Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

Jeb is running on.....I'm not George

First thing he does is double down on W's biggest foreign policy blunder
The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years.

Cold War

Did the Democrats initiate any of these wars?

Ever hear of the Apples and Oranges Fallacy?

Three years in Iraq
Escalation of Afghanistan

Who was in office when those wars were INITIATED?

I guess you are too young to remember Reagan's little tiff with Libya.

Obama doesn't get a pass for fighting the war just because he didn't initiate it.

If you feel the invasion of Iraq was wrong then you must condemn Obama for fighting the war for three years, calling it a success and then reintroducing troops and bombing. He is now also saying he wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.

Moon Bats always try to shirk responsibility and blame their failures on somebody else, don't they?

I am a real Conservative non interventionists that will condemn interventionsm no matter who does it, Republican or Democrat.

I dumped the Republican Party over ten years ago because of interventionism and fiscally irresponsibility. When are you going to have the moral and intellectual courage to do the same for the Democrats? Probably never because you really don't have any convictions on what you bitch about. You probably even like the Democrat fiscal irresponsibility because it gets you welfare.

You Moon Bats have a very selective partisan set of values when it comes to non interventionism. Republican interventionism bad, Democrat interventionism good.
And you would fail with BHO, who was given a hand already played. Tough to be you.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I won't vote for Jeb in the primaries, and I am hoping we have someone else to oppose HRC.

Jeb Bush I would have invaded Iraq US news The Guardian

It's not fair for that bush boy to say what Hillary would have done. He doesn't know what anyone would have done other than himself. He can only speak for himself on this and anything else is a lie.

All he's doing is showing the following:

He's a liar.
He's not his own man as he claimed
He's a liar.
Hillary is a Democrat and a neo-con.
Hillary's not a neocon, nor is Obama, and Slick wasn't one either.

What s a Neoconservative The American Conservative
The real tragedy in Iraq is that Iraq was better off WITH Saddam than what they got. The starving kiddies? We could have let the Red Crescent distribute all the formula and medicine they needed. They didn't have ISIS cutting off heads and burning people. W fell into the hubris gap of thinking he could make the world a better, and indeed safer place, by instilling a democratic republic in Iraq. No doubt a democratic republican Iraq would make the world a better and safer place, but you can't turn apples into oranges.

The Obama administration has been drug by events into both Syria and Libya. At some misty time, moves to remove despots can turn into basically anarchists bent on killing anyone not signing onto their moral code and submitting to their earthly power. And, it's not all Obama's fault. The Saudis were funneling millions to al queda, and probably still are, while at the same time demanding we halt Iran's nuclear program. That said, Obama was late on Syria and took his boot off Iran's neck too fast.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
We have some seriously dumb shitheads on this forum.

They blame ISIS on Obama for abandoning Iraq too soon, and now they blame Obama for "rebooting the war" they didn't want ended!
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
And you would fail with BHO, who was given a hand already played. Tough to be you.
For a non-interventionist, Flash appears to have not grasped the first notion: it's a lot easier to start a war than to stop it, especially when you've already dismantled the civilian govt that could surrender to you.
My biggest beef with Bush over Iraq is not the invasion. I served over there and I have always been convinced we were going to have to take on Hussein again, sooner or later. Not a lot of people know or remember that Hussein made another rush at Kuwait in 1994. But we were there to stop him that time.

Bush made an extremely flimsy case for invading Iraq, but we had been winding the military down for a long time by that point. The "peace dividend" after the collapse of the USSR. Our readiness was seriously eroded. If we had waited on Hussein's timetable, we would not have been as prepared to take him on again. As it was, our equipment was barely up to the task.

No, my problem with Bush was his follow-through. He totally fucked it up by demobilizing the Iraqi army. After WWII, we kept the German and Japanese forces active until those countries could get back on their feet on solid ground.

It was the demobilization which cost the lives of thousands of US troops.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.
"Former governor Jeb Bush said Hillary Clinton would have approved the mission, too."

I think he is wrong that Hillary would have invaded Iraq.

Hillary might have believed the fake intelligence that Saddam had WMDs, but it does not automatically follow she would have invaded Iraq over it.
Do you think W really believed the fake intelligence about Iraq's WOMD? I don't.
I used to think Dubya's moron schtick was just an act. Sadly, I finally had to admit to myself he really is that stupid.
It is possible that Cheney and Wolfowitz, et al, simply led him stumble proudly into the trap they laid for him. I hadn't discounted that. His pathetic buddying up with wounded warriors on bike rides would sort of fit, and even his decrying Obama for abandoning the field .... pride needs an enabler even if the drunk has to be his own enabler.

But, what's Jeb's excuse? The only thing I can see is that he's simply more a neocon that his big brother was.

How can Jeb be that stupid?

He is trying to rid himself of the stink of Bush and show he is his own man. Then he goes and says he would have invaded on the same flimsy evidence

How can we trust him not to invade Iraq again?
His father and brother did it
My biggest beef with Bush over Iraq is not the invasion. I served over there and I have always been convinced we were going to have to take on Hussein again, sooner or later. Not a lot of people know or remember that Hussein made another rush at Kuwait in 1994. But we were there to stop him that time.

Bush made an extremely flimsy case for invading Iraq, but we had been winding the military down for a long time by that point. The "peace dividend" after the collapse of the USSR. Our readiness was seriously eroded. If we had waited on Hussein's timetable, we would not have been as prepared to take him on again. As it was, our equipment was barely up to the task.

No, my problem with Bush was his follow-through. He totally fucked it up by demobilizing the Iraqi army. After WWII, we kept the German and Japanese forces active until those countries could get back on their feet on solid ground.

It was the demobilization which cost the lives of thousands of US troops.
It was hubris. He bought the promises of Cheney and Wolfowitz that they would throw flowers, and a nascent democracy was brimming like oil in the desert, just under the sand.

The Germans and Japanese ... and S. Koreans are analogies. All were basically one party states .... with free elections no doubt .... for at least a generation AFTER their militaries and civil police were fully operational. The Baath party became corrupt in both Iraq and Syria, but the basic notion of a sectarian reform was not our enemy.

Edit: I have to admit that I'm sort of rethinking. First Poppy really did follow the Reagan for policy of only fighting to enforce free trade; overthrowing despots was not our deal ... unless they were commies on our side of the Atlantic. I figured Saddam would be killed or just die off, and his pups would be chewed up, and we could do a deal with the new sheriff. Seeing Assad, I'm not so sure I was right.
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We have some seriously dumb shitheads on this forum.

They blame ISIS on Obama for abandoning Iraq too soon, and now they blame Obama for "rebooting the war" they didn't want ended!

Seems to be self reflection for this far left drone when they use words and terms like "dumb shitheads on this forum."

Yes they reside with the far left!

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