Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

""You can't still think that going into Iraq, now, as a sane human being, was the right thing to do," Ingraham said on her radio show.

"If you do, there has to be something wrong with you," she added.

Bush made the remark in an interview set to air Monday night, after Fox Newshost Megyn Kelly asked him if he would have ordered the invasion of Iraq in 2003, "knowing what we know now."

"I would," he said. "And so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody."

This did not fly with Ingraham.

"No Hillary wouldn't!" Ingraham said on Monday. "Hillary wouldn't authorize the war now, if she knew what she knows now."

At one point she began laughing, and doubted that Bush was "his own person" capable of breaking with his brother, President George W. Bush."
Hello the alternatives are way too horrid to consider....
I repeat: Why?
because the Republican party is full of fundamentalists and off austerity for the poor fanatics...they are in favor of permanent war...they want to destroy the New Deal programs ...they hate the poor the disabled the elderly...they worship the wealthy and are willing to destroy the middle class on behalf of the wealthy...they are slimmy lying shit heads to boot...I would rather die than vote for any republican
So you're just following partisan talking points rather than looking at any of the candidates' views on the actual issues. I'm not sure what you mean by "fundamentalists," and as for "austerity" there is no Republican running that will actually cut government spending. On the actual issues Hillary and the Republicans are nearly impossible to distinguish.

I reject the Republican party totally absolutely categorically...GOP sucks to the high heavens..
totally unacceptable
So you're a partisan hack who votes based on arbitrary party affiliation, despite the fact that they're interchangeable.
Laura Ingram destroying Jeb's opportunity.

Actually, he did, she just pointed it out.
Hello the alternatives are way too horrid to consider....
I repeat: Why?
because the Republican party is full of fundamentalists and off austerity for the poor fanatics...they are in favor of permanent war...they want to destroy the New Deal programs ...they hate the poor the disabled the elderly...they worship the wealthy and are willing to destroy the middle class on behalf of the wealthy...they are slimmy lying shit heads to boot...I would rather die than vote for any republican
So you're just following partisan talking points rather than looking at any of the candidates' views on the actual issues. I'm not sure what you mean by "fundamentalists," and as for "austerity" there is no Republican running that will actually cut government spending. On the actual issues Hillary and the Republicans are nearly impossible to distinguish.

I reject the Republican party totally absolutely categorically...GOP sucks to the high heavens..
totally unacceptable
So you're a partisan hack who votes based on arbitrary party affiliation, despite the fact that they're interchangeable.

And you vote based on who will slash, cut and burn the most. You believe this country should be a third world hell hole. And, I'll vote for the most moderate of either party!
Libertarianism is simply unworkable in a modern world. The Dems think they can spend their way to prosperity, and the GOP thinks austerity is the path.

Better find a new Third Way, guys.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault

Here you go Sport:

Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center
Speaker: Barack Obama
Published August 1, 2007

"I introduced a plan in January that would have already started bringing our troops out of Iraq, with a goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008. If the President continues to veto this plan, then ending this war will be my first priority when I take office".

By the way Moon Bat. The Hidabeast promised the same thing.

Clinton challenges McCain Obama on war -

Clinton's plan calls for withdrawing troops within 60 days of her becoming president, in consult with military advisers. In her speech Wednesday, she questioned Obama's commitment to achieving the same goal.

You can deny all you want to Moon Bat but Obama fought the war for three years and called it a success and reintroduced troops and that made him also responsible.

The fact that Bush initiated the war does not relieve Obama from his responsibility for fighting it.

Stop running way from Obama's record of interventionism. It makes you look like an idiot.

More bullshit

Obama was not President in 2007...... Bush was still fucking up his war at that time
Libertarianism is simply unworkable in a modern world. The Dems think they can spend their way to prosperity, and the GOP thinks austerity is the path.

Better find a new Third Way, guys.

Yea right, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, adhering to the Constitution and minding our own business is simply "unworkable". Absolutely no way to do that, huh?

With attitudes like that no wonder our country is over $18 trillion in debt, welfare rolls increasing, poverty increasing and family income decreasing.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian
Hillary would've voted for war against Iraq too so I guess you won't be voting for her either.

I just finished watching Fox news interview with Jeb Bush. I like him. He makes a lot of sense. He's trying to be reasonable and compromise with those who oppose to his views unlike myself who wants it my way or the highway. My way wouldn't get you elected.

Seal the border first. After the border is sealed then we'll worry about those millions of immigrants who are here and what to do with them. I agree we can't kick them all out. But we shouldn't be discussing that until the border is sealed.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault

Here you go Sport:

Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center
Speaker: Barack Obama
Published August 1, 2007

"I introduced a plan in January that would have already started bringing our troops out of Iraq, with a goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008. If the President continues to veto this plan, then ending this war will be my first priority when I take office".

By the way Moon Bat. The Hidabeast promised the same thing.

Clinton challenges McCain Obama on war -

Clinton's plan calls for withdrawing troops within 60 days of her becoming president, in consult with military advisers. In her speech Wednesday, she questioned Obama's commitment to achieving the same goal.

You can deny all you want to Moon Bat but Obama fought the war for three years and called it a success and reintroduced troops and that made him also responsible.

The fact that Bush initiated the war does not relieve Obama from his responsibility for fighting it.

Stop running way from Obama's record of interventionism. It makes you look like an idiot.

More bullshit

Obama was not President in 2007...... Bush was still fucking up his war at that time

Are you an idiot or do you just play one on the Internet?

I said Obama promised to you Moon Bats that he would withdraw the troops from Iraq in 60 days and then he reneged on it after he became a candidate.

You said it was bullshit and I gave you the quote.

Stop being a shithead. It just makes you look like a fool when you post.
Libertarianism is simply unworkable in a modern world. The Dems think they can spend their way to prosperity, and the GOP thinks austerity is the path.

Better find a new Third Way, guys.

Yea right, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, adhering to the Constitution and minding our own business is simply "unworkable". Absolutely no way to do that, huh?

With attitudes like that no wonder our country is over $18 trillion in debt, welfare rolls increasing, poverty increasing and family income decreasing.
Absolutely no way. Yep. No doubt about it. Note that I also said the Dems and the Pubs were irresponsible as well. A Third Way needs to be created.
Nope. No neo-con period. Three-way omnibus bill only, because you border sealers will do nothing else if given the opportunity. Your way is simply your way, but it is not the way of most Americans.
I call bullshit

Show where Obama EVER said he would withdraw the troops in 60 days
Iraq was a success in that we got our troops the hell out of there. The fact that it remains a hellhole is bush's fault

Here you go Sport:

Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center
Speaker: Barack Obama
Published August 1, 2007

"I introduced a plan in January that would have already started bringing our troops out of Iraq, with a goal of removing all combat brigades by March 31, 2008. If the President continues to veto this plan, then ending this war will be my first priority when I take office".

By the way Moon Bat. The Hidabeast promised the same thing.

Clinton challenges McCain Obama on war -

Clinton's plan calls for withdrawing troops within 60 days of her becoming president, in consult with military advisers. In her speech Wednesday, she questioned Obama's commitment to achieving the same goal.

You can deny all you want to Moon Bat but Obama fought the war for three years and called it a success and reintroduced troops and that made him also responsible.

The fact that Bush initiated the war does not relieve Obama from his responsibility for fighting it.

Stop running way from Obama's record of interventionism. It makes you look like an idiot.

More bullshit

Obama was not President in 2007...... Bush was still fucking up his war at that time

Are you an idiot or do you just play one on the Internet?

I said Obama promised to you Moon Bats that he would withdraw the troops from Iraq in 60 days and then he reneged on it after he became a candidate.

You said it was bullshit and I gave you the quote.

Stop being a shithead. It just makes you look like a fool when you post.
Says the shit head fool, Flash. He had to play the hand the war lord gave him. You are not fooling anyone, son. Run along.
Nope. No neo-con period. Three-way omnibus bill only, because you border sealers will do nothing else if given the opportunity. Your way is simply your way, but it is not the way of most Americans.
If you don't seal the border anything else you do is crap.
Nope. No neo-con period. Three-way omnibus bill only, because you border sealers will do nothing else if given the opportunity. Your way is simply your way, but it is not the way of most Americans.
If you don't seal the border anything else you do is crap.
I agree that it must be done right along with immigration reform and business death penalties. Do all three together.
If Jeb says otherwise, he condemns his brother's actions.

If George were my brother, I would support him publicly, while berating him in private for his poor judgment or his weakness in allowing others to steer him into a war with a phony-baloney casus belli.

Personally, my priorities are (1) God, (2) Family, (3) Country, (4) Friends, then (5) Everybody Else, in that order.

I suspect that a great many other folks have similar priorities, on both sides of the political aisle.

If it came down to destroying my brother or destroying my country, I would like to think that I would embrace the brother and then save the country, and then weep afterwards...

I think that's kind of retarded, even for you.

Jeb totally blew this question.

the answer he gave shows that he's not worthy of the job. He would let himself make the same mistakes his brother made, given the same circumstances.
I am absolutely amazed that Jeb doesn't have a better answer to this subject.
If Jeb says otherwise, he condemns his brother's actions.

If George were my brother, I would support him publicly, while berating him in private for his poor judgment or his weakness in allowing others to steer him into a war with a phony-baloney casus belli.

Personally, my priorities are (1) God, (2) Family, (3) Country, (4) Friends, then (5) Everybody Else, in that order.

I suspect that a great many other folks have similar priorities, on both sides of the political aisle.

If it came down to destroying my brother or destroying my country, I would like to think that I would embrace the brother and then save the country, and then weep afterwards...

I think that's kind of retarded, even for you.

Jeb totally blew this question.

the answer he gave shows that he's not worthy of the job. He would let himself make the same mistakes his brother made, given the same circumstances.
Thank you for your feedback.

I do not see any of that as "retarded", but you are welcome to point-out which aspect(s) of the cited text, above, that you find to be so.


Jeb Bush (apparently) spoke his mind on the subject, and I have found his words (as reported in the article referenced in the OP) to be honest, principled and thoughtful.

He is telling us that he would do the same thing, given the same intelligence.

Given American sentiments regarding our misadventure in Iraq, and his hopes regarding the Presidency, it requires no small measure of intellectual courage to do such a thing.

Personally, I think the intelligence itself was manufactured and patently false, and that our invasion of Iraq was a complete waste of American blood and treasure.

But, for anyone who did not know at the time that the intelligence was faulty...

The decision to invade seems vastly more defensible than if we had not had such intelligence...

Don't think that's right?

Ask any of these Democrat Senators who voted to invade, based upon such intelligence, on October 11, 2002...

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)


Jeb did nothing more than 'fess-up that he would have done the same thing, given the intelligence.

And he did so without throwing his brother under the bus.

Jeb may or may not prove to be a suitable candidate for President, but...

This particular challenge was well-met, and well-handled...

Well done, Jeb.
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"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"

The Intelligence was shaped to fit the war policy......Downing Street Memo
Corroborating Documents from the National Security Archives
On August 17, 2005, "the National Security Archives at George Washington Universityreleasedsome stunning documents, that seem to further corroborate the Downing Street Minutes, as well as buttress the argument that there was precious little post-war planning in the rush to topple Saddam," according to Richard Cranium,AllSpinZone.


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