Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims

"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.

You're forgetting that the U.S.A is the nation that put 100,000 Americans into concentration camps simply because of their national origin. In this case we're only talking about denying a visa to obvious security risks.

I see nothing "shameful" about being prudent.
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.

Jeb couldn't get elected dog catcher - let alone president of the U.S.
Who knows what might happen in the elections if there are any attacks on US soil between now and next November.
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.
I asked earlier if selecting immigrants on religious grounds is constitutional.
I haven't had an answer.

I have answered that question multiple times.
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.

Jeb couldn't get elected dog catcher - let alone president of the U.S.
Who knows what might happen in the elections if there are any attacks on US soil between now and next November.

The Paris attacks have already ensured that you'll be saying "President Trump." in 2016.
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.
I asked earlier if selecting immigrants on religious grounds is constitutional.
I haven't had an answer.

I have answered that question multiple times.
Please remind me...I'm sorry I've forgotten.
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.

Jeb couldn't get elected dog catcher - let alone president of the U.S.
Who knows what might happen in the elections if there are any attacks on US soil between now and next November.

Such an event would hurt Jeb even more!
Are you seriously out of your mind? We should not consider the refugees' religion--after what just happened in Paris?! When's the last time you heard about a Christian Arab carrying out a terrorist attack?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? I'm not kidding. How could any rational person who wants a safe country make such an astoundingly foolish statement as to say that we should not consider the refugees' religion after what has just occurred in Paris?
"Jeb Bush: Let's Focus On Helping Christian Syrian Refugees, Rather Than Muslims"

"Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees as 'Shameful'

That's shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are"

Obama Slams Suggested Religious Test for Syrian Refugees

The president is correct, Bush is indeed wrong.

Jeb couldn't get elected dog catcher - let alone president of the U.S.
Who knows what might happen in the elections if there are any attacks on US soil between now and next November.

Such an event would hurt Jeb even more!
The candidates would trip over themselves to come out all tough...and it would take the focus away from their other policies.
Are you seriously out of your mind? We should not consider the refugees' religion--after what just happened in Paris?! When's the last time you heard about a Christian Arab carrying out a terrorist attack?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? I'm not kidding. How could any rational person who wants a safe country make such an astoundingly foolish statement as to say that we should not consider the refugees' religion after what has just occurred in Paris? it constitutional?
I think it is funny that the guys who claim to be Christian would not give a fellow Christian shelter. This all less than 2 months to Christmas...

Mary & Joseph; Inkeeper ring a bell?

The ironry is astounding.

They wanted shelter for a night, not a place to live for 20 generations, ruining it for those who's home it was.

Syrian Refugees don't want to move to America. They are looking to be sheltered from violence. IT is very easy to create a VISA that only lasts as long as the area is unsafe for Christians. We get it in the ear all day from the RW how America is a Christian country but when it comes to pony up they get all shy...

Please could none of these ala carte Christians give us any lectures on mortality... You use the Bible to forward your narrow agenda...

Why not just create refugee camps for them in Jordan or Iraq?
What happened to the million plus Christians in Iraq after Bush invaded? Where did they go?
ISIS killed them all.

Furthermore, what does that have to do with where we put Syrian refugees?
How Republicans "helped" Christian refugees tells us what kind of help to expect from them with other refugees.

So what did happen to the Christians in Iraq after Bush invaded? Don't you know? You can't possibly be that ignorant.
Why are NaziCons so fearful of everything? They probably don't walk in sunlight for fear of seeing their shadow. It really is sadly funny how they want to spend nearly the entire U.S. budget on defense - while ignoring infrastructure and social issues.

Their platform is based on fear, as it was in 2014 with Ebola, the boogie man.
Why are NaziCons so fearful of everything? They probably don't walk in sunlight for fear of seeing their shadow. It really is sadly funny how they want to spend nearly the entire U.S. budget on defense - while ignoring infrastructure and social issues.

Their platform is based on fear, as it was in 2014 with Ebola, the boogie man.
Yeah, Obama really cocked that up didn't he?

Wasn't he deliberately letting Ebola carriers into the country so that he could infect the population...declare martial law and take over the counrty with himself as emperor?
Or something.
Are you seriously out of your mind? We should not consider the refugees' religion--after what just happened in Paris?! When's the last time you heard about a Christian Arab carrying out a terrorist attack?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? I'm not kidding. How could any rational person who wants a safe country make such an astoundingly foolish statement as to say that we should not consider the refugees' religion after what has just occurred in Paris?

There's clearly something wrong with anyone who advocates for the hateful notion of denying civilian war refugees asylum predicated solely on their religion; the notion is utterly reprehensible.

This is about the unwarranted hatred and bigotry of Muslims, where the Paris attacks are being used in a lame effort to 'justify' that unwarranted hatred and bigotry.

Not all Muslims are 'terrorists,' the attackers are not 'representative' of all Muslims – to 'argue' otherwise fails as a composition fallacy, devoid of reason, common sense, and merit.
So requiring refugees to state they are Christians is as demeaning as ISIS requiring those in their self imposed Caliphate to accept Islam. The right is moving further to the right, before our very eyes.
We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Make some "safe space" for them there, in their own region.

My, what a compassionate heart you have.

The poster suggested a safe space for all. Given that no Christians have killed in the name of Isis, Bush suggested they would be more safe to let in so that we could mitigate the risk against the Sharia jihadists. How do you not find that compassionate?

I find it UNFAIR. I want my tax dollars to help all or none - regardess of religion!

Do you want you tax dollars spent on yourself getting shot at also? We have experience at this now--any Muslim that praises ALLA can be a very dangerous person, they do not assimilate well into Western societies--and we don't need nor want them in this country.
We shouldn't take any at all, period.

Make some "safe space" for them there, in their own region.

My, what a compassionate heart you have.

The poster suggested a safe space for all. Given that no Christians have killed in the name of Isis, Bush suggested they would be more safe to let in so that we could mitigate the risk against the Sharia jihadists. How do you not find that compassionate?

I find it UNFAIR. I want my tax dollars to help all or none - regardess of religion!

Do you want you tax dollars spent on yourself getting shot at also? We have experience at this now--any Muslim that praises ALLA can be a very dangerous person, they do not assimilate well into Western societies--and we don't need nor want them in this country.

We? You mean YOU and your kind don't want them.
They wanted shelter for a night, not a place to live for 20 generations, ruining it for those who's home it was.

Syrian Refugees don't want to move to America. They are looking to be sheltered from violence. IT is very easy to create a VISA that only lasts as long as the area is unsafe for Christians. We get it in the ear all day from the RW how America is a Christian country but when it comes to pony up they get all shy...

Please could none of these ala carte Christians give us any lectures on mortality... You use the Bible to forward your narrow agenda...

Why not just create refugee camps for them in Jordan or Iraq?
What happened to the million plus Christians in Iraq after Bush invaded? Where did they go?
ISIS killed them all.

Furthermore, what does that have to do with where we put Syrian refugees?
How Republicans "helped" Christian refugees tells us what kind of help to expect from them with other refugees.

So what did happen to the Christians in Iraq after Bush invaded? Don't you know? You can't possibly be that ignorant.

What does this have to do with whether we should allow Syrian refugees to immigrate to this country?
I think it is funny that the guys who claim to be Christian would not give a fellow Christian shelter. This all less than 2 months to Christmas...

Mary & Joseph; Inkeeper ring a bell?

The ironry is astounding.

They wanted shelter for a night, not a place to live for 20 generations, ruining it for those who's home it was.

Syrian Refugees don't want to move to America. They are looking to be sheltered from violence. IT is very easy to create a VISA that only lasts as long as the area is unsafe for Christians. We get it in the ear all day from the RW how America is a Christian country but when it comes to pony up they get all shy...

Please could none of these ala carte Christians give us any lectures on mortality... You use the Bible to forward your narrow agenda...

Why not just create refugee camps for them in Jordan or Iraq?

Why not put all American Muslims in detention camps, like the Japanese in WWII? You know, for national security.

We aren't discussing American citizens, moron. We're talking about foreign refugees. There's absolutely no reason to admit them to this country. We've never done it in the past, so why should we start doing it now?
Actually we had taken in thousands of Vietnamese refugees who were given special status. The difference is those people like other immigrants thankful to be here, assimilated to American culture and learned our language and customs while honoring their own culture.

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