Jeb Bush: Next president should privatize Social Security

Imagine everyone's surprise when they discover government spent all the freaking SS money. Is it possible to privatize $2 trillion dollars of IOU's from congress? I don't think so.

That would depend on what is meant by 'privatize', I suppose.

It would be one piss-poor example of an American who couldn't squeeze some decent profit out of that kind of cash-flow.
Suppose a $1,000,000 policy, what is the total take of you and the company?

You can't figure out 10% of a million?

I can't tell you exactly how much the insurance company would make but I guarantee you it's at least twice the return they guarantee you

You asked how much I was buying.

I answered.

Even at 10%, it is cheaper for a 67 year old to save up only the amount required to live for 17 years more (the expectancy) + 10%, than it is for them to save up the amount to live to be 110.

Give away your money if you want.

Did you ever wonder why annuities are the favorite product of insurance companies?

Think about it for a while.

Annuities Are Not Bought They re Sold - Forbes

Probably because they get paid a lot up front.

and they make far more than they pay out

it's a win win for the insurance companies
Untrue by you own numbers. You claimed there was a 10% profit.

I am only referring to life annuities, BTW. Nor do I believe it a good idea to place all of your retirement into annuities. Retirement should include a range of investments. Annuities are the best way to guarantee a fixed income for life, but one should also have more liquid investments to cover one time expenses as they come, as well as investments that hedge against big swings in the CPI.
if those getting ready to collect SS had put that money AWAY for themselves.

IDIOT.......Put that money away WHERE????

Under their mattresses?
On a bank CD yielding .05%?
Gamble it on the stock market?

Are you old enough to be up this late. ? if you DON'T KNOW how people INVEST monies without THIS GOVERMENT holding their hand and wiping their ass while they're at it. You child are the idiot. and You need to stay in romper room until you learn how to interact with adults without having to call them names. Go have them change your diapers

Lol. We are only talking about the gov holding money for us so its there when we retire and haven't lost it to the rich in the market. How many ppl do you think know how to manage stocks and all of their types?
Jesus christ, what is wrong with this nut?
WASHINGTON – Jeb Bush thinks the next president will need to privatize Social Security, he said at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday – acknowledging that his brother attempted to do so and failed. It’s a position sure to be attacked by both Republicans and Democrats.

Bush has previously said he would support raising the retirement age to get Social Security benefits, a common position among Republicans. And he backed a partial privatization that House Republicans have proposed that would allow people to choose private accounts.

The future of Social Security has become one of the most hotly contested issues in national politics, and both parties have accused the other of threatening its survival. Republicans argue that Democrats’ refusal to change the program will lead to its bankruptcy. Democrats sayprivatization would kill the program and leave elderly Americans at the mercy of the stock market. Plus, any discussion of changing the system often creates fear in older Americans beyond or nearing the age of retirement, who also tend to vote in the greatest numbers.

Republicans have split on the answer to fix the program, which could begin to pay out more than it takes in as more baby boomers retire and younger generations aren’t able to pay enough into the system to keep it going. Understanding the fear privatization proposals create, some Republicans have argued that the retirement age should be increased or means-testing established instead. Many Democrats advocate raising the ceiling for the tax that funds it.
Jeb Bush Next president should privatize Social Security
The one good thing is, he will never get elected now..
I'm looking forward to seeing the SC rule that the GOP must repay the $3 trillion they raided from the SS fund to finance the Iraq war, and Raygun's STAR WARS.
It should be privatized and people be able to invest their money in a limited fashion. SS does not even give someone enough to live on let alone create real wealth for the one that is paying for it. There are many benefits a privatized system would have not the least of which is the possibility of passing that asset down to your children should you not utilize all of it.

Ppl talk as though every body's gonna get rich on the stock market. No body's gonna go broke. Eeeeend of problem...Lol.
I guess if you're stupid or gullible thats sound advice.

So, your moronic "solution" is that when retired folks in their nineties, STILL need to look at the stock market every morning to see if there's enough to eat with on that day?

Wow stop talking you are just illustrating your ignorance.

Why don't you look up investment strategies for retirement you'll find that the closer one is to retirement the less of their money should be invested in equities

You've just proved my point!
If this person IS ignorant, and you just that he was, do you think he could make sound decisions on his "investments?
Jesus christ, what is wrong with this nut?
WASHINGTON – Jeb Bush thinks the next president will need to privatize Social Security, he said at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday – acknowledging that his brother attempted to do so and failed. It’s a position sure to be attacked by both Republicans and Democrats.

Bush has previously said he would support raising the retirement age to get Social Security benefits, a common position among Republicans. And he backed a partial privatization that House Republicans have proposed that would allow people to choose private accounts.

The future of Social Security has become one of the most hotly contested issues in national politics, and both parties have accused the other of threatening its survival. Republicans argue that Democrats’ refusal to change the program will lead to its bankruptcy. Democrats sayprivatization would kill the program and leave elderly Americans at the mercy of the stock market. Plus, any discussion of changing the system often creates fear in older Americans beyond or nearing the age of retirement, who also tend to vote in the greatest numbers.

Republicans have split on the answer to fix the program, which could begin to pay out more than it takes in as more baby boomers retire and younger generations aren’t able to pay enough into the system to keep it going. Understanding the fear privatization proposals create, some Republicans have argued that the retirement age should be increased or means-testing established instead. Many Democrats advocate raising the ceiling for the tax that funds it.

Yes. Quite.
Jeb Bush Next president should privatize Social Security
The one good thing is, he will never get elected now..
I'm looking forward to seeing the SC rule that the GOP must repay the $3 trillion they raided from the SS fund to finance the Iraq war, and Raygun's STAR WARS.
The simple social security solution .....
Just raise the tax !!!!
Every leftist scumbag understands this.

If you knew dick about shit, youd know that its been the right and left's catering to the rich that has brought this country from a place where almost everyone did well to a place where corporate is allowed to fuck over the very ppl that make them their money. YOUR the bastard if there IS one you stupid fuck.
Oh... now Soc Sec is for debt reduction?

First, you said it was to cover people for their poor choices...
Then you said it was insurance against old age...
Now its debt reduction?

Do you have any other claims as to the purpose of SocSec or are you just going to conveniently make them up as you go along?[/QUOTE]

Well, do ya, punk?
1% guaranteed return on social insecurity before inflation. What mindless imbecile couldnt be comforted by that!!!
Civil f---ing servants to the rescue !!!!
There is no money ... anywhere. You can't loan yourself money and call it an asset. Name anyone else who even tries to do that and call it an asset.

The idea that when government does it somehow then it is an asset is retarded and you know better than that with what you do for a living

The money is being loaned to you. The asset is an asset of the trust. You have a claim on the assets of the trust.

The asset is NOT an asset of the US government. It is an asset of the trust, which is run by the government. It is no different than if PIMCO ran it for you. It is not an asset of the government.

It is a liability of the government. The liability is a liability of the US Treasury.

It's all coming out of and going into the same checking account. You are full of shit, you know better. You are ignoring your financial knowledge and believing it on pure political religious dogma. The bills for social security go to me, the bills for taxes go to me. That somehow money flowing from me to the old people who didn't save a dime following different paths makes it an
asset is pure crap

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