Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq


I looked Putin in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul.

that quote was W, not jeb. but we understand that the truth matters not to you and your left wing buddies.
That whooshing sound you heard was the joke sailing a few hundred feet over your head.

"I would have invaded Iraq."

"I would have told Brownie he was doing a heck of a job."

"I looked Putin in the eye..."

who do you think you are addressing with this? who here do you think is supporting jeb bush?
I am absolutely amazed that Jeb doesn't have a better answer to this subject.

I am even more amazed that Hillary Clinton has no answer to her corruption with the Clinton Foundation scandals and none of the Moon Bats seem to give a shit.

Hillary Clinton is emerging as the shoo-in lesser of two evils.

Jeb Bush with his answer put himself in the GW Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al camp,

i.e., the camp that still believes the war was a brilliant idea even AFTER they had the benefit of hindsight.

That is significant.

Are you kidding?

The Hildabeast is piece of lying corrupt shit. She has no convictions on anything except her own personal gain. She will be a terrible President, like Obama.

Besides, why would you be an idiot and vote for somebody simply because in your convoluted mind they were "the lesser of two evils"?

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

I stop voting for bad government over a decade ago. When are you going to do the same?

The Democrats promise bad government and delivers bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but delivers bad government.

Why would you even consider voting for a candidate that would deliver bad government? Because people like you do it we always get bad government.

I voted for Perot twice. I now concede that breaking the 2 party hold on the system is a fantasy.

twice? he only ran once, but I get your point
It might help you people to know exactly what he was asked, and exactly what he answered:

Jeb Bush Would Have Authorized Iraq War Even Knowing What We Know Now It s All Politics NPR
Thank you.

We can always count on HuffPo to serve-up a spin most favorable to the Democrats and least favorable to the Republicans.

It would appear that ol' Jeb deflected the 'knowing what we know now' aspect of the question by framing his answer within the framework of 'the intelligence we'd got', yes?

If true, then, he might very well have ducked the question, simply to avoid throwing Big Brother under the bus.

Nobody with an ounce of brains nor evan a modicum of understanding of the concept of family loyalty expected Jeb to throw George under the bus.

Dog bites man.

Then we conclude that he dissembled in his answer, that he did not come clean, and that a conscientious electorate will choose someone else.
Like all politicians he answered the question he wished was asked instead of the question that was actually asked.

exactly, either that or Megan did not ask the question she intended to ask. She should have said: based on the into available at the time, would you have invaded Iraq? Thats the question he answered.

But since no one here is supporting jeb, why are we wasting so much time on this?
The GOP and the Dems are going to have to pony up a none neo-con if either wish to win. We in the GOP want your vote but you won't have a neo-con for whom to vote, though. Go look at HRC.

Name a GOP candidate you would like to support in the 2016 Presidential Election.


snake snarkey is a dem/lib plant, he is not, never was, or never will be, a republican. What he is is a liar.
...Can you post the Republicans who voted against the war? Come can do it

Of course... it's easy enough to find, but, just for grins and giggles, there ya go...




Senate Roll Call: Iraq Resolution

Friday, October 11, 2002

Following is an alphabetical listing by state of how each senator voted on President Bush's Iraq resolution. A "yes" vote was a vote to grant President Bush the power to attack Iraq unilaterally. A "no" vote was a vote to defeat the measure. Voting "yes" were 29 Democrats and 48 Republicans. Voting "no" were 1 Republican, 21 Democrats, and 1 Independent.

Alabama Jeff Sessions (R): Yes Richard Shelby (R): Yes
Alaska Frank Murkowski (R): Yes Ted Stevens (R): Yes
Arizona Jon Kyl (R): Yes John McCain (R): Yes
Arkansas Tim Hutchinson (R): Yes Blanche Lincoln (D): Yes
California Barbara Boxer (D): No Dianne Feinstein (D): Yes
Colorado Wayne Allard (R): Yes Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R): Yes
Connecticut Christopher Dodd (D): Yes Joseph Lieberman (D): Yes
Delaware Joseph Biden (D): Yes Thomas Carper (D): Yes
Florida Bob Graham (D): No Bill Nelson (D): Yes
Georgia Max Cleland (D): Yes Zell Miller (D): Yes
Hawaii Daniel Akaka (D): No Daniel Inouye (D): No
Idaho Larry Craig (R): Yes Mike Crapo (R): Yes
Illinois Richard Durbin (D): No Peter Fitzgerald (R): Yes
Indiana Evan Bayh (D): Yes Richard Lugar (R): Yes
Iowa Charles Grassley (R): Yes Tom Harkin (D): Yes
Kansas Sam Brownback (R): Yes Pat Roberts (R): Yes
Kentucky Jim Bunning (R): Yes Mitch McConnell (R): Yes
Louisiana John Breaux (D): Yes Mary Landrieu (D): Yes
Maine Susan Collins (R): Yes Olympia Snowe (R): Yes
Maryland Barbara Mikulski (D): No Paul Sarbanes (D): No
Massachusetts Edward Kennedy (D): No John Kerry (D): Yes
Michigan Debbie Stabenow (D): No Carl Levin (D): No
Minnesota Mark Dayton (D): No Paul Wellstone (D): No
Mississippi Thad Cochran (R): Yes Trent Lott (R): Yes
Missouri Jean Carnahan (D): Yes Christopher (Kit) Bond (R): Yes
Montana Max Baucus (D): Yes Conrad Burns (R): Yes
Nebraska Chuck Hagel (R): Yes Ben Nelson (D): Yes
Nevada John Ensign (R): Yes Harry Reid (D): Yes
New Hampshire Judd Gregg (R): Yes Bob Smith (R): Yes
New Jersey Jon Corzine (D): No Robert Torricelli (D): Yes
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman (D): No Pete Domenici (R): Yes
New York Hillary Clinton (D): Yes Charles Schumer (D): Yes
North Carolina John Edwards (D): Yes Jesse Helms (R): Yes
North Dakota Kent Conrad (D): No Byron Dorgan (D): Yes
Ohio Mike DeWine (R): Yes George Voinovich (R): Yes
Oklahoma James Inhofe (R): Yes Don Nickles (R): Yes
Oregon Gordon Smith (R): Yes Ron Wyden (D): No
Pennsylvania Rick Santorum (R): Yes Arlen Specter (R): Yes
Rhode Island Lincoln Chafee (R): No Jack Reed (D): No
South Carolina Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D): Yes Strom Thurmond (R): Yes
South Dakota Thomas Daschle (D): Yes Tim Johnson (D): Yes
Tennessee Bill Frist (R): Yes Fred Thompson (R): Yes
Texas Phil Gramm (R): Yes Kay Bailey Hutchison (R): Yes
Utah Robert Bennett (R): Yes Orrin Hatch (R): Yes
Vermont James Jeffords (I): No Patrick Leahy (D): No
Virginia George Allen (R): Yes John Warner (R): Yes
Washington Maria Cantwell (D): Yes Patty Murray (D): No
West Virginia Robert Byrd (D): No Jay Rockefeller (D): Yes
Wisconsin Russell Feingold (D): No Herb Kohl (D): Yes
Wyoming Mike Enzi (R): Yes Craig Thomas (R): Yes

© 2002 The Washington Post Company


Then we conclude that he dissembled in his answer, that he did not come clean, and that a conscientious electorate will choose someone else.
Like all politicians he answered the question he wished was asked instead of the question that was actually asked.

exactly, either that or Megan did not ask the question she intended to ask. She should have said: based on the into available at the time, would you have invaded Iraq? Thats the question he answered.

But since no one here is supporting jeb, why are we wasting so much time on this?

Jeb employed the "reverse hypothetical" ... Answering Megan's hypothetical question would be stupid.

It was the old ... "Have you stopped beating your wife" style question ... And Jeb answered with what he wanted to say, not what anyone wanted to hear.
Which goes a little ways towards identifying how he would handle folks who try to pressure him into Monday Morning Quarterbacking in order to get the response they want.

Not that I would support Jeb Bush ... But I wouldn't have answered the question any differently if I was Jeb Bush.

The GOP and the Dems are going to have to pony up a none neo-con if either wish to win. We in the GOP want your vote but you won't have a neo-con for whom to vote, though. Go look at HRC.

Name a GOP candidate you would like to support in the 2016 Presidential Election.


snake snarkey is a dem/lib plant, he is not, never was, or never will be, a republican. What he is is a liar.

I know who Jakey is ... That's why I asked the question.
To respond to what others think is one thing ... To identify what you think is another.

...Can you post the Republicans who voted against the war? Come can do it

Of course... it's easy enough to find, but, just for grins and giggles, there ya go...




Senate Roll Call: Iraq Resolution

Friday, October 11, 2002

Following is an alphabetical listing by state of how each senator voted on President Bush's Iraq resolution. A "yes" vote was a vote to grant President Bush the power to attack Iraq unilaterally. A "no" vote was a vote to defeat the measure. Voting "yes" were 29 Democrats and 48 Republicans. Voting "no" were 1 Republican, 21 Democrats, and 1 Independent.

Alabama Jeff Sessions (R): Yes Richard Shelby (R): Yes
Alaska Frank Murkowski (R): Yes Ted Stevens (R): Yes
Arizona Jon Kyl (R): Yes John McCain (R): Yes
Arkansas Tim Hutchinson (R): Yes Blanche Lincoln (D): Yes
California Barbara Boxer (D): No Dianne Feinstein (D): Yes
Colorado Wayne Allard (R): Yes Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R): Yes
Connecticut Christopher Dodd (D): Yes Joseph Lieberman (D): Yes
Delaware Joseph Biden (D): Yes Thomas Carper (D): Yes
Florida Bob Graham (D): No Bill Nelson (D): Yes
Georgia Max Cleland (D): Yes Zell Miller (D): Yes
Hawaii Daniel Akaka (D): No Daniel Inouye (D): No
Idaho Larry Craig (R): Yes Mike Crapo (R): Yes
Illinois Richard Durbin (D): No Peter Fitzgerald (R): Yes
Indiana Evan Bayh (D): Yes Richard Lugar (R): Yes
Iowa Charles Grassley (R): Yes Tom Harkin (D): Yes
Kansas Sam Brownback (R): Yes Pat Roberts (R): Yes
Kentucky Jim Bunning (R): Yes Mitch McConnell (R): Yes
Louisiana John Breaux (D): Yes Mary Landrieu (D): Yes
Maine Susan Collins (R): Yes Olympia Snowe (R): Yes
Maryland Barbara Mikulski (D): No Paul Sarbanes (D): No
Massachusetts Edward Kennedy (D): No John Kerry (D): Yes
Michigan Debbie Stabenow (D): No Carl Levin (D): No
Minnesota Mark Dayton (D): No Paul Wellstone (D): No
Mississippi Thad Cochran (R): Yes Trent Lott (R): Yes
Missouri Jean Carnahan (D): Yes Christopher (Kit) Bond (R): Yes
Montana Max Baucus (D): Yes Conrad Burns (R): Yes
Nebraska Chuck Hagel (R): Yes Ben Nelson (D): Yes
Nevada John Ensign (R): Yes Harry Reid (D): Yes
New Hampshire Judd Gregg (R): Yes Bob Smith (R): Yes
New Jersey Jon Corzine (D): No Robert Torricelli (D): Yes
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman (D): No Pete Domenici (R): Yes
New York Hillary Clinton (D): Yes Charles Schumer (D): Yes
North Carolina John Edwards (D): Yes Jesse Helms (R): Yes
North Dakota Kent Conrad (D): No Byron Dorgan (D): Yes
Ohio Mike DeWine (R): Yes George Voinovich (R): Yes
Oklahoma James Inhofe (R): Yes Don Nickles (R): Yes
Oregon Gordon Smith (R): Yes Ron Wyden (D): No
Pennsylvania Rick Santorum (R): Yes Arlen Specter (R): Yes
Rhode Island Lincoln Chafee (R): No Jack Reed (D): No
South Carolina Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D): Yes Strom Thurmond (R): Yes
South Dakota Thomas Daschle (D): Yes Tim Johnson (D): Yes
Tennessee Bill Frist (R): Yes Fred Thompson (R): Yes
Texas Phil Gramm (R): Yes Kay Bailey Hutchison (R): Yes
Utah Robert Bennett (R): Yes Orrin Hatch (R): Yes
Vermont James Jeffords (I): No Patrick Leahy (D): No
Virginia George Allen (R): Yes John Warner (R): Yes
Washington Maria Cantwell (D): Yes Patty Murray (D): No
West Virginia Robert Byrd (D): No Jay Rockefeller (D): Yes
Wisconsin Russell Feingold (D): No Herb Kohl (D): Yes
Wyoming Mike Enzi (R): Yes Craig Thomas (R): Yes

© 2002 The Washington Post Company


...and yet millions of Americans believe the two parties are diametrically opposed.
...and yet millions of Americans believe the two parties are diametrically opposed.
Oh, there are differences, alright, but many of them are far more superficial and nominal than many of us are willing to contemplate or admit; especially the more delusional rainbows-and-unicorn types who get their panties in a bunch over the slightest opposition to their own make-believe pie-in-the-sky agenda.
He is forever stuck on Ds good....Rs bad....duh.

Yeah ... I know I am a noob ... But the question was a different/new tactic for me.
It was my polite way of saying ... "If you do support the GOP ... Step up, or shut the fuck up".

I can see that my usual tactic is a lot easier to understand.


But you voted for Obama and he took us back into Iraq after Bush had to end that war... You even support Hillary who voted for the war... You even liked Mitt who supported the Iraq invasion as well...
And you supported the Iraqi War from the beginning, whereas I have always wanted to stay out. So what point are you making? None.

And I and 90% of the country concluded that
a) 1991 Cease Fire was broken by Saddam.... what are agreements for if they aren't enforced?
b) 32 democrat comments as well as the UN etc. believed there were WMDs and firmly believed in Saddam was using them on his own people why not the rest of the
world... and it took nearly 2 years to come to the conclusion Saddam had WMDs and would use them and the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act was to be completed.
c) Finally you explain to me... would any SANE leader of a country allow 115,000 children to starve each year when all that was needed to be done to lift the
UN sanctions which prevented aid coming to these children was to CERTIFY there were NO WMDs.
Saddam wouldn't do it. Why? No same leader would put their children at risk is what most leaders of the world concluded and as a result Saddam by NOT
certifying a conclusion was HE HAD WMDs and by the fact he allowed his own country's kids to starve he would definitely use the WMDs.

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports -

Would you want to see from 2003 to today 12 years another 115,000 a year kids starved or 1.3 million kids starving.... and you would still want Saddam in power??

You keep saying that and it still makes no sense

The world is putting on sanctions killing 500,000 kids and the deaths are the fault of those being sanctioned?

Why then didn't Saddam certify he had destroyed the WMDs?
So given the FACT he wouldn't certify...
FACT he allowed his own people to be gassed...
FACT he broke the 1991 Cease Fire...
FACT as John Kerry said..."Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , Jan . 23. 2003
FACT is Saddam allowed his people to starve.

FACT: Saddam was no threat outside his borders
FACT: Hans Blix stated he believed there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time
FACT: There was no pressing need to invade Iraq in 2003
FACT: George Bush chose to invade before his excuse for invading was proven wrong
FACT: We had 5000 Americans killed for no valid reason
This cannot be stated and repeated enough.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

I am not a Jeb supporter, but this misquotes him. He was asked if, based on the intel available when the Iraq invasion began, he would have done it. He accurately said that Hillary and almost everyone else bought the bad intel so yes, based on that intel he would have authorized it.

He was not asked if, knowing what we know today, would you have invaded? So I call bullshit on this thread.
Megyn Kelly specifically asked him "knowing what we know today " The Five were spinning afterwards trying to help him suggesting that maybe he didn't understand the question and / or he made a mistake.
And I and 90% of the country concluded that
a) 1991 Cease Fire was broken by Saddam.... what are agreements for if they aren't enforced?
b) 32 democrat comments as well as the UN etc. believed there were WMDs and firmly believed in Saddam was using them on his own people why not the rest of the
world... and it took nearly 2 years to come to the conclusion Saddam had WMDs and would use them and the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act was to be completed.
c) Finally you explain to me... would any SANE leader of a country allow 115,000 children to starve each year when all that was needed to be done to lift the
UN sanctions which prevented aid coming to these children was to CERTIFY there were NO WMDs.
Saddam wouldn't do it. Why? No same leader would put their children at risk is what most leaders of the world concluded and as a result Saddam by NOT
certifying a conclusion was HE HAD WMDs and by the fact he allowed his own country's kids to starve he would definitely use the WMDs.

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports -

Would you want to see from 2003 to today 12 years another 115,000 a year kids starved or 1.3 million kids starving.... and you would still want Saddam in power??

You keep saying that and it still makes no sense

The world is putting on sanctions killing 500,000 kids and the deaths are the fault of those being sanctioned?

Why then didn't Saddam certify he had destroyed the WMDs?
So given the FACT he wouldn't certify...
FACT he allowed his own people to be gassed...
FACT he broke the 1991 Cease Fire...
FACT as John Kerry said..."Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ....
"Kerry , Jan . 23. 2003
FACT is Saddam allowed his people to starve.

FACT: Saddam was no threat outside his borders
FACT: Hans Blix stated he believed there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time
FACT: There was no pressing need to invade Iraq in 2003
FACT: George Bush chose to invade before his excuse for invading was proven wrong
FACT: We had 5000 Americans killed for no valid reason

FACT: both parties authorized and funded it
FACT: both parties bought into the bad intel
FACT: it was a stupid waste of lives and money

FACT: George Bush and George Bush alone had the authority to order the invasion of Iraq. It was his decision and history has condemned him for it
This statement cannot be stated and repeated enough.
FACT: Saddam was no threat outside his borders
FACT: Hans Blix stated he believed there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time
FACT: There was no pressing need to invade Iraq in 2003
FACT: George Bush chose to invade before his excuse for invading was proven wrong
FACT: We had 5000 Americans killed for no valid reason
This cannot be stated and repeated enough.

Nolo contendere.

What has this to do with Jeb Bush?
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

I am not a Jeb supporter, but this misquotes him. He was asked if, based on the intel available when the Iraq invasion began, he would have done it. He accurately said that Hillary and almost everyone else bought the bad intel so yes, based on that intel he would have authorized it.

He was not asked if, knowing what we know today, would you have invaded? So I call bullshit on this thread.
Megyn Kelly specifically asked him "knowing what we know today " The Five were spinning afterwards trying to help him suggesting that maybe he didn't understand the question and / or he made a mistake.

lol, yes, the right immediately latched onto the talking point that Jeb didn't understand the question. The GOP lady that Chris Matthews had on said Jeb didn't 'process' the question correctly...

...just more admissions from rightwingers that they know Iraq was a mistake.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

I am not a Jeb supporter, but this misquotes him. He was asked if, based on the intel available when the Iraq invasion began, he would have done it. He accurately said that Hillary and almost everyone else bought the bad intel so yes, based on that intel he would have authorized it.

He was not asked if, knowing what we know today, would you have invaded? So I call bullshit on this thread.
Megyn Kelly specifically asked him "knowing what we know today " The Five were spinning afterwards trying to help him suggesting that maybe he didn't understand the question and / or he made a mistake.

we agree, he did not answer the question that was asked. But who cares, no one here is supporting jeb bush. why are you libs obsessed with him?

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