how the far left will no back Hilary even though they would not in 2008..
Hey, Jeb, please tell us you disavow Iraq and some of your brother's doings, please? g5000 is advising you badly if you listen to him.
The question about Iraq is a variation on "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

If he says, "Yes, I would invade Iraq", he gets slammed.

If he says, "No, I would not have invaded Iraq", the press would have had a field day over him slinging mud at his brother.

He should have told them to fuck off.

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