Jeb Bush is such a turd......


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Jeb Bush advisors to donors: Rubio is a GOP Obama
- LINK: Jeb Bush advisors to donors: Rubio is a GOP Obama

1st, Jeb has got his advisors going out to donors calling Rubio a 'GOP Obama', violating one of Reagan's Rules about not attacking other party members. Hell, for as much as they hate Reagan LIBERALS even obey this Reagan Rule, demonstrating a lot more unity and respect for each other that Republicans (and self-serving Washington Establishment weenies like Jeb).

Jeb Bush: I’ve got a lot of other cool things I could be doing instead of negative presidential campaigning
- LINK: Jeb Bush: I’ve got a lot of other cool things I could be doing instead of negative presidential campaigning
- "If you want to elect Trump then DO IT!"

Then you have 'jackass Jeb' who, while in the middle of launching into a negative campaign attack on Trump, declares he has 'a lot cooler stuff' he could be doing than engaging in negative campaign attacks. If that is true, I wish the hell he would go do them.

One thing I hate is negative campaigns in which one person attacks the other. One of MY 'rules' is if you can't promote yourself, if YOU can't tell ME why YOU are the best candidate and why I should vote for YOU...if you have to resort attacking someone else to try to make yourself look better...then you really don't have a good enough reason for me to pick 'you'!
LOL get used to it, by the time the primaries get going good the infighting will be infinite comedy gold.
His on-air hissy fit tells us exactly what we need to know. He's a spoiled non-heir apparent to the Bush dynasty.

Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
they should sell tickets ... debate fundraiser

Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Trump's presence and behavior has spun the GOP primary completely out of whack.

He's sucked so much air out of the room, and he's been so far out in front for so long, that there has been relatively little criticizing among the other candidates.

Bush is desperate and flailing, he must have been given his "one last chance" talk from his donors.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.

name one president, far right or far left that has been elected in a General election ..
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.

name one president, far right or far left that has been elected in a General election ..
Um, have you been asleep the last 7 years?
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.

name one president, far right or far left that has been elected in a General election ..
LMAO ... Obama is not from the far left. You may want to believe that but you're wrong.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.
What I've noticed, and the numbers back me up, is that the middle of the road swing voters elect the president. The candidates know they have the dedicated partisans it is wishy-washy people in the middle who they must woo in the general election. Why do you not know this? It's been a fact of life in our elections for decades.
Jeb doesn't know what to do. Going after Rubio doesn't make much sense at this time but he can't very well go after Trump because he gets his ass handed to him every time he tries. And if he goes after Carson we know how that'll end. He needs to just bow but the dumb shit still thinks he has a good chance.
A good chance at what? The best outcome any of them can hope for is the nomination.
Making you eat your words but Trump is the one most likely to do that.
All of them have went so far down the road to teabagger crazy that there is no way to walk back to the middle for the general election. After the eventual nominee loses you people will compare notes and decide they were not conservative enough. Fucking nuts.
The middle doesn't win elections, in case you haven't noticed.
What I've noticed, and the numbers back me up, is that the middle of the road swing voters elect the president. The candidates know they have the dedicated partisans it is wishy-washy people in the middle who they must woo in the general election. Why do you not know this? It's been a fact of life in our elections for decades.
That's what the media has been spoon feeding the voters for years in order to get radical leftists elected. This time it ain't gonna work.
Left wing corporatist do exist.

People that will bail out and or financially support individuals, businesses, and organizations through government funds.

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