Jeb Bush: Next president should privatize Social Security

So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Thee amount of mental retardation and or gullibility and this website is fucking unbelievable.

those assholes in congress used OUR money as a damn slush fund and spent it all

Did you think that Bush's wars were cheap and no one needed to pay for the trillions wasted?
Do you think he's talking about the last 10 years only? Obama has spent more money than every other president combined.

those assholes in congress used OUR money as a damn slush fund and spent it all

Did you think that Bush's wars were cheap and no one needed to pay for the trillions wasted?
Do you think he's talking about the last 10 years only? Obama has spent more money than every other president combined.

LOL! I love when you retards post graphs and think it actually proves something.
So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Yet, they do. Social Security goes into the general fund and payments go out of the general fund, there is no trust fund.

So seriously, when politicians lied to you, you didn't see it coming? LOL, wow
Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

Social Security works like a government bond fund. The trusts are debited and credited based on cash flows in and out of the trusts plus interest. The only difference is that the government does not issue securities for the liabilities. Rather, the liabilities are a book entry on the government's balance sheet rather than as securities on the government's balance sheet.

It works like a government bond fund except that the bonds are from and to itself, which aren't assets. Government spends the money as fast as it comes in. It's like any other tax
Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

Social Security works like a government bond fund. The trusts are debited and credited based on cash flows in and out of the trusts plus interest. The only difference is that the government does not issue securities for the liabilities. Rather, the liabilities are a book entry on the government's balance sheet rather than as securities on the government's balance sheet.

Investments held at end of month

Give another example of someone else who loans themselves money, spends it, then still claims they have an asset
Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Yet, they do. Social Security goes into the general fund and payments go out of the general fund, there is no trust fund.

So seriously, when politicians lied to you, you didn't see it coming? LOL, wow

You're wrong. As usual.
Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

Social Security works like a government bond fund. The trusts are debited and credited based on cash flows in and out of the trusts plus interest. The only difference is that the government does not issue securities for the liabilities. Rather, the liabilities are a book entry on the government's balance sheet rather than as securities on the government's balance sheet.

Investments held at end of month

Give another example of someone else who loans themselves money, spends it, then still claims they have an asset

They don't. The Trust Fund is a separate account. The payroll tax is a dedicated tax.

I'm sure you don't know what a dedicated tax is, so have fun either looking it up and then pretending it isn't what it is.
Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Thee amount of mental retardation and or gullibility and this website is fucking unbelievable.


Yes, and you, kaz, and skull finish win, place, and show.
No, it's paid from the Trust Fund which invests its money in US securities. It's not an 'accounting entry' because the Trust Fund earns interest.

A Vanguard Money Market Fund:

Vanguard - Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund

96% invested in US securities. If you own this money market fund, you effectively own an IOU from the Federal Govt.

So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

It doesn't work that way. The payroll tax is not a part of the general fund. That's why bonds have to be issued. It's no different than every other entity that loans money to the federal government for the purpose of investment.

Including YOU.
So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

No. SS is separate distinct entity and is financed by dedicated funding. It is against the law for the general fund to take and spend payroll tax revenue as if it were income tax revenue.

And yet it does just that.

It's nothing but 2 accounting entries in the ledger that's all

It's called cooking the books

So are my direct deposits to the credit union. Do you really think that when my pension is directly deposited into my credit union account that some guy drives from the pension office to the bank with a bag of money?

Goddam you are stupid.

An electronic deposit is still a deposit or didn't you know that?

There are no deposits made into the SS trust fund SS is paid from the general fund.

No they are not. Payroll taxes cannot go into the general fund. They cannot be mixed. They can only be loaned to the general fund.

That is irrefutable fact. You need to get over it.

And where, pray tell, does money that is used to purchase a government bond go?
So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

It doesn't work that way. The payroll tax is not a part of the general fund. That's why bonds have to be issued. It's no different than every other entity that loans money to the federal government for the purpose of investment.

Including YOU.
And where does that loaned money go?
That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Yet, they do. Social Security goes into the general fund and payments go out of the general fund, there is no trust fund.

So seriously, when politicians lied to you, you didn't see it coming? LOL, wow

You're wrong. As usual.

LOL. Yeah.

OK, grasshopper. Where are actual social security assets? Where is the money?
That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History

Thee amount of mental retardation and or gullibility and this website is fucking unbelievable.


Yes, and you, kaz, and skull finish win, place, and show.

Playground insults, now that's your speed
Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

Social Security works like a government bond fund. The trusts are debited and credited based on cash flows in and out of the trusts plus interest. The only difference is that the government does not issue securities for the liabilities. Rather, the liabilities are a book entry on the government's balance sheet rather than as securities on the government's balance sheet.

Investments held at end of month

Give another example of someone else who loans themselves money, spends it, then still claims they have an asset

They don't. The Trust Fund is a separate account. The payroll tax is a dedicated tax.

I'm sure you don't know what a dedicated tax is, so have fun either looking it up and then pretending it isn't what it is.

I'm not arguing that water isn't wet or the sky isn't blue either. You don't care about reality, don't care
So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

No. SS is separate distinct entity and is financed by dedicated funding. It is against the law for the general fund to take and spend payroll tax revenue as if it were income tax revenue.

And yet it does just that.

It's nothing but 2 accounting entries in the ledger that's all

It's called cooking the books

So are my direct deposits to the credit union. Do you really think that when my pension is directly deposited into my credit union account that some guy drives from the pension office to the bank with a bag of money?

Goddam you are stupid.

An electronic deposit is still a deposit or didn't you know that?

There are no deposits made into the SS trust fund SS is paid from the general fund.

No they are not. Payroll taxes cannot go into the general fund. They cannot be mixed. They can only be loaned to the general fund.

That is irrefutable fact. You need to get over it.

Sorry but you are wrong. Why do you think the government is concerned about the laws it creates.

Just because the government makes an accounting entry does not mean any money is put in a trust fund and then paid out to SS recipients.

SS benefits are paid through the general fund on behalf of the SS administration not from any trust fund
Treasury Bills Constant Maturity Index Rate Yield Bonds Notes US 10 5 1 Year Rates

So now you're telling me that SS is paid from the general fund not the so called trust fund that only exists as an accounting entry.

Isn't that what I've been saying all along?

No, it's paid from the Trust Fund which invests its money in US securities. It's not an 'accounting entry' because the Trust Fund earns interest.

A Vanguard Money Market Fund:

Vanguard - Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund

96% invested in US securities. If you own this money market fund, you effectively own an IOU from the Federal Govt.

So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

So you agree that the bonds are bought with tax dollars

And just who pays the interest on the bonds you dolt?

The US treasury and where does the US treasury get the money to pay the interest on the bonds?

Fucking taxes you Moron.
Last edited:
Then look at 20 year periods.

20 years means you've got 6 independent sample points. Wow. Not much of a sample buddy, can't do much statistics with that.
Over it's existence the market has returned about 10%

Shit even if you got 7% over your working career that money taken for SS would still amount to over a million dollars in your retirement fund

You are only looking at the U.S. stock market. The U.S. stock market isn't special, its subject to the same economic forces any stock market is. Its performance over the past 100 years or so is exceptional compared to the rest of the world - it is a statistical outlier.

Yes the stock market fluctuates so what?

When has it never come back?

The Nikkei average still hasn't come back from its peak in late 1989. But I forget, you only do statistics with winners. The U.S. stock market is and special, like you.

Worst case scenario if your portfolio takes a hit right before you retire you put off retirement for a bit
Yeah, a bit, like until after you're dead.

But if you follow the strategy of reducing your exposure to equities as you near retirement you'll be able to weather any market turbulence

Really? That's all it takes, huh?

So if you convert your stocks into bank deposits - interest rates won't go down, right?
If you convert your stocks into corporate debt - corporations won't go bankrupt, right?
If you convert your stocks into government debt - well, you wouldn't do that, because government debt is worthless.

So just the Nikkei?

How about NASDAQ

You don't covert stocks to bank deposits.

You either sell them and cash out or sell them to buy another investment.

And how does buying a bond (debt) bankrupt a company?

Besides in a retirement account the point is to preserve capital as you near the age when you will need it then invest so as to get a stable ROR (optimally somewhere around 5%) while making withdrawals

You don't actually even follow any market news at all, do you? There is no fixed income investment that can "weather any market turbulence" and deliver 5%. Not to mention, since you are interested more in the history of the economy rather than its future, 5% would not have covered inflation on many ocassions in the past. Inflation is low now but to presume it will stay far enough below 5% that you won't have to start dipping into your principal is ludicrous. Even now, with inflation around 2%, you still only return 3% so you require 30 X your annual income requirements to retire an arbitrary number of years.

Far more sensible to invest your retirement in a life annuity with an insurance company (or multiple companies, to spread your risk). That way you only need the amount of money required for an average retirement length. Its a lot cheaper that way, unless your life plan is to work much more than you actually have to (or to die young)

You never heard of diversification have you?

Look Sheep if you think investing is day trading and using all your money to buy and sell one stock or one investment at a time then we have nothing to discuss.

Annuities are a losing proposition.

You whine about Wall Street bilking people but do you realize that insurance companies sell annuities to make a shit load of money off of them?

I used to sell annuities and I know how much insurance companies love that product
So the united states treasuy "invests" in itself?

IOW it's nothing but an accounting entry and therefore meaningless

Like I said if I used my employee's 401 K money to "invest" in my business and then paid any retirees from the money being contributed by current employees I'd be arrested. You wouldn't stand for it at your job but it's OK if the fucking government does it?

But I can't do that and do you know why?

Because my employees own their own accounts.

Pension funds invest money in government securities all the time. Including government pension funds. Where do you think military retirement funds are invested?

That has nothing to do with the so called SS trust fund now does it?

And it's not the investing it's the crooked accounting.

The USA buys it's own bonds with tax dollars and then buys them back with US tax dollars but they never really are bought back because all the FICA taxes go into the general fund it's circular accounting at its best


Wrong. The payroll tax revenues buy the bonds. The bonds collect interest. The trust fund is the investment portfolio of the SSA.

Government collects income tax and puts it in the general fund. Government collects payroll taxes and put them in the general fund. Government sends checks out of the general fund to retirees. Government sends checks out to everyone else they fund.

Explain where in that something is saved and interest is paid

No they do not .

"The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Social Security History
What a good little sheep you are.

Believing everything the government tells you

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