Jeb Bush Supporters be heard. Tell us why you support your guy.

I'm Supporting Jeb Bush because....

  • His father and Brother did such great jobs, if you don't mind the wars and the recessions.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Third time's the Charm, right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • His Wife Colomba is one Hot Tamale!!!

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Are you flipping insane? No one wants these people back!

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters
I'm not supporting anyone at this point I will listen to what Jeb has to say but I won't simply support him because his last name is Bush nor will I hold his brothers Presidency against him.
Okay, to Fake Snarkey and all the other people who think a third Bush Presidency would be a good thing. (Because the first two turned out so well)

Tell me why you think Jeb Bush would be a good President. This is for Jeb Supporters only. Conservatives and Liberals please restrain yourselves, I'd like to hear some rationales for electing Jeb Bush.

The Floor is yours, Gentlemen (And Ladies.)
He's not obama.
He can win a significant number of Hispanic votes. That is why the Lefties are trying to ridicule him out of the race.
  • Thanks
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I suspect everything has been rerouted by the Cocaine brothers announcing their $889M cash pool and the recipients were notified prior to press release.

There is no coincidence in Jeb going to visit Romney and the Cocaine bros releasing the announcement to the press of their funding intentions. All three events occurred within seven days.

These people didn't become plutocratic moguls by coincidence or accident.
No evidence exists that even suggests the brother of NTPP's Kenyan Messiah has enough cash to buy a single snort. Or is that just one ingredient of the CAIR package his bro mails him?
Republicans want to finish the job they started under George.

Obama is doing a fine job of that as it is. And then some.
The economy is improving. Americans aren't being slaughtered in Iraq. Millions of Americans have health care. Obama wants education available for all Americans.

Believe me, I completely understand why Republicans are pissed.
The Manchurian Republican wants him, if he couldn't get McRomney, most others have little encouraging news about Jeb, and a Bush dynasty, perhaps slightly more than a "Bosnian Sniper Shooting At The Hildebeast" presidency

I'd take Jeb Bush over the compulsive liar Hillary Clinton. Do some research on Hillary's character. She's not only a habitual, compulsive liar, she's a vicious, ugly person. And this is in addition to the fact that she was an incompetent secretary of state whose failure to respond to Chris Stevens' repeated requests for more security contributed to his death and that of three other Americans in Libya. (But, who cares, right? She's a Democrat, so liberals will vote for her, no matter what.)

As governor, Bush cut taxes, including property taxes (which typically hit middle-income homeowners the hardest). He also handled the state budget sanely and responsibly. We desperately need a president who will stop the fiscal train wreck that we are now riding on.

He supported school choice (funny how liberals only support "choice" when it involves the ability to choose to do something immoral).
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Republicans want to finish the job they started under George.

Obama is doing a fine job of that as it is. And then some.
The economy is improving. Americans aren't being slaughtered in Iraq. Millions of Americans have health care. Obama wants education available for all Americans.

Believe me, I completely understand why Republicans are pissed.

10 million more will be uninsured due to obamacare by 2020....with increased spending of 2 trillion. We all get it that you'll defend that incompetent bumbling buffoon in the wh until the end.
In short, I would vote for Bush because he has a record of sane, responsible fiscal policy. He balanced the budget while cutting taxes substantially.

Given that we are $18 trillion in debt and sinking, my main criterion for judging any candidate will be whether they have a record of responsible fiscal policy.

If our economy collapses or falls into Spain- or Italy-like stagnation, all other issues will be secondary. The sooner we stop the fiscal INsanity that we've been practicing for the last 14 years, the better.
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