Jeb Bush Say No To Run!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The responsible, quality and admirable part of the Republican Party and their allies are waiting for Jeb Bush to make a decision on whether he will run for President in 2016 because he is their lead candidate. The right answer Jeb is do not run and make this decision fast so that the Republican Party can see if they can find a good moderate and conservative strong candidate because your toying with a campaign is sucking up all the public attention which a good candidate could use to build momentum for a successful campaign! Jeb Bush is a great human being he has an enormously good heart and he holds great overall values he sees both sides of issues and recognizes that the right thing to do is often in the grey area, meaning both sides win and lose some! The big problem with Jeb and it is something that would probably lead to disastrous consequences if he became President is that when it comes to moderate policies he would not fight to the end, he would not weather whatever has to be weathered to see the moderate right thing prevail in the country and this makes him completely unsuitable! For people that have that common ability of assessing a person's character it is readily apparent in observing Jeb Bush that such is his character but even following his positions on issues indicates this on the immigration issue he started out moderate and then the right wing of the Republican Party takes umbrage with something he says and he moves in their direction and then the American public moves moderate and Jeb then moves in the moderate direction.

This lack of resolve on moderate policies when faced with right wing pressure on Jeb's part would prove disastrous if he became President because on many critical issues facing America the moderate path is the only right path and if the country doesn't take it great harm will befall the country! America needs a Republican President that will take a belt to the right wing and that isn't Jeb's character. The number one issue facing American now and in the 2016 Presidential election is the Affordable Care Act because the ACA is suppressing job creation and wages in America it's killing America contrary to the law's title it has made health insurance premiums, deductable and co-pays "unaffordable" and it has obstructed medical provider choice for many Americans. But what is the correct path for America on this issue it is the moderate path; Britt Hume a political commentator and a loyal Republican second to no one in that area said it best this past Sunday on Chris Wallace's program when he essentially said the country needs to repeal and replace the ACA but the replacement is going to have a lot of elements of Obamacare because that what Americans want and it is right. The replacement will have to prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people for a preexisting condition and so that you don't have insurance companies charging people thirty plus thousand dollars a year in insurance premiums which is the same as a rejection, you are going to have some form of community pricing which means you're going to have to have large pools of enrollees to spread the medical claim costs and to get these pools your going to have to have the individual mandate, an element of Obamacare and a Republican invented concept; others might say you can have individual state pools where those with preexisting conditions can buy insurance but such pools would be left to individual states to finance and states across the nation do not have the money many cannot handle their Medicaid obligation and education obligation.

The leadership and especially the right wing of the Republican Party is not on the correct page on Obamacare if America was to relive 2009 and 2010 again the Republican party would still not offer healthcare reform legislation that the American people would find satisfactory, many individual Republicans in Congress would, they get it, but not these portions of the Party. The bulk of the Republican Party has to listen to these sensible voices in their own party, the Republican Party has to offer healthcare reform that gives tax credits to low and middle income families that don't get employer sponsored health care so these families can afford health insurance, such a program cost money and so drug companies, medical device companies and hospitals will have to pay some of this cost because it is only fair they benefit from an American public with health insurance which provides paying customers so they have to kick back some of this benefit. Good medical loss ratio regulations are needed on the health insurance industry health insurance costs are very serious matters the country needs premiums paying medical claims not big executive salaries or stock dividends.

Jeb Bush is from the Bush family an American aristocrat family and just like his Father and brother who were Presidents he will be pulled to act like an aristocrat and look out for the wealthy and big business in the country this pull coupled with Jeb's non-fighter nature will likely lead him to capitulating to these groups in many areas to the detriment of the American people and having what is right occur in America. This right wing wants Dodd Frank repealed or gutted, this law is a good law it is not to say changes are needed but the American people desperately need this law to stop things like speculators driving up commodity prices and banks taking advantage of ordinary Americans, etc.. The right wing wants America to open the faucet on shale natural gas development by doing things like approving LNG export terminals en masse this is reckless, care has to be given to how such development affects natural gas prices in this country. The right wing wants tax reform where there exists no taxation on foreign earned income by U.S. corporations this is absolutely wrong besides the fact the country needs the tax revenue the tax code needs to discourage U.S. corporations from off-shoring operation, moderates are right here all foreign revenue should be taxed however the rate should be lower than the ordinary corporate tax rate.

The Bush family is a great family. George H.W. Bush saved the world from a Hitler and Stalin type figure in driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and George W. Bush has given relief to countless American seniors in signing into law the Medicare Part "D" (drug coverage) law. Jeb Bush is just not the right person for President he is a great voice for moderate conservatism in America and I hope he continues to advocate for these values but no to a Presidential run. Recently, Jeb Bush said his decision on whether to run for President rest on two major factors: one, whether he could run a campaign with a hopeful, optimistic message with out getting drawn into the vortex of the mud fight and two, his family is it something that would be a huge sacrifice for his family. When I read this my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, are you clueless Jeb? National politics in America is a gunfight you as President have to lead your party to send as many of the other party's members to the hospital and cematary as you can and take the town (get your legislation through), of course I am talking metaphorically here. Jeb American politics is a mud fight and a President has to way knee deep in it if he wants to succeed there is no way getting around it pal. And with respect to your family if you run for and/or become President your wife all your children and their families become like fish in a fish bowl and things they do that can incur scrutiny and the public would find interesting will often become public knowledge and it will be hard on them that is just how America operates today it is unfortunate but that is the reality of things!
Jeb probably won't run and certainly won't be the nominee. The GOP has a strong crop of candidates that will give Hillary a run for her money, if she does in fact run. Who cares right now anyway? We haven't even had the midterm elections yet.
Jeb probably won't run and certainly won't be the nominee. The GOP has a strong crop of candidates that will give Hillary a run for her money, if she does in fact run. Who cares right now anyway? We haven't even had the midterm elections yet.

Unfortunately, the strong crop of candidates we might have, may not be able to raise the money like a JB or CC. :eusa_think:
Jeb probably won't run and certainly won't be the nominee. The GOP has a strong crop of candidates that will give Hillary a run for her money, if she does in fact run. Who cares right now anyway? We haven't even had the midterm elections yet.

Unfortunately, the strong crop of candidates we might have, may not be able to raise the money like a JB or CC. :eusa_think:

Honestly, I don't think either of those guys have a shot in the primaries.
The responsible, quality and admirable part of the Republican Party and their allies are waiting for Jeb Bush to make a decision on whether he will run for President in 2016 because he is their lead candidate. The right answer Jeb is do not run and make this decision fast so that the Republican Party can see if they can find a good moderate and conservative strong candidate because your toying with a campaign is sucking up all the public attention which a good candidate could use to build momentum for a successful campaign! Jeb Bush is a great human being he has an enormously good heart and he holds great overall values he sees both sides of issues and recognizes that the right thing to do is often in the grey area, meaning both sides win and lose some! The big problem with Jeb and it is something that would probably lead to disastrous consequences if he became President is that when it comes to moderate policies he would not fight to the end, he would not weather whatever has to be weathered to see the moderate right thing prevail in the country and this makes him completely unsuitable! For people that have that common ability of assessing a person's character it is readily apparent in observing Jeb Bush that such is his character but even following his positions on issues indicates this on the immigration issue he started out moderate and then the right wing of the Republican Party takes umbrage with something he says and he moves in their direction and then the American public moves moderate and Jeb then moves in the moderate direction.

This lack of resolve on moderate policies when faced with right wing pressure on Jeb's part would prove disastrous if he became President because on many critical issues facing America the moderate path is the only right path and if the country doesn't take it great harm will befall the country! America needs a Republican President that will take a belt to the right wing and that isn't Jeb's character. The number one issue facing American now and in the 2016 Presidential election is the Affordable Care Act because the ACA is suppressing job creation and wages in America it's killing America contrary to the law's title it has made health insurance premiums, deductable and co-pays "unaffordable" and it has obstructed medical provider choice for many Americans. But what is the correct path for America on this issue it is the moderate path; Britt Hume a political commentator and a loyal Republican second to no one in that area said it best this past Sunday on Chris Wallace's program when he essentially said the country needs to repeal and replace the ACA but the replacement is going to have a lot of elements of Obamacare because that what Americans want and it is right. The replacement will have to prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people for a preexisting condition and so that you don't have insurance companies charging people thirty plus thousand dollars a year in insurance premiums which is the same as a rejection, you are going to have some form of community pricing which means you're going to have to have large pools of enrollees to spread the medical claim costs and to get these pools your going to have to have the individual mandate, an element of Obamacare and a Republican invented concept; others might say you can have individual state pools where those with preexisting conditions can buy insurance but such pools would be left to individual states to finance and states across the nation do not have the money many cannot handle their Medicaid obligation and education obligation.

The leadership and especially the right wing of the Republican Party is not on the correct page on Obamacare if America was to relive 2009 and 2010 again the Republican party would still not offer healthcare reform legislation that the American people would find satisfactory, many individual Republicans in Congress would, they get it, but not these portions of the Party. The bulk of the Republican Party has to listen to these sensible voices in their own party, the Republican Party has to offer healthcare reform that gives tax credits to low and middle income families that don't get employer sponsored health care so these families can afford health insurance, such a program cost money and so drug companies, medical device companies and hospitals will have to pay some of this cost because it is only fair they benefit from an American public with health insurance which provides paying customers so they have to kick back some of this benefit. Good medical loss ratio regulations are needed on the health insurance industry health insurance costs are very serious matters the country needs premiums paying medical claims not big executive salaries or stock dividends.

Jeb Bush is from the Bush family an American aristocrat family and just like his Father and brother who were Presidents he will be pulled to act like an aristocrat and look out for the wealthy and big business in the country this pull coupled with Jeb's non-fighter nature will likely lead him to capitulating to these groups in many areas to the detriment of the American people and having what is right occur in America. This right wing wants Dodd Frank repealed or gutted, this law is a good law it is not to say changes are needed but the American people desperately need this law to stop things like speculators driving up commodity prices and banks taking advantage of ordinary Americans, etc.. The right wing wants America to open the faucet on shale natural gas development by doing things like approving LNG export terminals en masse this is reckless, care has to be given to how such development affects natural gas prices in this country. The right wing wants tax reform where there exists no taxation on foreign earned income by U.S. corporations this is absolutely wrong besides the fact the country needs the tax revenue the tax code needs to discourage U.S. corporations from off-shoring operation, moderates are right here all foreign revenue should be taxed however the rate should be lower than the ordinary corporate tax rate.

The Bush family is a great family. George H.W. Bush saved the world from a Hitler and Stalin type figure in driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and George W. Bush has given relief to countless American seniors in signing into law the Medicare Part "D" (drug coverage) law. Jeb Bush is just not the right person for President he is a great voice for moderate conservatism in America and I hope he continues to advocate for these values but no to a Presidential run. Recently, Jeb Bush said his decision on whether to run for President rest on two major factors: one, whether he could run a campaign with a hopeful, optimistic message with out getting drawn into the vortex of the mud fight and two, his family is it something that would be a huge sacrifice for his family. When I read this my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, are you clueless Jeb? National politics in America is a gunfight you as President have to lead your party to send as many of the other party's members to the hospital and cematary as you can and take the town (get your legislation through), of course I am talking metaphorically here. Jeb American politics is a mud fight and a President has to way knee deep in it if he wants to succeed there is no way getting around it pal. And with respect to your family if you run for and/or become President your wife all your children and their families become like fish in a fish bowl and things they do that can incur scrutiny and the public would find interesting will often become public knowledge and it will be hard on them that is just how America operates today it is unfortunate but that is the reality of things!

i guess we will see a repeat then of the last election , with different members of the clown car posse talking turns as nutter of the week
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The responsible, quality and admirable part of the Republican Party and their allies are waiting for Jeb Bush to make a decision on whether he will run for President in 2016 because he is their lead candidate. The right answer Jeb is do not run and make this decision fast so that the Republican Party can see if they can find a good moderate and conservative strong candidate because your toying with a campaign is sucking up all the public attention which a good candidate could use to build momentum for a successful campaign! Jeb Bush is a great human being he has an enormously good heart and he holds great overall values he sees both sides of issues and recognizes that the right thing to do is often in the grey area, meaning both sides win and lose some! The big problem with Jeb and it is something that would probably lead to disastrous consequences if he became President is that when it comes to moderate policies he would not fight to the end, he would not weather whatever has to be weathered to see the moderate right thing prevail in the country and this makes him completely unsuitable! For people that have that common ability of assessing a person's character it is readily apparent in observing Jeb Bush that such is his character but even following his positions on issues indicates this on the immigration issue he started out moderate and then the right wing of the Republican Party takes umbrage with something he says and he moves in their direction and then the American public moves moderate and Jeb then moves in the moderate direction.

This lack of resolve on moderate policies when faced with right wing pressure on Jeb's part would prove disastrous if he became President because on many critical issues facing America the moderate path is the only right path and if the country doesn't take it great harm will befall the country! America needs a Republican President that will take a belt to the right wing and that isn't Jeb's character. The number one issue facing American now and in the 2016 Presidential election is the Affordable Care Act because the ACA is suppressing job creation and wages in America it's killing America contrary to the law's title it has made health insurance premiums, deductable and co-pays "unaffordable" and it has obstructed medical provider choice for many Americans. But what is the correct path for America on this issue it is the moderate path; Britt Hume a political commentator and a loyal Republican second to no one in that area said it best this past Sunday on Chris Wallace's program when he essentially said the country needs to repeal and replace the ACA but the replacement is going to have a lot of elements of Obamacare because that what Americans want and it is right. The replacement will have to prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people for a preexisting condition and so that you don't have insurance companies charging people thirty plus thousand dollars a year in insurance premiums which is the same as a rejection, you are going to have some form of community pricing which means you're going to have to have large pools of enrollees to spread the medical claim costs and to get these pools your going to have to have the individual mandate, an element of Obamacare and a Republican invented concept; others might say you can have individual state pools where those with preexisting conditions can buy insurance but such pools would be left to individual states to finance and states across the nation do not have the money many cannot handle their Medicaid obligation and education obligation.

The leadership and especially the right wing of the Republican Party is not on the correct page on Obamacare if America was to relive 2009 and 2010 again the Republican party would still not offer healthcare reform legislation that the American people would find satisfactory, many individual Republicans in Congress would, they get it, but not these portions of the Party. The bulk of the Republican Party has to listen to these sensible voices in their own party, the Republican Party has to offer healthcare reform that gives tax credits to low and middle income families that don't get employer sponsored health care so these families can afford health insurance, such a program cost money and so drug companies, medical device companies and hospitals will have to pay some of this cost because it is only fair they benefit from an American public with health insurance which provides paying customers so they have to kick back some of this benefit. Good medical loss ratio regulations are needed on the health insurance industry health insurance costs are very serious matters the country needs premiums paying medical claims not big executive salaries or stock dividends.

Jeb Bush is from the Bush family an American aristocrat family and just like his Father and brother who were Presidents he will be pulled to act like an aristocrat and look out for the wealthy and big business in the country this pull coupled with Jeb's non-fighter nature will likely lead him to capitulating to these groups in many areas to the detriment of the American people and having what is right occur in America. This right wing wants Dodd Frank repealed or gutted, this law is a good law it is not to say changes are needed but the American people desperately need this law to stop things like speculators driving up commodity prices and banks taking advantage of ordinary Americans, etc.. The right wing wants America to open the faucet on shale natural gas development by doing things like approving LNG export terminals en masse this is reckless, care has to be given to how such development affects natural gas prices in this country. The right wing wants tax reform where there exists no taxation on foreign earned income by U.S. corporations this is absolutely wrong besides the fact the country needs the tax revenue the tax code needs to discourage U.S. corporations from off-shoring operation, moderates are right here all foreign revenue should be taxed however the rate should be lower than the ordinary corporate tax rate.

The Bush family is a great family. George H.W. Bush saved the world from a Hitler and Stalin type figure in driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and George W. Bush has given relief to countless American seniors in signing into law the Medicare Part "D" (drug coverage) law. Jeb Bush is just not the right person for President he is a great voice for moderate conservatism in America and I hope he continues to advocate for these values but no to a Presidential run. Recently, Jeb Bush said his decision on whether to run for President rest on two major factors: one, whether he could run a campaign with a hopeful, optimistic message with out getting drawn into the vortex of the mud fight and two, his family is it something that would be a huge sacrifice for his family. When I read this my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, are you clueless Jeb? National politics in America is a gunfight you as President have to lead your party to send as many of the other party's members to the hospital and cematary as you can and take the town (get your legislation through), of course I am talking metaphorically here. Jeb American politics is a mud fight and a President has to way knee deep in it if he wants to succeed there is no way getting around it pal. And with respect to your family if you run for and/or become President your wife all your children and their families become like fish in a fish bowl and things they do that can incur scrutiny and the public would find interesting will often become public knowledge and it will be hard on them that is just how America operates today it is unfortunate but that is the reality of things!

humm Stalin was on our side during WWII not so bushes daddy who traded with hitler. George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave laborers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian
The responsible, quality and admirable part of the Republican Party and their allies are waiting for Jeb Bush to make a decision on whether he will run for President in 2016 because he is their lead candidate. The right answer Jeb is do not run and make this decision fast so that the Republican Party can see if they can find a good moderate and conservative strong candidate because your toying with a campaign is sucking up all the public attention which a good candidate could use to build momentum for a successful campaign! Jeb Bush is a great human being he has an enormously good heart and he holds great overall values he sees both sides of issues and recognizes that the right thing to do is often in the grey area, meaning both sides win and lose some! The big problem with Jeb and it is something that would probably lead to disastrous consequences if he became President is that when it comes to moderate policies he would not fight to the end, he would not weather whatever has to be weathered to see the moderate right thing prevail in the country and this makes him completely unsuitable! For people that have that common ability of assessing a person's character it is readily apparent in observing Jeb Bush that such is his character but even following his positions on issues indicates this on the immigration issue he started out moderate and then the right wing of the Republican Party takes umbrage with something he says and he moves in their direction and then the American public moves moderate and Jeb then moves in the moderate direction.

This lack of resolve on moderate policies when faced with right wing pressure on Jeb's part would prove disastrous if he became President because on many critical issues facing America the moderate path is the only right path and if the country doesn't take it great harm will befall the country! America needs a Republican President that will take a belt to the right wing and that isn't Jeb's character. The number one issue facing American now and in the 2016 Presidential election is the Affordable Care Act because the ACA is suppressing job creation and wages in America it's killing America contrary to the law's title it has made health insurance premiums, deductable and co-pays "unaffordable" and it has obstructed medical provider choice for many Americans. But what is the correct path for America on this issue it is the moderate path; Britt Hume a political commentator and a loyal Republican second to no one in that area said it best this past Sunday on Chris Wallace's program when he essentially said the country needs to repeal and replace the ACA but the replacement is going to have a lot of elements of Obamacare because that what Americans want and it is right. The replacement will have to prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people for a preexisting condition and so that you don't have insurance companies charging people thirty plus thousand dollars a year in insurance premiums which is the same as a rejection, you are going to have some form of community pricing which means you're going to have to have large pools of enrollees to spread the medical claim costs and to get these pools your going to have to have the individual mandate, an element of Obamacare and a Republican invented concept; others might say you can have individual state pools where those with preexisting conditions can buy insurance but such pools would be left to individual states to finance and states across the nation do not have the money many cannot handle their Medicaid obligation and education obligation.

The leadership and especially the right wing of the Republican Party is not on the correct page on Obamacare if America was to relive 2009 and 2010 again the Republican party would still not offer healthcare reform legislation that the American people would find satisfactory, many individual Republicans in Congress would, they get it, but not these portions of the Party. The bulk of the Republican Party has to listen to these sensible voices in their own party, the Republican Party has to offer healthcare reform that gives tax credits to low and middle income families that don't get employer sponsored health care so these families can afford health insurance, such a program cost money and so drug companies, medical device companies and hospitals will have to pay some of this cost because it is only fair they benefit from an American public with health insurance which provides paying customers so they have to kick back some of this benefit. Good medical loss ratio regulations are needed on the health insurance industry health insurance costs are very serious matters the country needs premiums paying medical claims not big executive salaries or stock dividends.

Jeb Bush is from the Bush family an American aristocrat family and just like his Father and brother who were Presidents he will be pulled to act like an aristocrat and look out for the wealthy and big business in the country this pull coupled with Jeb's non-fighter nature will likely lead him to capitulating to these groups in many areas to the detriment of the American people and having what is right occur in America. This right wing wants Dodd Frank repealed or gutted, this law is a good law it is not to say changes are needed but the American people desperately need this law to stop things like speculators driving up commodity prices and banks taking advantage of ordinary Americans, etc.. The right wing wants America to open the faucet on shale natural gas development by doing things like approving LNG export terminals en masse this is reckless, care has to be given to how such development affects natural gas prices in this country. The right wing wants tax reform where there exists no taxation on foreign earned income by U.S. corporations this is absolutely wrong besides the fact the country needs the tax revenue the tax code needs to discourage U.S. corporations from off-shoring operation, moderates are right here all foreign revenue should be taxed however the rate should be lower than the ordinary corporate tax rate.

The Bush family is a great family. George H.W. Bush saved the world from a Hitler and Stalin type figure in driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and George W. Bush has given relief to countless American seniors in signing into law the Medicare Part "D" (drug coverage) law. Jeb Bush is just not the right person for President he is a great voice for moderate conservatism in America and I hope he continues to advocate for these values but no to a Presidential run. Recently, Jeb Bush said his decision on whether to run for President rest on two major factors: one, whether he could run a campaign with a hopeful, optimistic message with out getting drawn into the vortex of the mud fight and two, his family is it something that would be a huge sacrifice for his family. When I read this my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, are you clueless Jeb? National politics in America is a gunfight you as President have to lead your party to send as many of the other party's members to the hospital and cematary as you can and take the town (get your legislation through), of course I am talking metaphorically here. Jeb American politics is a mud fight and a President has to way knee deep in it if he wants to succeed there is no way getting around it pal. And with respect to your family if you run for and/or become President your wife all your children and their families become like fish in a fish bowl and things they do that can incur scrutiny and the public would find interesting will often become public knowledge and it will be hard on them that is just how America operates today it is unfortunate but that is the reality of things!

humm Stalin was on our side during WWII not so bushes daddy who traded with hitler. George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave laborers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

The federal government did not crack down on the Bush-Harriman/Nazi operation until 1942. After the war, Congressional investigation revealed that Fritz Thyssen's German Steel Trust, Germany's largest industrial corporation [which interlocked with Union Banking Corporation] produced a high percentage of Germany's national output of metal products and explosives. Vesting Orders signed by the Office of Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, which were "published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the 'Thyssen family' of 'Germany and/or Hungary'-- 'nationals...of a designated enemy country.'"

"In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush.

"Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland 'Bunny' Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush
Jeb Bush says he will not run if he can't run a joyful positive campaign. Giving him credit for being intelligent, either he will recognize that American politics has no place for joyful. Hillary Clinton will mop the negative floor with him, or he will dither along thinking that he can win with only the Mexican vote and no Republicans. Either way he loses. He won't run.
The responsible, quality and admirable part of the Republican Party and their allies are waiting for Jeb Bush to make a decision on whether he will run for President in 2016 because he is their lead candidate. The right answer Jeb is do not run and make this decision fast so that the Republican Party can see if they can find a good moderate and conservative strong candidate because your toying with a campaign is sucking up all the public attention which a good candidate could use to build momentum for a successful campaign! Jeb Bush is a great human being he has an enormously good heart and he holds great overall values he sees both sides of issues and recognizes that the right thing to do is often in the grey area, meaning both sides win and lose some! The big problem with Jeb and it is something that would probably lead to disastrous consequences if he became President is that when it comes to moderate policies he would not fight to the end, he would not weather whatever has to be weathered to see the moderate right thing prevail in the country and this makes him completely unsuitable! For people that have that common ability of assessing a person's character it is readily apparent in observing Jeb Bush that such is his character but even following his positions on issues indicates this on the immigration issue he started out moderate and then the right wing of the Republican Party takes umbrage with something he says and he moves in their direction and then the American public moves moderate and Jeb then moves in the moderate direction.

This lack of resolve on moderate policies when faced with right wing pressure on Jeb's part would prove disastrous if he became President because on many critical issues facing America the moderate path is the only right path and if the country doesn't take it great harm will befall the country! America needs a Republican President that will take a belt to the right wing and that isn't Jeb's character. The number one issue facing American now and in the 2016 Presidential election is the Affordable Care Act because the ACA is suppressing job creation and wages in America it's killing America contrary to the law's title it has made health insurance premiums, deductable and co-pays "unaffordable" and it has obstructed medical provider choice for many Americans. But what is the correct path for America on this issue it is the moderate path; Britt Hume a political commentator and a loyal Republican second to no one in that area said it best this past Sunday on Chris Wallace's program when he essentially said the country needs to repeal and replace the ACA but the replacement is going to have a lot of elements of Obamacare because that what Americans want and it is right. The replacement will have to prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people for a preexisting condition and so that you don't have insurance companies charging people thirty plus thousand dollars a year in insurance premiums which is the same as a rejection, you are going to have some form of community pricing which means you're going to have to have large pools of enrollees to spread the medical claim costs and to get these pools your going to have to have the individual mandate, an element of Obamacare and a Republican invented concept; others might say you can have individual state pools where those with preexisting conditions can buy insurance but such pools would be left to individual states to finance and states across the nation do not have the money many cannot handle their Medicaid obligation and education obligation.

The leadership and especially the right wing of the Republican Party is not on the correct page on Obamacare if America was to relive 2009 and 2010 again the Republican party would still not offer healthcare reform legislation that the American people would find satisfactory, many individual Republicans in Congress would, they get it, but not these portions of the Party. The bulk of the Republican Party has to listen to these sensible voices in their own party, the Republican Party has to offer healthcare reform that gives tax credits to low and middle income families that don't get employer sponsored health care so these families can afford health insurance, such a program cost money and so drug companies, medical device companies and hospitals will have to pay some of this cost because it is only fair they benefit from an American public with health insurance which provides paying customers so they have to kick back some of this benefit. Good medical loss ratio regulations are needed on the health insurance industry health insurance costs are very serious matters the country needs premiums paying medical claims not big executive salaries or stock dividends.

Jeb Bush is from the Bush family an American aristocrat family and just like his Father and brother who were Presidents he will be pulled to act like an aristocrat and look out for the wealthy and big business in the country this pull coupled with Jeb's non-fighter nature will likely lead him to capitulating to these groups in many areas to the detriment of the American people and having what is right occur in America. This right wing wants Dodd Frank repealed or gutted, this law is a good law it is not to say changes are needed but the American people desperately need this law to stop things like speculators driving up commodity prices and banks taking advantage of ordinary Americans, etc.. The right wing wants America to open the faucet on shale natural gas development by doing things like approving LNG export terminals en masse this is reckless, care has to be given to how such development affects natural gas prices in this country. The right wing wants tax reform where there exists no taxation on foreign earned income by U.S. corporations this is absolutely wrong besides the fact the country needs the tax revenue the tax code needs to discourage U.S. corporations from off-shoring operation, moderates are right here all foreign revenue should be taxed however the rate should be lower than the ordinary corporate tax rate.

The Bush family is a great family. George H.W. Bush saved the world from a Hitler and Stalin type figure in driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and George W. Bush has given relief to countless American seniors in signing into law the Medicare Part "D" (drug coverage) law. Jeb Bush is just not the right person for President he is a great voice for moderate conservatism in America and I hope he continues to advocate for these values but no to a Presidential run. Recently, Jeb Bush said his decision on whether to run for President rest on two major factors: one, whether he could run a campaign with a hopeful, optimistic message with out getting drawn into the vortex of the mud fight and two, his family is it something that would be a huge sacrifice for his family. When I read this my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, are you clueless Jeb? National politics in America is a gunfight you as President have to lead your party to send as many of the other party's members to the hospital and cematary as you can and take the town (get your legislation through), of course I am talking metaphorically here. Jeb American politics is a mud fight and a President has to way knee deep in it if he wants to succeed there is no way getting around it pal. And with respect to your family if you run for and/or become President your wife all your children and their families become like fish in a fish bowl and things they do that can incur scrutiny and the public would find interesting will often become public knowledge and it will be hard on them that is just how America operates today it is unfortunate but that is the reality of things!
Aside from your statements of repealing Obamacare, I mostly agree with you.

Jeb is not the leader that the Republican Party needs. As far as putting a belt to them, I believe that Christie has more potential to that. However, he's already toast.

The fact that you agree to keep the preexisting condition aspect, and the individual mandate. Those are basically 2 or the main aspects that make Obamacare...Obamacare. Where do you stand on the ability for kids up to age 26 to remain on their parents healthcare? That would be the top 3 that makes it Obamacare, those are the three (3) aspects that basically EVERYBODY and their grandmother loves about it. Also, they make sense.

Very thoughtful post that I ALMOST didn't bother to read.

Great thread.


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