Jeb Bush: Next president should privatize Social Security

You know, for all the idiots who think that government should be FULLY out of their miserable lives, they should also avoid voting.....After all, these folks are voting to perpetuate a government that should, in their moronic assertion, scarcely exist.

They should be REQUIRED to sign off that if their "privatization" flops, then they should NOT ask for either the FDIC (insurance) and should NOT ask for welfare if they become destitute after some market crash.

Let them become illegal aliens to Mexico.
I see you understand you were schooled....
We have developed 401ks and IRAs to encourage Americans to invest in the private sector for their retirement

These devices have replaced pensions in most companies. Social Security is the only source of dependable monthly retirement for most Americans

All Americans should be encouraged to have a retirement fund, Social Security and a paid off home to cover their retirement
"Dependable monthly income" ROFLAO!! WHen Obama threatened to withold checks, how dependable was it? A huge number of workers under 50 believe they will never see a penny of SS. The system itself projects its onw insolvency. That isnt dependable.
People need to be able to depend on themselves, not the government.

Yeah....walk into the nearest retirement home and tell folks with Alzeheimers' that "people need to be able to depend on themselvesmot the government's (Medicare and SS)......See how youll be cheered as a "hero."
Yes because everyone over 65 has Alzheimer's.
What a fucking dope know (well, maybe not given your stupidity) that I'm talking about some 90 plus years old, checking the stock market every morning if their "private investments" have yileded enough to stay in that nursing home.
Im sure that happens every day.
You think SS payments are going to pay for Alzheimer's care in a private nursing home? You're an ill informed boob.
Who would be required to do that?
Other than government bonds which are backed by the exact same entity as Social Security, what else do you propose we allow people to invest in, in their privatized social security accounts?
The issue taken here is your use of the term "required".
Why do you believe that anyone will be required to invest in anything under any plan to privatize part of SS?
Where else would the money go, dipshit?
Oh... so you ARE a fucking moron.
Participation in the privatization portion of SS,, under the plan set forth in 2005, the likely basis for any such program, is VOLUNTARY; it gives you the CHOICE to invest; there is no REQUIREMENT that anyone do so.
Let me know if you need that explained further; I'll use smaller words.

The MAJOR PROBLEM is when those investments flop and you've lost ALL that money...what do you do then???
Beg? Steal? Borrow? Vote republican?
When someone hasnt paid in enough to collect SS, then what is he supposed to do?
Does anybody understand why the right wants to do this?
Because they want the masses of easy to trick population to believe that Social Security is and investment program rather than way of financing retirement of senior citizens. SS is a system by which workers pay a tax that is used to finance pensions for older Americans, not a government operated pension portfolio managed by investments banks. They would prefer everyone pay investment brokers and banks to pay for a what turns out to be a very small amount of investment funds. You will learn very quickly that you need to invest far more than what you pay in SS tax to create a credible investment portfolio that will allow you to retire with dignity, as is the purpose of SS.
Does anybody understand why the right wants to do this?
So that you have more, and the government has less, control over your money.

That's not even true.

For every penny diverted from SS, another penny has to be produced in taxes to make up for it.
We often disagree, but I noticed no one answered your question as to where the money would come from to pay current and near term retirees if we transitioned to privitization
Does anybody understand why the right wants to do this?
So that you have more, and the government has less, control over your money.
That's not even true
It is, and it directly addreses the real reason why Dems/liberals oppose it.

No, moron. The current stream of SS tax revenue funds current beneficiaries. If you divert part of it, that part will have to be made up from somewhere, won't it? You can't say where - because you're a moron - but it will either have to come from taxation or debt (which is just deferred taxation).
Does anybody understand why the right wants to do this?
So that you have more, and the government has less, control over your money.
That's not even true
It is, and it directly addreses the real reason why Dems/liberals oppose it.
No, moron
Yes, retard.
Nothing you have said here in any way negates what I said.
You, of course, will not admit this because, as previously established, you aren't honest enough to admit when you are wrong.
Start by letting people opt out: Hand over their SS fund, plus interest and they can't draw anything else from the system
The MAJOR PROBLEM is when those investments flop and you've lost ALL that money...what do you do then???
Beg? Steal? Borrow? Vote republican?
Oh look... another half-bake that does not understand that "privatization", as set forth in the plan presented in 2005 and likely to be repeated in any plan signed into law, allows you to invest up to 1/3 of your 12.4% FICA contribution with the other 2/3 going into Social Security, from which you will still draw benefit.
And so, you will not loose all your money.

Glad to help you with your ignorance.

Actually, I FULLY understand the 2005 "plan" well as I understand the slippery slope that such a 1/3 investment entails....No doubt, Wall Street will enusre that the returns for the first few years are decent enough for dimwits (like you) to request yet ANOTHER 1/3 to be privatized......

Many retirees barely survive on $1200 per month...under the 2005 plan, they would receive $800 and use the other $400 to GAMBLE with......What could possibly go wrong with that little plan????
Start by letting people opt out: Hand over their SS fund, plus interest and they can't draw anything else from the system
How do you do that while still paying the people who are getting soc sec benefits and are already retired. WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM?
Imagine everyone's surprise when they discover government spent all the freaking SS money. Is it possible to privatize $2 trillion dollars of IOU's from congress? I don't think so.

The Social Security Trust Fund is invested in US treasuries, the safest investment in the world.
There is no money in the SSI fund. It is spent as it comes in and then some. There are only promises and those must be broken because the system itself owes more than it has.

There is 2 trillion+ in the SS trust fund. It is invested in US securities the safest investment in the world.
Lets say that dimwits like M-14 retires.....what would stop him from "privatizing" and investing part of his SS in whatever scam he wishes? NOTHING......and it sounds reall good when you're 25 years old....its later in life that older people need some protection from the scammers of Wall Street.
All you people who want to privatize SS, be sure to contact your favorite GOP candidate for 2016 and tell him to really hammer on this issue.


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