Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims

No true, dumbass, because many are Muslims!

The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Again, counseling for rape victims is good. You demand that rapists get the same consideration. As an evil leftist, you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between perpetrator and victim. Muslims kill to please Allah. They kill more Muslims than any other victim. Muslims kill because the book tells them to kill. Muslims brutalize because the book tells them to brutalize.

You leftists are evil, we can't even excuse you as dumb, you are simply evil. We KNOW what Muslims want, we know what they will do, it's in their book. You evil fucks tell us to ignore the book, but they don't ignore it, they read it every day and take every word literally.

Look, you want to end America, I understand your goals. The enemy of America is your friend, I do understand you.

Which is why I always fight you evil fucks.

Islamic fundamentalists are no more violent than Christian fundamentalists who pervert their religions for various reasons.

Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?
Thanks for the medical advice doctor.

Terrorists are behind the terrorism in Paris.

That's like saying "guns are behind the shootings." Terrorism is a what, not a who. Islam uses terrorism as a method to wage war on civilization, counting on you as their treasured partners in the war.

The French recognise that and aren't prepared to compromise their principles to fear.
That's bravery.

You stay under that bed're safe there.

The French are bombing the fuck out of the Muzzie Beasts. You make excuses for your allies, but it is delusional bullshit, which you don't believe anymore than I do - you simply support the goal of the destruction of Western culture,
We've cleared up that RWnut bullshit about not being bigoted against peaceful Muslims this week.

Not that we didn't know beforehand that it was all bullshit. The Crusades are back!

What's next? Put the Catholic Church back in charge of governments and start burning heretics again?
Brilliant retort!
I stand humbled.

Like the smoker, even death is not enough to force you to give up your fantasy.

Smoking causes lung cancer, dumbshit.

Islam is behind the terrorism in Paris. That you are delusional has no effect on reality. It doesn't make you brave, it doesn't make you noble, it simply reveals you as a fucking retard, and a danger to those around you due to your suicidal stupidity.

What drives homegrown Christian terrorists here in America?

Oy mer gawd - 1986????

How fucking recent, you terrorist loving scumbag....

Hey fuckwad, your guys engaged in terrorism TODAY.

Mother fucking pile of shit.

Look, I realize that you have the same goal as ISIS - but your lies are fucking stupid. Fucking ALTERNET, hate site of the gutter? Figures you'd link to the lowest pile of shit on the net.
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!
Wrong, turd. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult. If there is one thing we don't need, it's to import a bunch of these stone age savages into our country.
ISIS is, not Islam.
We've cleared up that RWnut bullshit about not being bigoted against peaceful Muslims this week.

Not that we didn't know beforehand that it was all bullshit. The Crusades are back!

What's next? Put the Catholic Church back in charge of governments and start burning heretics again?

Imagine if you mindless fuckwads were around in WWII - you'd be crying about all the "peaceful Nazis," and the collateral damage of allied bombings. And we'd all be speaking German under our Fuhrer.

You leftists want to end America, that is your goal. You see the Muslims as an ally to destroy the Constitutional Republic, figuring that without traitors like you to fuck things up, you'll quickly turn on them and defeat them, after you seize power.

What is most distressing is that this has probably handed Trump the election. I don't want Trump and think he will be bad for the country. But between Obama sitting and playing in his own shit, too stupid to act in a decisive manner, and you the evil minions engaging in open treason on behalf of the ISIS Caliphate, rational Americans will turn to a strong man - Trump.

It's a mistake for the nation, but America will try and protect itself from your traitors and your ISIS buddies.
Christian has become code for white racist.

democrat has become code of Khmer Rouge traitor.

Well, not so much code, and not so much new...

Hey, there are some democrats who are not traitors - just not on this message board.
Thanks for the medical advice doctor.

Terrorists are behind the terrorism in Paris.

That's like saying "guns are behind the shootings." Terrorism is a what, not a who. Islam uses terrorism as a method to wage war on civilization, counting on you as their treasured partners in the war.

The French recognise that and aren't prepared to compromise their principles to fear.
That's bravery.

You stay under that bed're safe there.

The French are bombing the fuck out of the Muzzie Beasts. You make excuses for your allies, but it is delusional bullshit, which you don't believe anymore than I do - you simply support the goal of the destruction of Western culture,
Your analogy using guns fails for a start.
Terrorists are a who...with intent.
Guns are inanimate objects.
By all means, though, please keep trying to find an analogy that works.

I'm not sure how I'm making excuses for 'my allies'...but you've sussed me on my goal of the destruction of Western culture. read me like a book.
Your analogy using guns fails for a start.
Terrorists are a who...with intent.


Terrorism is a tactic. It is not a creed, ethnicity, or political ideology. The tactic of terrorism is one that Muslims since the time of Muhammad are particularly fond of.

Guns are inanimate objects.
By all means, though, please keep trying to find an analogy that works.

I'm not sure how I'm making excuses for 'my allies'...but you've sussed me on my goal of the destruction of Western culture. read me like a book.

I understand that the enemy of America is your friend - you are a leftist. The left supports and promotes Islam because of the war Islam wages on liberty.

If you ever succeed in eradicating the Constitution, and establish the command economy and authoritarian social systems you desire, then you will turn on your allies. You are but a drone, but your rulers in the party figure that defeating Islam will be easy, once the traitors (themselves) are no longer working for the other side.

If we fought Islam as we fought Nazism in WWII, this war would end in weeks. But the fact is that the democrats are traitors and fight for the other side, so war is perpetual. Barack Obama as president as we fight Islam is as insane as if Hirohito had be president during WWII.
Your analogy using guns fails for a start.
Terrorists are a who...with intent.


Terrorism is a tactic. It is not a creed, ethnicity, or political ideology. The tactic of terrorism is one that Muslims since the time of Muhammad are particularly fond of.

Guns are inanimate objects.
By all means, though, please keep trying to find an analogy that works.

I'm not sure how I'm making excuses for 'my allies'...but you've sussed me on my goal of the destruction of Western culture. read me like a book.

I understand that the enemy of America is your friend - you are a leftist. The left supports and promotes Islam because of the war Islam wages on liberty.

If you ever succeed in eradicating the Constitution, and establish the command economy and authoritarian social systems you desire, then you will turn on your allies. You are but a drone, but your rulers in the party figure that defeating Islam will be easy, once the traitors (themselves) are no longer working for the other side.

If we fought Islam as we fought Nazism in WWII, this war would end in weeks. But the fact is that the democrats are traitors and fight for the other side, so war is perpetual. Barack Obama as president as we fight Islam is as insane as if Hirohito had be president during WWII.
The Left is the enemy of America..blah blah blah...
{flips to next page of right-wing phrase-book}
The Left wants to get rid of the Constititution...blah...
The Left wants a command economy...blah...
The left wants an authoritarian regime...blah...
Democrats are traitors...blah..
{...flip} missed 'Benghazi', 'Kenya', 'Obama is Muslim' but you did pretty well.
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!
Washington redskin, your dilusional...
That headline isn't correct.
The real story is that the passport of a Syrian refugee was found next to a dead terrorist.
It hasn't yet been confirmed that it belonged to one of the terrorists.

Yeah, because it could easily have been one of the patrons who bought tickets to see an American rock band who had the Syrian passport
Yep, or it could have been planted there, or it could have belonged to the terrorist...who knows at this point?
You'd make a real shitty cop. Your powers of deduction are beyond ignorant.
Cops should make an immediate deduction without investigation?
In that case you're probably right.

All they had to do was look at the picture in the passport, moron.

All they had to do was look at the picture in the passport, moron.
This is interesting...doncha think?
In the days since the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday, many have made the claim the large number of refugees coming from Syria has allowed terrorists to sneak into European countries such as France, Germany and Belgium. These fears were exacerbated when a Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the suicide bombers.

However, as more information has come out about the attackers involved in Friday’s events, the perpetrators identified so far all have been European Union nationals, EU officials said. This further complicates the international discussion around Syrian refugees, as several countries have already taken steps to close their borders following the Paris terror attacks, and politicians in the United States are calling for a “pause” in Syrian immigration as well.

Paris Attack 2015: Named Terrorists All European Nationals, Not Syrian Refugees
Lets not forget to recognize that the OP lives in Irrelevantstown, South Dakota. The greatest threat to lives out there.....maybe a rattlesnake....a coyote? Theres not a skyscraper within 500 miles of this meathead!! Maybe 3 refugees will end up settling in South Dakota. A terror bad guy has never even set foot in his state so, duh.......of course he can embrace limwristedness:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Shirley-men are always dangerous.....but when they hail from places like Scratchmyassville USA, its 10X worse.:spinner:

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