Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims

Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!

How many Muslim Syrian refugees are you will to take in?

Come far left drones, how many are you willing to take in?
Yep, or it could have been planted there, or it could have belonged to the terrorist...who knows at this point?
You'd make a real shitty cop. Your powers of deduction are beyond ignorant.
Cops should make an immediate deduction without investigation?
In that case you're probably right.

All they had to do was look at the picture in the passport, moron.
I though this might interest you.
Serbian police have arrested a man carrying a Syrian passport with the same details as one found near the body of one of the Paris suicide bombers, police sources told the Guardian.

The passport bears the same name and details – but a different photograph – as the document found near one of the men who attacked the Stade de France.

Serbian officials said that they believe both passports are fake, but added that they are working with French investigators to establish the origin of the documents.

French police found a passport in the name of Ahmad Almohammad, 25, near the body of one of the men who attacked France’s national football stadium on Friday.
Serbian police arrest man with Syrian ID matching name of Paris suicide bomber

What that shows is that the muzzie savages are using fake passports to enter the country. It doesn't show the passport was "planted."
No, you're right.
It also shows that it might have been planted. you think that things are sometimes not exactly what they appear to be at first glance?!
Didn't you say I was a moron for not accepting that you just had to look at the photo on the passport to identify the dead terrorist?
What if the photo doesn't match the identity?
That couldn't be right though...could it?
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!
Since Jeb couldn't find anything to criticize his big bro about in the Iraq invasion, shouldn't he be front and center in calling for a deployment of at least 30K troops?
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!

The Christians are the victims, your allies the Muslims are the perpetrators.

A rapist and a rape victim are not equals, Shitting Bull.
French President François Hollande said Wednesday that he remains committed to taking in refugees following a wave of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people last week.

"Some have wanted to link the influx of refugees to Friday's acts of terror," Hollande said in a speech to French mayors. But "30,000 refugees will be welcomed in the next two years."
France Is Still Accepting 30,000 Refugees While Some American Politicians Want To Ban Them

Mmmm. almost as humbling as "man still smoking 3 packs a day after lung cancer diagnosis."

Stupidity: it defines the left.
French President François Hollande said Wednesday that he remains committed to taking in refugees following a wave of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people last week.

"Some have wanted to link the influx of refugees to Friday's acts of terror," Hollande said in a speech to French mayors. But "30,000 refugees will be welcomed in the next two years."
France Is Still Accepting 30,000 Refugees While Some American Politicians Want To Ban Them

Mmmm. almost as humbling as "man still smoking 3 packs a day after lung cancer diagnosis."

Stupidity: it defines the left.
France are showing real courage in sticking to their stated principles in the face of attack.
Liberty, freedom and equality aren't just words to them.
Bravo France.
France are showing real courage in sticking to their stated principles in the face of attack.
Liberty, freedom and equality aren't just words to them.
Bravo France.

The smoker is showing real courage in continuing to smoke after the cancer diagnosis.

Bravo fucktard - nice Hillary sticker on your Prius.
France are showing real courage in sticking to their stated principles in the face of attack.
Liberty, freedom and equality aren't just words to them.
Bravo France.

The smoker is showing real courage in continuing to smoke after the cancer diagnosis.

Bravo fucktard - nice Hillary sticker on your Prius.
Don't worry, they'll never find you under your bed.
Bush said that the U.S. should use a careful screening process to ensure the refugees it accepts are Christian.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said Sunday that American aid toward refugees should be geared toward Christians who are fleeing persecution in Syria, as opposed to those who are Muslim.

"I think we need to do thorough screening and take in a limited number," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They'll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered."

More: Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping The Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than The Muslims

Religion should have nothing to do with which refugees are accepted - so long as they go through a careful screening process. Our "Godless" Constitution gives us a "secular" government that applies equally to all religions - and Atheists. To my knowledge - there has never been a religious test for previous refugees throughout American history. No preferential treatment for Christian refugees!

The Christians are the victims, your allies the Muslims are the perpetrators.

A rapist and a rape victim are not equals, Shitting Bull.

No true, dumbass, because many are Muslims!

The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll
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Brilliant retort!
I stand humbled.

Like the smoker, even death is not enough to force you to give up your fantasy.

Smoking causes lung cancer, dumbshit.

Islam is behind the terrorism in Paris. That you are delusional has no effect on reality. It doesn't make you brave, it doesn't make you noble, it simply reveals you as a fucking retard, and a danger to those around you due to your suicidal stupidity.
Brilliant retort!
I stand humbled.

Like the smoker, even death is not enough to force you to give up your fantasy.

Smoking causes lung cancer, dumbshit.

Islam is behind the terrorism in Paris. That you are delusional has no effect on reality. It doesn't make you brave, it doesn't make you noble, it simply reveals you as a fucking retard, and a danger to those around you due to your suicidal stupidity.
Thanks for the medical advice doctor.

Terrorists are behind the terrorism in Paris.
The French recognise that and aren't prepared to compromise their principles to fear.
That's bravery.

You stay under that bed're safe there.
Brilliant retort!
I stand humbled.

Like the smoker, even death is not enough to force you to give up your fantasy.

Smoking causes lung cancer, dumbshit.

Islam is behind the terrorism in Paris. That you are delusional has no effect on reality. It doesn't make you brave, it doesn't make you noble, it simply reveals you as a fucking retard, and a danger to those around you due to your suicidal stupidity.

What drives homegrown Christian terrorists here in America?
No true, dumbass, because many are Muslims!

The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Again, counseling for rape victims is good. You demand that rapists get the same consideration. As an evil leftist, you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between perpetrator and victim. Muslims kill to please Allah. They kill more Muslims than any other victim. Muslims kill because the book tells them to kill. Muslims brutalize because the book tells them to brutalize.

You leftists are evil, we can't even excuse you as dumb, you are simply evil. We KNOW what Muslims want, we know what they will do, it's in their book. You evil fucks tell us to ignore the book, but they don't ignore it, they read it every day and take every word literally.

Look, you want to end America, I understand your goals. The enemy of America is your friend, I do understand you.

Which is why I always fight you evil fucks.

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