Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

I think he waited too long to go in, gave time for Saddam to hide his WMD's in Syria. We should've invaded a month earlier than we did.
Some believe that, yes, though the evidence is so very shaky at best.
Thank you for your feedback.

I do not see any of that as "retarded", but you are welcome to point-out which aspect(s) of the cited text, above, that you find to be so.


Jeb Bush (apparently) spoke his mind on the subject, and I have found his words (as reported in the article referenced in the OP) to be honest, principled and thoughtful.

He is telling us that he would do the same thing, given the same intelligence.

And that statement by itself should automatically disqualify him from the Presidency.

He took an action that wasn't warranted on intelligence that was incomplete and turned out to ultimately be wrong. He did so against the advice of his military advisers, who told him that he would need at least 500,000 troops to maintain order in Iraq. He did so without letting the UN, which was making progress in verifying that there were no WMD's, finish its job...
Oh, you and I are on the same page about the validity of the intelligence, and some of the other factors in the run-up to the invasion.

We just differ on whether or not Jeb should have thrown his brother under the bus.

Given American sentiments regarding our misadventure in Iraq, and his hopes regarding the Presidency, it requires no small measure of intellectual courage to do such a thing.

No, it doesn't. He just hopes that Americans are ignorant enough to forget how badly his brother miscalculated, because he can't run on 'Trust me, I'm the SMART Bush Brother." ...
Well, Joe, if it wasn't for your own partisanship, that argument might have been a wee bit more effective, but, as it is, a variation on mere Automatic Gainsay and a slap at the Bush Brothers simply isn't going to be enough to rack-up a decisive 'win' on that one.

The decision to invade seems vastly more defensible than if we had not had such intelligence...

Don't think that's right?

Ask any of these Democrat Senators who voted to invade, based upon such intelligence, on October 11, 2002...

that was an authorization to use force, based on the notion that we would have international support AND after all other diplomatic options had been exhausted. And, yes, a lot of those senators were cowards. They looked at polls and not evidence. they saw most Americans thought that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 (he didn't) and panicked.
Well, Joe, at least you get props for some genuine (and deserved) BIpartisan head-thumping on that one. My compliments on that one, for whatever little that's worth.
Hey dude, everyone agrees that Iraq was a mistake and a waste of lives and money. BUT BOTH PARTIES AUTHORIZED, FUNDED, AND SUPPORTED IT. BUSH DID NOT, AND COULD NOT, DO IT ON HIS OWN. THEY ALL HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

if you libtards would deal with those facts and stop the partisan bullshit, we might be able to move forward.

Apparently, Jeb doesn't agree that it was a mistake.

and when you had Karl Rove comparing triple amputee veterans to Bin Laden and Saddam, it wasn't like they had a whole lot of manuever room to take a stand. Some did, however.
Oh, you and I are on the same page about the validity of the intelligence, and some of the other factors in the run-up to the invasion.

We just differ on whether or not Jeb should have thrown his brother under the bus.

No, Jeb shouldn't run at all. That whole fucking family needs to hide their faces in shame and maybe change their names like Hitler's relatives all did.

Well, Joe, at least you get props for some genuine (and deserved) BIpartisan head-thumping on that one. My compliments on that one, for whatever little that's worth.

Bush gave the order. Bush is responsible.
Oh, you and I are on the same page about the validity of the intelligence, and some of the other factors in the run-up to the invasion.

We just differ on whether or not Jeb should have thrown his brother under the bus.

No, Jeb shouldn't run at all. That whole fucking family needs to hide their faces in shame and maybe change their names like Hitler's relatives all did...
Hell, I'm all about stopping the formation and reinforcing of any more modern-day political family dynasties... Pub OR Dem... Bush OR Clinton.

Time to give somebody else a chance, on both sides of the aisle.

Well, Joe, at least you get props for some genuine (and deserved) BIpartisan head-thumping on that one. My compliments on that one, for whatever little that's worth.

Bush gave the order. Bush is responsible.
Yeppers... Bush gave the order... Bush is responsible.
GOP candidates/possibles and THEIR Iraq stances:

1. Rand Paul - Iraq was a mistake
2. Chris Christie - Iraq was a mistake
3. Ted Cruz - Iraq was a mistake.
4. Mike Huckabee - dodged question
5. Marco Rubio - still supports decision

Link in prior post.
I think it is funny, Black Sand, that you don't have a clue that Paul and Kasich are squarely within the GOP mainstream base. Those far to the right - Perry, Cruz, etc - are out of the GOP mainstream base.

I think it is funny you don't have a clue what is Mainstream and try to act like you do. If Paul and Kasich were within the GOP mainstream base ... They wouldn't have a problem getting nominated. So if they don't get nominated ... Then it is safe to say they aren't mainstream ... At least not with the base..

If they don't get nominated does not mean they are not mainstream, Black Sand. However, that means every GOP candidate in the last two cycles, by your reckoning, except McCain and Romney, were not mainstream: not Huckabee, Thompson, Perry, Santorum, Trump, Cain, Bachmann; when Kasich is nominated. that means Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Perry, etc., were just too far right. :)

Hey ... A lot of people thought McCain was mainstream ... He just sucked.
Romney listened to the whiners and gave up all he had gained ... Your "mainstream" helped him lose.

I personally couldn't care less who the GOP nominates ... Nor the Democrats for that matter.
But then again ... I am not mainstream ... Never had a use for mediocre.

Hell, I'm all about stopping the formation and reinforcing of any more modern-day political family dynasties... Pub OR Dem... Bush OR Clinton.

Time to give somebody else a chance, on both sides of the aisle.

Not necessarily. I would LOVE to have the Clinton era back. I don't care how many intern he's laying pipe into. Peace Prosperity and Innovation- let the good times roll, baby.

The Bushes, though. Poppy was a fuck up, Dubya was a fuckup, Hebby will be a bigger fuckup if we have a collective brain fart and elect him. The fact he gave such a retarded answer on this very important question proves that.

Seriously in a sane world, that answer should have been the end of his campaign.
Hey ... A lot of people thought McCain was mainstream ... He just sucked.
Romney listened to the whiners and gave up all he had gained ... Your "mainstream" helped him lose.

Wow. That's delusional.

Let's get this straight. McCain lost because Bush fucked up everything. Jesus Fucking Christ could have gotten the GOP nomination and still lost. The voters were in a mood to spank the GOP, and they did. Unfortunately, they didn't follow up and keep them out of power for a generation like they did in the 1930's.

Romney lost because he was a creepy ass, weird Mormon who said stupid shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".
Hell, I'm all about stopping the formation and reinforcing of any more modern-day political family dynasties... Pub OR Dem... Bush OR Clinton.

Time to give somebody else a chance, on both sides of the aisle.

Not necessarily. I would LOVE to have the Clinton era back. I don't care how many intern he's laying pipe into. Peace Prosperity and Innovation- let the good times roll, baby.

The Bushes, though. Poppy was a fuck up, Dubya was a fuckup, Hebby will be a bigger fuckup if we have a collective brain fart and elect him. The fact he gave such a retarded answer on this very important question proves that.

Seriously in a sane world, that answer should have been the end of his campaign.
Different times call for different people with different ideas to find different solutions.

Hillary (and Bill) are the 1990s re-hashed; warmed-up and served as stale left-overs; long past their freshness-date.

The Clintons of 1992-2000 were much younger people, dealing with the immediate post-Reagan Era, right after the Fall of the Soviet Union - before we fought two expensive and pointless wars and before The Big Crash of the mid-aughts and before Obama had served-up several highly unpopular and expensive or divisive socialist -leaning programs.

Generally speaking - judging by Obama's loss of both chambers of Congress in recent years - it would appear that America is tired of the Democrats, and seems inclined to give the other side another inning at-bat, assuming that the clowns on the Republican side of the aisle can actually manage to field a candidate capable of inspiring The People.

Hillary has zero experience in governance - except as an observer, she rode to prominence on a husband's coat-tails, she is shadowed by far too large of a cloud of suspicion of corruption (time and again and again), and, to repeat just once - America does not need to create nor reinforce any more Political Family Dynasties, on either side of the aisle.

But, it's the fate of Men and Nations, that they do things that work against their health and best interests, often enough, when it comes to serving-up a popular vote.

Personally, I think that squashing Ruling Dynasties in America, before they grow too strong for The People to dislodge them easily, is sufficient reason for stiff-arming Hillary.

Unfortunately, a great many of my fellow countrymen do not see it the same way, or, in a vast number of instances, do not even see nor sense the possible detrimental effects.

So be it... all anyone can do, who believes thusly... is to speak-up, and fight against the darkness, for as long as practicable.
Wow. That's delusional.

Let's get this straight. McCain lost because Bush fucked up everything. Jesus Fucking Christ could have gotten the GOP nomination and still lost. The voters were in a mood to spank the GOP, and they did. Unfortunately, they didn't follow up and keep them out of power for a generation like they did in the 1930's.

Romney lost because he was a creepy ass, weird Mormon who said stupid shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Wow ... That's delusional!

McCain lost because a good portion of the Conservative base didn't care which socialist got into office ... And didn't vote at all.
Romney lost because he didn't take President Obama to the mat when wishy-washy moderates complained he should be more civilized after spanking the President in the first two debates.

Talk about creepy assed candidates ... There is no shortage of those on the Democrat ticket as of late.

Wow. That's delusional.

Let's get this straight. McCain lost because Bush fucked up everything. Jesus Fucking Christ could have gotten the GOP nomination and still lost. The voters were in a mood to spank the GOP, and they did. Unfortunately, they didn't follow up and keep them out of power for a generation like they did in the 1930's.

Romney lost because he was a creepy ass, weird Mormon who said stupid shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Wow ... That's delusional!

McCain lost because a good portion of the Conservative base didn't care which socialist got into office ... And didn't vote at all.
Romney lost because he didn't take President Obama to the mat when wishy-washy moderates complained he should be more civilized after spanking the President in the first two debates.

Talk about creepy assed candidates ... There is no shortage of those on the Democrat ticket as of late.


That's not why McCain lost. McCain lost because Obama won Moderates by 20 points, which was more than double the moderates Kerry won.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

dont sweat it

if they run jeb

i will not vote for the party

i am sure i am not alone in that decision
Given my own aversion to creating (or perpetuating) Ruling Family Dynasties in our country, I'm inclined to agree.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

dont sweat it

if they run jeb

i will not vote for the party

i am sure i am not alone in that decision

I really wish you guys would get your rightwing extremist candidate into the election. Then we can find out once and for all if the GOP is losing elections because they're not running sufficiently conservative candidates.

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