Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

I've given up several vacations. How's that?

Again, this is not about you. You do what you can, but that is not nearly enough. I'm pretty sure you are smart enough to figure this out. :D People are inherently selfish. They are NOT going to give up their internet to feed a person they've never met before and don't really care about.
It IS about me, and every other tax payer in the country. We are not getting our money's worth in this so-called "War on Poverty".
It's time to change tactics.
Hell, Chris! I'm just scraping by myself. I own a business that I haven't taken a dime out of. I pay huge taxes on alcohol, gross sales, income, utilities. I pay government mandated fees and licenses, special insurance policies. I pay weird taxes on my phones and internet, pay triple for cable TV.
Yeah I know what scraping by is.
Still I am compelled to take in strays and lend money to people I only half expect will be able to pay me back. Why? Because I'm generous, yet somehow I'm an evil ogre because you think the government is better at spending my money than I am.

You completely miss the point. The point is that MOST people are not going to help the poor. Those are the facts. There is no country that is successful which relies on the charity of others. All of those are third world countries. We NEED our social services program or people will starve and die, not to mention the increase in crime and violence that would occur. If you don't take care of the poor, they WILL revolt. This has been proven time and time again throughout history and even today.
MOST people pay to help the poor through their taxes. Johnson's "war on poverty has shown that that system is broken. Let's look for ways to fix it. If you suddenly had $3,000 more to spend, would you help someone less fortunate? Or would you still expect me to pay higher taxes to support a failed policy?

Exactly. Because you cannot rely on charity to take care of the poor. It is impossible.
No. It's not. People did not starve during the great depression. They did what they had to to survive and made us the strongest, most benevolent society in history.
50 years of coddling the chronically lazy has destroyed that.

That is a very ignorant statement. The great depression is WHY we have some of our social service programs.

Digital History
It IS about me, and every other tax payer in the country. We are not getting our money's worth in this so-called "War on Poverty".
It's time to change tactics.

No, it is not about you. Your feelings really are of no consequence to the poor people.
It IS about me, and every other tax payer in the country. We are not getting our money's worth in this so-called "War on Poverty".
It's time to change tactics.

Not invading Iraq would have helped. What about the war on drugs? Just say no.
The economic crisis of the 1930s overwhelmed private charities and local governments. In South Texas, the Salvation Army provided a penny per person each day. In Philadelphia, private and public charities distributed $1 million a month in poor relief. This amount, however, provided families with only $1.50 a week for groceries. In 1932, total public and private relief expenditures amounted to $317 million--$26 for each of the nation's 12 1/2 million jobless.
You should look into the social programs started during the Depression. They all required some work in return for the help received. Most taught skills or at the very least, a work ethic and left us with parks, roads, dams and electrical grids.
We will never know how many people died as a result of starvation or illness related to malnutrition during the years of the Great Depression because there were no official Federal Government statistics for that era. [Deleted reference to Russian researcher] However, there is enough anecdotal evidence that people did starve during the Great Depression, and that contrary to what Mr. Stossel asserts now, and President Hoover asserted then, people did in fact die from lack of adequate food intake, otherwise known as death by starvation. We certainly have a photographic record of people who look very thin and malnourished as evidence that starvation was a reality for many people during the Depression:



Is this what you want America to look like? Because this is what would happen without our social service programs.
Feb. 1931

"Food riots" begin to break out in parts of the U.S. In Minneapolis, several hundred men and women smashed the windows of a grocery market and made off with fruit, canned goods, bacon, and ham. One of the store's owners pulled out a gun to stop the looters, but was leapt upon and had his arm broken. The "riot" was brought under control by 100 policemen. Seven people were arrested.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 20 (AP)-A crowd of men and women, shouting that they were hungry and jobless, raided a grocery store near the City Hall today. Twenty-six of the men were arrested. Scores loitered near the city jail following the arrests, but kept well out of range of fire hoses made ready for use in case of another disturbance.

The police tonight broke up a second meeting of about one hundred unemployed men and arrested Francis Owens, alleged head of the "Oklahoma City Unemployed Council," who was accused of instigating the raid.
It IS about me, and every other tax payer in the country. We are not getting our money's worth in this so-called "War on Poverty".
It's time to change tactics.

Not invading Iraq would have helped. What about the war on drugs? Just say no.
War on drugs? Another failure in my opinion.
I'm all for legalizing all drugs and selling them out of liquor stores under the same rules. The infrastructure is in place to distribute sell and tax. The government should be taxing the hell out of drugs and making possession legal and unlicensed sales akin to moonshining.
It would free up prison space and hell, might save a few lives.

Another thought would be to hand heroine addicts a full month's allotment at a time. Inside of a year, there would be half as many heroine addicts.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 20 (AP)-A crowd of men and women, shouting that they were hungry and jobless, raided a grocery store near the City Hall today. Twenty-six of the men were arrested. Scores loitered near the city jail following the arrests, but kept well out of range of fire hoses made ready for use in case of another disturbance.

The police tonight broke up a second meeting of about one hundred unemployed men and arrested Francis Owens, alleged head of the "Oklahoma City Unemployed Council," who was accused of instigating the raid.
And? We still have looters, but they loot when they're well fed these days.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 20 (AP)-A crowd of men and women, shouting that they were hungry and jobless, raided a grocery store near the City Hall today. Twenty-six of the men were arrested. Scores loitered near the city jail following the arrests, but kept well out of range of fire hoses made ready for use in case of another disturbance.

The police tonight broke up a second meeting of about one hundred unemployed men and arrested Francis Owens, alleged head of the "Oklahoma City Unemployed Council," who was accused of instigating the raid.
And? We still have looters, but they loot when they're well fed these days.

It would be MUCH worse. Much, much worse. This is just common sense.
I don't WANT to live in a country that looks like this. How could anyone?

Don't forget about all the shanty towns and "no-go zones" because of the criminal elements that thrive in such conditions.

Helping the poor through social services programs is the best way to handle poverty. Helping the poor only makes our country a better place to live. The government is NOT going to give you back your money. Lol. They would just spend it somewhere else. I want some of my tax money to help the poor. That is the only way to control poverty. It will never ever go away though. There are always going to be poor people because of various reasons. We can help to control, to keep our country clean and proud. Otherwise, all of our cities would end up looking like Detroit. Does anybody want that?

Unfortunately, we just cannot rely on charitable donations. There are TOO many poor people and not enough voluntary contributions.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 20 (AP)-A crowd of men and women, shouting that they were hungry and jobless, raided a grocery store near the City Hall today. Twenty-six of the men were arrested. Scores loitered near the city jail following the arrests, but kept well out of range of fire hoses made ready for use in case of another disturbance.

The police tonight broke up a second meeting of about one hundred unemployed men and arrested Francis Owens, alleged head of the "Oklahoma City Unemployed Council," who was accused of instigating the raid.
And? We still have looters, but they loot when they're well fed these days.

During the Great Depression, is when a lot of our worst criminals in history appeared. There was a very sharp rise in crime. People who are destitute and desperate will do what they have to do for survival.

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