Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

That's not why McCain lost. McCain lost because Obama won Moderates by 20 points, which was more than double the moderates Kerry won.

Yeah ... Like Conservatives not showing up to vote wouldn't have caused any difference.
There is no need to explain why moderates vote Democrat ... They are democrats pretending to be something else.

Which I a not knocking the ability of Moderates to influence elections ... Especially when "Hope And Change" are on the ticket.
I simply hope they got the change they voted for ... And there is no way you could possibly indicate President Obama is a "moderate" anything.

"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

dont sweat it

if they run jeb

i will not vote for the party

i am sure i am not alone in that decision
Given my own aversion to creating (or perpetuating) Ruling Family Dynasties in our country, I'm inclined to agree.

i am sick of it
I really wish you guys would get your rightwing extremist candidate into the election. Then we can find out once and for all if the GOP is losing elections because they're not running sufficiently conservative candidates.

Your left wing extremist candidate won the last two elections ... So no real difference there.
It is a battle for the wishy-washy pussies in the middle that determines everything ... And the pussies elect more Democrats than Republicans.
Mostly because they feel they are being altruistic or compassionate when spending someone else's money.

I really wish you guys would get your rightwing extremist candidate into the election. Then we can find out once and for all if the GOP is losing elections because they're not running sufficiently conservative candidates.

Your left wing extremist candidate won the last two elections ... So no real difference there.
It is a battle for the wishy-washy pussies in the middle that determines everything ... And the pussies elect more Democrats than Republicans.
Mostly because they feel they are being altruistic or compassionate when spending someone else's money.


You can describe the reality any way you wish, but it remains the reality. The country is not and will not be as conservative as you wish it would.

That's the reality.
I really wish you guys would get your rightwing extremist candidate into the election. Then we can find out once and for all if the GOP is losing elections because they're not running sufficiently conservative candidates.

Your left wing extremist candidate won the last two elections ... So no real difference there.
It is a battle for the wishy-washy pussies in the middle that determines everything ... And the pussies elect more Democrats than Republicans.
Mostly because they feel they are being altruistic or compassionate when spending someone else's money.


You can describe the reality any way you wish, but it remains the reality. The country is not and will not be as conservative as you wish it would.

That's the reality.
And, as more and more people go 'On the Dole' and stop paying their own way, it will get worse... much worse.
I would have been more Faith-full to our Commerce Clause and invested in infrastructure in the Middle East to continue establishing greater Tranquility for easier regulation of Commerce among foreign nations.
That's not why McCain lost. McCain lost because Obama won Moderates by 20 points, which was more than double the moderates Kerry won.

Yeah ... Like Conservatives not showing up to vote wouldn't have caused any difference.
There is no need to explain why moderates vote Democrat ... They are democrats pretending to be something else.

Which I a not knocking the ability of Moderates to influence elections ... Especially when "Hope And Change" are on the ticket.
I simply hope they got the change they voted for ... And there is no way you could possibly indicate President Obama is a "moderate" anything.


Not a moderate on anything? Today's news is that of Democrats in the Senate blocking his trade bill, the bill that the Republicans love.

I really wish you guys would get your rightwing extremist candidate into the election. Then we can find out once and for all if the GOP is losing elections because they're not running sufficiently conservative candidates.

Your left wing extremist candidate won the last two elections ... So no real difference there.
It is a battle for the wishy-washy pussies in the middle that determines everything ... And the pussies elect more Democrats than Republicans.
Mostly because they feel they are being altruistic or compassionate when spending someone else's money.


You can describe the reality any way you wish, but it remains the reality. The country is not and will not be as conservative as you wish it would.

That's the reality.
And, as more and more people go 'On the Dole' and stop paying their own way, it will get worse... much worse.

When a thousand people line up for a hundred jobs at a Walmart, there's the problem. Don't accuse the People of not wanting work.
When a thousand people line up for a hundred jobs at a Walmart, there's the problem. Don't accuse the People of not wanting work.
So, when are either of our two parties going to fix it?

And how?

Spending other people's money isn't the answer.

Neither is allowing Big Business to continue profiting from outsourcing and off-shoring American jobs to take advantage of off-shore psuedo-slave labor.

As with most things, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, between our two political polar extremes.

And, so far, in the run-up to the 2016 General, I haven't seen much evidence of a middle ground yet.
That's not why McCain lost. McCain lost because Obama won Moderates by 20 points, which was more than double the moderates Kerry won.

Yeah ... Like Conservatives not showing up to vote wouldn't have caused any difference.
There is no need to explain why moderates vote Democrat ... They are democrats pretending to be something else.

Which I a not knocking the ability of Moderates to influence elections ... Especially when "Hope And Change" are on the ticket.
I simply hope they got the change they voted for ... And there is no way you could possibly indicate President Obama is a "moderate" anything.


Not a moderate on anything? Today's news is that of Democrats in the Senate blocking his trade bill, the bill that the Republicans love.


I said he is not a "moderate anything" ... Not "on" anything ... Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.

As far as what I think the reality of Conservatives nationwide is ... You are the one with a distorted reality.
For some stupid reason you think that the roughly 36% of the eligible public that actually votes regularly is somehow the entire nation.

The people I know that don't vote ... Are not Progressives ... Are Conservative, and don't see anything worth voting for on the ballot.
The only time we will see change is if a dynamic candidate that can appeal to those people steps up ... Until then ... Every election will be a 50/50 toss up with spineless moderates making the call.

That in no way means that I support appealing to moderates that have no principles ... Just that I can accept the bullshit that comes out of Congress and the Government as the result of poor politics and crooked politicians set on dividing the roughly 36% of America that actually votes.

Mainstream is not ipso facto mediocre, and unique is not automatically good. Catering to the far right caused Romney's failure; it cost him the center.
Mainstream is not ipso facto mediocre, and unique is not automatically good. Catering to the far right caused Romney's failure; it cost him the center.

Moderate is mediocre in any form ... Just accept it.
I mean there is no reason to believe that the lack of any steadfast principles is a good thing.

Of course that can complicate matters and set obstacles in front of compromise ... But compromise is for people who are mediocre and just want to get along.
If you are different ... And want to set a higher or better standard towards anything ... Then you simply accept that government is not your friend and moderates are simply the bane of actual success and fruition of excellence.

All that requires the additional acceptance that some people are satisfied with mediocre existence and will do whatever is necessary to keep as many people as possible in their camp.

Screw your silly middle of the road camp ... We are going to do it better and don't need your approval or vote.
Of course we don't look to the beltway for help ... We take on our responsibilities and do it ourselves.

"Moderate is mediocre in any form ..." is a mediocre statement by a person who cannot analyze objectively.

Moderate does not mean no steadfast principles.

People who are ideologues have trouble interacting rationally with others.

Rigid ideology allows such folks from having to think critically think.

The libertarian and far right wing will continue to fail.
So what? Who here do you think is supporting jeb? He is probably the worst choice that the GOP could make. So continue to denigrate him, get him out of the race quickly, We appreciate the help.
Then why are your bowels in an uproar....
Because he's a rabid partisan dog, trained to react defensively to any real or perceived attack on his team.

Bullshit, I don't give a flying fuck if you attack jeb bush. You fools will be attacking all republicans with lies and fabrications for the next year and a half. We get it, we understand your methods.

Keep it up, it only makes you look like the losers that you are.
OK, as long as you realize that that will help elect the greater of two evils. That kind of thinking gave obama his second term. Do whatever you think is right, but understand the consequences.

You don't "help" to elect somebody when you don't vote for them.

The people that voted for the candidate are the ones that elected the scumbag, not the ones that didn't vote for the candidate.

If America wants to be a country of idiots and elect a shithead like Clinton then my one vote is not going to be a difference.

What we saw in 2008 and 2012 was a nation of idiots going to the polls and electing the worse President this country ever saw.

I agree with that, but its also true that if all of the stay-at-home or 3rd party conservatives, republicans, and libertarians had voted for Romney, we wouid not be dealing with a second term of the worst president in history.

Sorry, but not voting against someone is the same as voting for them.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

He clarified his statement. His original answer was based on intelligence available at the time. Not what came out years later.
Even worse. I won't vote for him or HRC based on that alone.

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