Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

The GOP and the Dems are going to have to pony up a none neo-con if either wish to win. We in the GOP want your vote but you won't have a neo-con for whom to vote, though. Go look at HRC.

Name a GOP candidate you would like to support in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Now? Kasich and Paul. Black Sand, what you think about me is immaterial.
...Would you respect a man that "stood by" his child rapist or murderer brother ad well? ...

I such shoes, I would say to the world: "I cannot deny the evil or wrongdoing committed by my child, but I love and honor and cherish that part of him (or her) that is good and loving, even if it has been buried deep within and is now un-reachable. I cannot abandon my child and I will stand by him (or her) until the end of time."

It's entirely possible that most folks haunting this board - Left, Right and Center - would do much the same thing.

...At face value your post rings true, but when you consider the facts, it falls apart.
Oh, I think it stands up pretty well to a closer scrutiny, actually, but thank you for your feedback.
If Jeb says otherwise, he condemns his brother's actions.

If George were my brother, I would support him publicly, while berating him in private for his poor judgment or his weakness in allowing others to steer him into a war with a phony-baloney casus belli.

Personally, my priorities are (1) God, (2) Family, (3) Country, (4) Friends, then (5) Everybody Else, in that order.

I suspect that a great many other folks have similar priorities, on both sides of the political aisle.

If it came down to destroying my brother or destroying my country, I would like to think that I would embrace the brother and then save the country, and then weep afterwards...

I think that's kind of retarded, even for you.

Jeb totally blew this question.

the answer he gave shows that he's not worthy of the job. He would let himself make the same mistakes his brother made, given the same circumstances.
Thank you for your feedback.

I do not see any of that as "retarded", but you are welcome to point-out which aspect(s) of the cited text, above, that you find to be so.


Jeb Bush (apparently) spoke his mind on the subject, and I have found his words (as reported in the article referenced in the OP) to be honest, principled and thoughtful.

He is telling us that he would do the same thing, given the same intelligence.

Given American sentiments regarding our misadventure in Iraq, and his hopes regarding the Presidency, it requires no small measure of intellectual courage to do such a thing.

Personally, I think the intelligence itself was manufactured and patently false, and that our invasion of Iraq was a complete waste of American blood and treasure.

But, for anyone who did not know at the time that the intelligence was faulty...

The decision to invade seems vastly more defensible than if we had not had such intelligence...

Don't think that's right?

Ask any of these Democrat Senators who voted to invade, based upon such intelligence, on October 11, 2002...

Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)


Jeb did nothing more than 'fess-up that he would have done the same thing, given the intelligence.

And he did so without throwing his brother under the bus.

Jeb may or may not prove to be a suitable candidate for President, but...

This particular challenge was well-met, and well-handled...

Well done, Jeb.

Can you post the Republicans who voted against the war?

Come can do it
You're missing the point.

I'm afraid you are missing the point

Republicans were near unanimous in support of the Iraq resolution
More Democrats opposed than supported

The ultimate invasion decision was made by Republican Bush
When some one says, "no one here is supporting jeb bush. why are you libs obsessed with him?", you know you have a far right reactionary quack on the run.

Many Dems voted against it. Very few in our party did not support the invasion. I was one and have been getting it for the last 12 years. Have no problem with my point of view and no problem of putting opponents in the dust.

The war was wrong. My party overwhelmingly and the the dems to a great extent were culpable for the worst foreign policy mistake in our history. The good point is that the neo-cons and neo-econs have been sundered apart, which is forcing the thinking part of the GOP to reach toward women and minorities more honestly. That is good for America.
FACT: George Bush and George Bush alone had the authority to order the invasion of Iraq. It was his decision and history has condemned him for it

without congressional authorization and funding it never could have happened. Bush was carrying out the direction he received from congress. Remember presidents only implement what congress authorizes.

FACT: Without Bush saying...Invade NOW
It never would have happened

Yes the CIC has to give the order. But that order cannot be given without authorization and funding from congress----------------unless the CIC is obama of course.

Congress never ordered him to invade

Bush was given authority "If he deemed it necessary"

It was Bush who decided he needed to invade immediately before it could be proven that Saddam had no WMDs

yes, thats correct, and Obozo, Bubba Clinton, or the hildebeast would have made the same call based on the same intel. The intel was faulty. They all bought it.

To blame only bush is just partisan bullshit.
Rightwing wishful thinking
Jeb Bush admits....I'm just as dumb as my brother

and hillary admits............. i'm dumber than my husband. whats your point here?

not one person on USMB has said that they support jeb bush. maybe its time for you idiots to start another palin-hate thread.

Jeb Bush is leading the GOP polls.

polls at this point mean nothing. Jeb Bush will not be the GOP nominee. He has not even declared that he is running. But keep bashing him, I do not want him to run.
without congressional authorization and funding it never could have happened. Bush was carrying out the direction he received from congress. Remember presidents only implement what congress authorizes.

FACT: Without Bush saying...Invade NOW
It never would have happened

Yes the CIC has to give the order. But that order cannot be given without authorization and funding from congress----------------unless the CIC is obama of course.

Congress never ordered him to invade

Bush was given authority "If he deemed it necessary"

It was Bush who decided he needed to invade immediately before it could be proven that Saddam had no WMDs

yes, thats correct, and Obozo, Bubba Clinton, or the hildebeast would have made the same call based on the same intel. The intel was faulty. They all bought it.

To blame only bush is just partisan bullshit.
Rightwing wishful thinking

no, its historical fact. but I understand that facts mean nothing to you braindead libs.
The Hildabeast and John Kerry also supported the invasion of Iraq.

Moon Bats, when voicing their opposition to the war, conveniently forget to mention that.

They also forget to mention that Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years and then called it a success. Just like he called Afghanistan "The Good War".

lol, blaming Obama for Iraq.


Are we in Iraq today?
Yes, because of Bush, not because of Obama, who inherited the mess.

who will you vote for then? will voting 3rd party help the greater of two evils? I agree with much of what you say, but I will not help elect HRC in any way. I will vote against her by voting for someone who can beat her in the general election.

I will use my single vote for someone that promises to substantially reduce the size of the Federal government, reduce taxes, seal the borders, stimulate capitalism, turn back the welfare state and stop adding to the frigging debt.

As of now none of the candidates convinces me that they will do those things. Ron Paul and Ted Cruz both talk that game but I doubt they will walk the walk if elected. I suspect they both would be like Bush was after 2000 and continue with big government with only minor changes.

I simply refuse to participate in electing bad government any more. No more voting for the lesser of two evils.
We have some seriously dumb shitheads on this forum.

They blame ISIS on Obama for abandoning Iraq too soon, and now they blame Obama for "rebooting the war" they didn't want ended!
That's why these people are evil bastards.
Indeed, the neo-cons and far right haters are bad people, yes.

I think BHO should never have sent troops back in. But to damn the pres if he does or doesn't only helps our enemies overseas. The far right love ISIS and Putin.
So what? Who here do you think is supporting jeb? He is probably the worst choice that the GOP could make. So continue to denigrate him, get him out of the race quickly, We appreciate the help.
Then why are your bowels in an uproar....
Because he's a rabid partisan dog, trained to react defensively to any real or perceived attack on his team.

who will you vote for then? will voting 3rd party help the greater of two evils? I agree with much of what you say, but I will not help elect HRC in any way. I will vote against her by voting for someone who can beat her in the general election.

I will use my single vote for someone that promises to substantially reduce the size of the Federal government, reduce taxes, seal the borders, stimulate capitalism, turn back the welfare state and stop adding to the frigging debt.

As of now none of the candidates convinces me that they will do those things. Ron Paul and Ted Cruz both talk that game but I doubt they will walk the walk if elected. I suspect they both would be like Bush was after 2000 and continue with big government with only minor changes.

I simply refuse to participate in electing bad government any more. No more voting for the lesser of two evils.

OK, as long as you realize that that will help elect the greater of two evils. That kind of thinking gave obama his second term. Do whatever you think is right, but understand the consequences.

Yes, because of Bush, not because of Obama, who inherited the mess.

The excuse that "Bush did it" to provide cover for Obama's record of failure is getting pretty old after Obama being in office for over seven years.

When are you going to start holding him accountable for his failures?

He fought the war for three years, called it a success and then screwed up the end game and now the sonofabitch has troop back on the ground and bombers in the air.

Clinton and Obama fucked up the sacrifice made by our troops to secure a stable Iraq government and now ISIS is having a grand old time.

Just for the record. Did Obama lie once again to the American people when he called the Iraq War a success? Was he liar or was he simply confused?

Yes, because of Bush, not because of Obama, who inherited the mess.

The excuse that "Bush did it" to provide cover for Obama's record of failure is getting pretty old after Obama being in office for over seven years.

When are you going to start holding him accountable for his failures?

He fought the war for three years, called it a success and then screwed up the end game and now the sonofabitch has troop back on the ground and bombers in the air.

Clinton and Obama fucked up the sacrifice made by our troops to secure a stable Iraq government and now ISIS is having a grand old time.

Just for the record. Did Obama lie once again to the American people when he called the Iraq War a success? Was he liar or was he simply confused?
Your reading comprehension is really poor.
OK, as long as you realize that that will help elect the greater of two evils. That kind of thinking gave obama his second term. Do whatever you think is right, but understand the consequences.

You don't "help" to elect somebody when you don't vote for them.

The people that voted for the candidate are the ones that elected the scumbag, not the ones that didn't vote for the candidate.

If America wants to be a country of idiots and elect a shithead like Clinton then my one vote is not going to be a difference.

What we saw in 2008 and 2012 was a nation of idiots going to the polls and electing the worse President this country ever saw.

Your reading comprehension is really poor.

You trying to blame Obama's failures on Bush is poor.

Bush initiating the war is no excuse for Obama fighting it for three years, calling it a success and then fucking it up because he was more interested in playing golf and raising money for the Democrats than he was in paying attention to foreign policy.

You didn't answer the question. Was Obama lying to the American people when he called the Iraq War a success?

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success US news The Guardian

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

Jake we know your choices are 1) Bernie Sanders 2) Elizabeth Warren 3) Hillary Clinton
Rocko, I am a mainstream GOP, who at the moment favors Kasich. Your are a far right hater who favors the ilk of a Perry or a Cruz. You are going to lose again. America won't tolerate your ilk, you and folks like Redfish, that like Putin and support ISIS.

Folks like Flash don't have a clue.

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