Jeb Bush insists on leaving the Patriot act as it is


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Jeb Bush Holds Firm Not A Shred Of Evidence NSA Metadata Program Has Violated Anybody s Civil Liberties Video RealClearPolitics
Well it seems like Jeb Bush thinks that NSA Metadata program does not violate civil liberties in any possible way. I just can't believe that. The Patriot Act is an attack on one of the most basic American freedoms, the right to privacy. Randomly checking the emails and phone calls is something our fathers wouldn't have been proud of and yet there are many people supporting it. It's one of the first steps to turn America into a police state. Good thing it's changing for the better yet it seems like Bush doesn't like it. It was his brother who introduced the Patriot Act so he obviously defends it.
I wonder how many people out there sharing Jeb's opinion.
Most people defending it now are liberals. They like being able to spy on everyone but they don't want anyone spying on them. They were against it before they were FOR it.
Most of the people defending are cons with some libs, yes.

I, for one, think anyone who defends it is out of his head.
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If you're afraid of America becoming Police State then don't believe those who defend government agencies, don't believe government at all! America has become the Police State long ago, or not?
We're gonna need a chart of which GOP candidate thinks what about what.

I suspect it does not matter all that much. Other than Rand, they likely ALL are in agreement with Obama and many Ds. Many Rs are very critical of Rand's stance on this illegal act.

Yet another example of how the two party's are the same. When it was first illegally enacted in 2001, it had overwhelming support from both parties:
If this act is not unconstitutional, nothing is.

Sen. Obama warned about Patriot Act abuses. President Obama proved him right.
In December 2005, Congress was debating the first re-authorization of the Patriot Act, a controversial 2001 law that gave the federal government expanded power to spy on Americans. And Barack Obama was one of nine senators who signed a letter criticizing the then-current version of the legislation for providing insufficient protections for civil liberties.
Sen. Obama warned about Patriot Act abuses. President Obama proved him right. - The Washington Post
Jeb Bush Holds Firm Not A Shred Of Evidence NSA Metadata Program Has Violated Anybody s Civil Liberties Video RealClearPolitics
Well it seems like Jeb Bush thinks that NSA Metadata program does not violate civil liberties in any possible way. I just can't believe that. The Patriot Act is an attack on one of the most basic American freedoms, the right to privacy. Randomly checking the emails and phone calls is something our fathers wouldn't have been proud of and yet there are many people supporting it. It's one of the first steps to turn America into a police state. Good thing it's changing for the better yet it seems like Bush doesn't like it. It was his brother who introduced the Patriot Act so he obviously defends it.
I wonder how many people out there sharing Jeb's opinion.
Obama is using this program or programs like it to steal elections and punish political opponents. He figures everyone does something that they wouldn't want made if anyone dares to question him publically, he either threatens them with information he's discovered about them, or he leaks a story to the press about it. He did it to Hillary when the story leaked that she had her own private server. He's known all along what she was doing because he's emailed her several times.
Obama is using this program or programs like it to steal elections and punish political opponents. He figures everyone does something that they wouldn't want made if anyone dares to question him publically, he either threatens them with information he's discovered about them, or he leaks a story to the press about it. He did it to Hillary when the story leaked that she had her own private server. He's known all along what she was doing because he's emailed her several times.
And by the way Jeb shows the line in politics he would follow, the policy line of his brother.

Obama is using this program or programs like it to steal elections and punish political opponents. He figures everyone does something that they wouldn't want made if anyone dares to question him publically, he either threatens them with information he's discovered about them, or he leaks a story to the press about it. He did it to Hillary when the story leaked that she had her own private server. He's known all along what she was doing because he's emailed her several times.
And by the way Jeb shows the line in politics he would follow, the policy line of his brother.

And the policy line of W is the same policy line of BHO. Yet millions of Americans think the two fools disagree completely on policy.

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