Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims

Lets not forget to recognize that the OP lives in Irrelevantstown, South Dakota. The greatest threat to lives out there.....maybe a rattlesnake....a coyote? Theres not a skyscraper within 500 miles of this meathead!! Maybe 3 refugees will end up settling in South Dakota. A terror bad guy has never even set foot in his state so, duh.......of course he can embrace limwristedness:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Shirley-men are always dangerous.....but when they hail from places like Scratchmyassville USA, its 10X worse.:spinner:
Refuge rant.jpg
As a general rule Christians don't murder muslems but muslems murder Christians. Even the "humanitarian" world accepts that fact without much comment. There aren't many Christian Syrian refugees because they have been murdered by muslems, some probably murdered by the muslem refugees who seek sanctuary. There is no vetting for radicalism.
All this anti-refugee hate spewing from the GOP NaziCons will be a strong reminder to Asians - who are a major voting block. Adolf Trump is talking about closing Mosques and forcing Muslims to register. Rain Man Carson is calling Muslims rabid dogs. Holy shit, aren't any of you NaziCons ashamed?

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