Jeb Bush slams Donald Trump for saying 9/11 came during George W. Bush’s ‘reign’

Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.
Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.

That's it far left drone spout your far left religious dogma..
Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.

More far left propaganda to protect Clinton so they can justify for voting for worse than Bush in 2016.
One thing you can be sure of. If 9/11 had occurred on a Democrats watch we would never hear the end of it. 4 dead in Benghazi and it's non-stop, Imagine 3,000!
then add to that the 4,000+ in vietraq. Repubs would be wailing 24/7
Funny how Clinton is called a war criminal yet Bush isn't.
It didn't seem to bother him in Kosovo.

He probably and correctly, realized those things would be a problem at an impeachment.
Proving that he was motivated politically and puts the country last.

Silly man, I think that proves no one can trust Republicans.
I think it proves you just ran out of argument.

How? Bush had 64 warnings in the run up to 9/11 and we still got hammered. George W. Bush was asleep at the wheel and both Bush and Cheney were blinded by ideology and misplaced focus. If 9/11 had happened on a Democratic watch, the Republicans would be playing the blame game for a generation, but they are totally silent on their own negligence. Those who lost loved ones that day and the rest of America should never forget and never put a Republican in charge of foreign policy again.
^ that
Funny how Clinton is called a war criminal yet Bush isn't.
He probably and correctly, realized those things would be a problem at an impeachment.
Proving that he was motivated politically and puts the country last.

Silly man, I think that proves no one can trust Republicans.
I think it proves you just ran out of argument.

How? Bush had 64 warnings in the run up to 9/11 and we still got hammered. George W. Bush was asleep at the wheel and both Bush and Cheney were blinded by ideology and misplaced focus. If 9/11 had happened on a Democratic watch, the Republicans would be playing the blame game for a generation, but they are totally silent on their own negligence. Those who lost loved ones that day and the rest of America should never forget and never put a Republican in charge of foreign policy again.
^ that

Nope! Far left propaganda is not fact, except to far left drones!
If they're going to blame Bush then they have to blame Billy Clinton too

he had a couple chances to get Bin Laden but chose not to
Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.
Since keeping us safe means before the attack to according to you then you must feel Bill Clinton bears some of the responsibilty for 9-11 as well right? Before you answer remember that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda carried out multiple attacks against the U.S. during his Presidency those attacks were overseas even so Clinton took only minimal action in response to them so perhaps if Clinton had taken stronger action when he was President 9-11 wouldn't have happened. All of this of course is speculation with the benefit of years of hindsight just like with Bush which proves yet again we can all be a genius with years of hindsight to draw on.
Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.
Since keeping us safe means before the attack to according to you then you must feel Bill Clinton bears some of the responsibilty for 9-11 as well right? Before you answer remember that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda carried out multiple attacks against the U.S. during his Presidency those attacks were overseas even so Clinton took only minimal action in response to them so perhaps if Clinton had taken stronger action when he was President 9-11 wouldn't have happened. All of this of course is speculation with the benefit of years of hindsight just like with Bush which proves yet again we can all be a genius with years of hindsight to draw on.

You can deflect all you, like but only one man was president on 9/11. If his government was doing even a minimal job they should have at least looked at Zacarias Moussauoi's computer when they arrested him in Minnesota. The plan was right there and was the most negligent act of all considering Clinton warned them before they even moved into the White House.

Bush and Cheney were too busy and concerned about invading Iraq, disgusting and deadly errors. Negligent is a nice way of putting it, I think it was criminal and had it been Democrats in charge it surely would have been.
How many terror attacks did we have under Clinton?

so this line of how Bush didn't keep us safe. Well NEITHER did Billy Clinton.

9/11 would have been under him if the truck bomb hadn't malfunctioned (thankfully) on the FIRST: World trade center building bombing. .and then he had the Oklahoma Federal building bombing

these people who want to only blame Bush for 9/11 will no matter what. Others who knows the events that happened under Billy knows he was Responsible and some blame can be on Bush.

I say Billy was MORE Responsible 9/11, because he had a chance to get Bin Laden twice I believe and CHOSE not to.
How many terror attacks did we have under Clinton?

so this line of how Bush didn't keep us safe. Well NEITHER did Billy Clinton.

9/11 would have been under him if the truck bomb hadn't malfunctioned (thankfully) on the FIRST: World trade center building bombing. .

these people who want's to only blame Bush will no matter what. Others who knows the events that happed under Billy knows THEY were both Responsible.

myself, I say Billy was MORE Responsible because he had a chance to get Bin Laden twice I believe and CHOSE not to.

Wrong again, the World Trade Center bombers were brought to justice, the 9/11 bombers were ignored until Obama cleaned up the mess. Jeb defends his brother by hiring the same advisers for his own run at the presidency. Just how stupid does he think the voters are?
Jeb never claimed 9-11 didn't happen on his brothers watch also his comment about his brother keep us safe was about the time after 9-11 when the world was turned upside down and no one knew what the hell was coming next. This post was brought to you by the makers of reality remember reality is not for everyone if you suffer any side effects from dealing with reality return to your partisan bullshit immediately.

Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.
Since keeping us safe means before the attack to according to you then you must feel Bill Clinton bears some of the responsibilty for 9-11 as well right? Before you answer remember that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda carried out multiple attacks against the U.S. during his Presidency those attacks were overseas even so Clinton took only minimal action in response to them so perhaps if Clinton had taken stronger action when he was President 9-11 wouldn't have happened. All of this of course is speculation with the benefit of years of hindsight just like with Bush which proves yet again we can all be a genius with years of hindsight to draw on.

You can deflect all you, like but only one man was president on 9/11. If his government was doing even a minimal job they should have at least looked at Zacarias Moussauoi's computer when they arrested him in Minnesota. The plan was right there and was the most negligent act of all considering Clinton warned them before they even moved into the White House.

Bush and Cheney were too busy and concerned about invading Iraq, disgusting and deadly errors. Negligent is a nice way of putting it, I think it was criminal and had it been Democrats in charge it surely would have been.
Only one deflectiing is you I never claimed Bush wasn't President on 9-11 I'm applying your logic to the previous President and his response or lack of one to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda that you used for Bush an honest person could deal with that a blind partisan responds as you did.
One thing you can be sure of. If 9/11 had occurred on a Democrats watch we would never hear the end of it. 4 dead in Benghazi and it's non-stop, Imagine 3,000!

Republicans ignore the 3,000 because it isn't politically valuable to them. They use the 4 dead in Ben Gassy like vampires at a blood bank.
Hard to take someone seriously when they call it "Ben Gassy". Just sayin'.

The hearings are a sham and not to be taken seriously. From the beginning the Republicans saw it as a way to knock down Hilary Clinton during the 2016 race.

To use 4 dead Americans as political manure is so beyond despicable, yet you are concerned with semantics. Very telling.
Hillary is responsible for their deaths and you applaud her for it.

You ignore 3,000. Again, what exactly is your argument? Other than you are a partisan hack looking to make make-believe brownie points in your head?

Please list the American embassies around the world that are 100% safe. In the past, present, or future.

You can't because there are none, no matter what we do. Ergo, Republicans are simply eating the rotting flesh of the four dead Americans like political vultures.

It is utterly disgusting and you have chosen to get a plate and fork and spoon as well.

And you want to judge whom? Please Frank Burns, go to the Colonel Flag forum and keep this self-delusion amongst yourselves.
How many terror attacks did we have under Clinton?

so this line of how Bush didn't keep us safe. Well NEITHER did Billy Clinton.

9/11 would have been under him if the truck bomb hadn't malfunctioned (thankfully) on the FIRST: World trade center building bombing. .and then he had the Oklahoma Federal building bombing

these people who want to only blame Bush for 9/11 will no matter what. Others who knows the events that happened under Billy knows he was Responsible and some blame can be on Bush.

I say Billy was MORE Responsible 9/11, because he had a chance to get Bin Laden twice= I believe and CHOSE not to.

Not true, but a very good RW lie. Republicans ridiculed President Clinton for attacking bin laden and did not consider bin laden a threat.

It was the shrub who chose to ignore his PDB about bin laden determined to attack the U.S. It was the former deserter-in-chief that blew of his briefing with a wave of his hand and the briefer he had him covered.
Oh, so George kept us safe except for the attack where 3,000 died and $3.3 trillion was spent getting revenge.
I see you choose partisan bullshit over reality no surprise. I stated very clearly Jeb was refering to the time after 9-11.

Keeping us safe means before the attack too. And so you know, Jeb Bush was a founder and signator to PNAC, which was pushing to remove Saddam Hussein violently since 1998. So you can believe he was pushing his brother into war long before 9/11.
Since keeping us safe means before the attack to according to you then you must feel Bill Clinton bears some of the responsibilty for 9-11 as well right? Before you answer remember that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda carried out multiple attacks against the U.S. during his Presidency those attacks were overseas even so Clinton took only minimal action in response to them so perhaps if Clinton had taken stronger action when he was President 9-11 wouldn't have happened. All of this of course is speculation with the benefit of years of hindsight just like with Bush which proves yet again we can all be a genius with years of hindsight to draw on.

You can deflect all you, like but only one man was president on 9/11. If his government was doing even a minimal job they should have at least looked at Zacarias Moussauoi's computer when they arrested him in Minnesota. The plan was right there and was the most negligent act of all considering Clinton warned them before they even moved into the White House.

Bush and Cheney were too busy and concerned about invading Iraq, disgusting and deadly errors. Negligent is a nice way of putting it, I think it was criminal and had it been Democrats in charge it surely would have been.
Only one deflectiing is you I never claimed Bush wasn't President on 9-11 I'm applying your logic to the previous President and his response or lack of one to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda that you used for Bush an honest person could deal with that a blind partisan responds as you did.

Well the buck stops there. There was only one man in charge when the towers went down. It is our patriotic duty to ask questions and hold people responsible except that didn't happen here. The 9/11 commission was stunted from the very beginning, no one got to ask Bush or Cheney questions they wouldn't allow it so the truth will have to wait until we are all long dead. Bush promised us to our faces that he would get the man who caused 9/11, he lied. He failed to act on his own intelligence to finish it and let a member of Saudi royalty skate until Obama cleaned up after him.
How many terror attacks did we have under Clinton?

so this line of how Bush didn't keep us safe. Well NEITHER did Billy Clinton.

9/11 would have been under him if the truck bomb hadn't malfunctioned (thankfully) on the FIRST: World trade center building bombing. .and then he had the Oklahoma Federal building bombing

these people who want to only blame Bush for 9/11 will no matter what. Others who knows the events that happened under Billy knows he was Responsible and some blame can be on Bush.

I say Billy was MORE Responsible 9/11, because he had a chance to get Bin Laden twice= I believe and CHOSE not to.

Not true, but a very good RW lie. Republicans ridiculed President Clinton for attacking bin laden and did not consider bin laden a threat.

It was the shrub who chose to ignore his PDB about bin laden determined to attack the U.S. It was the former deserter-in-chief that blew of his briefing with a wave of his hand and the briefer he had him covered.

More far left propaganda from the far left drones..

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